The City and Vicinity Complete outfits for camping parties at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf ' Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. 5-17-tf. Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets. tf Sale Kitchen range in good Call at once, 429 Sixth street. - 8-3-tf. Master Raymond Turner is still quite ill with the measles. Lee Henkle and wife left this morn ing for the big fair at Seattle. C. A. Dobell has bought a house and bt of Mr. Armstrong at the corner of 3rd and Van Buren. William Jardine,, of the government service, with headquarters at Washing ton, D. C, was in Corvallis yesterday in attendance at O. A. C. board meet ing. He made a report in regard to the location of the Eastern Oregon experi1 ment station. For order. Miss Essie Bell came home Saturday evening from a six weeks' stay at the Seattle fair. She went to stay as long as her money held out and got back with 3ft cents in her noeketbook. Miss Margaret Fowells arrived home , ghe had a delightful staVj but win have to work steadily for four years to yesterday morning from a month's visit in California. Her brother, Harry Fowells, came with her to visit here in definitely. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashionedcorn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes At Kline's. 6-litf Mrs. W. J. Kerr left today for Se attle, accompanied by her daughters Vesta and Geneva. Pres. Kerr's mother and sister Bertha, who have ' been visiting here, were also members of the party. Mrs. Briggs, mother of Mrs. A. L. Knisely, with daughters, Ima and Clare, ! arrived last night - from Battle Creek, ' catchup. A big force of workman is now en gaged in rearranging the tracks in the railroad yards at Albany, changing the location of old tracks and laying new ones. The rearranging pi. the yards is for the puprose of handling traffic and also to place tracks so the trains frpm the Springfield and Lebanon branches of the Southern Pacific and from the Corvallis & Eastern line can run into the new Union Depot conven iently. The Southern Pacific freight depot is to be moved southward 300 yards and enlarged materially as soon as the readjustment 01 the yard is complete, and a big park will then be established adjoining the passenger Mr. and Mrs. Tr Callahan, Mrs. C. H. Lee and Mrs. R. H. Houston and daughter have erone to Newport for a couple of weeks. Dr. W. A. G. Handford left today to join Mrs. Handford at Elk City and ex pects to be absent several days on his annual summer outing. J. H. Harris has gone down to the Crater Lake country for a couple of weeks' outing. 1 He met his brother, Britt Harris, at Medford, and the two went up into the mountains together. W. 0. Cochrane, of New York City, came west with W. F. Gaskins and will visit with him until about August 20. when nater Cochrane will come here ard Is nrrmt n Kpnf.t.lA YTinait.irn W. 1 rule?" 0. is a young man who had not been west before and he is charmed at' the prospect of seeing some mountain life. PUGILIST'S VERBAL BOUT. Hovfl tames J. Jeffries Won a Word Fight With a Pastor. JaA k J. Jeffries, once champion beavM-eight pugilist of the world, had a vertal bout with a minister in public the other day and won. When the Rey. G. L. Morrill was in troduced to "Jeff" at Wonderland park n Minneapolis the pugilist sailed into the minister as follows: Why don't you ministers tell the people to take, care of their bodies? How is a man going to save his soul if his liver is .out of order? "You are too fat. Don't you know that you would Be a better man and a better Christian if you took exercise? Don't you know- that a physical cow- a moral coward as well, a,s a . Two Bargains in City, Homes Two corner lots, with one house of 7 rooms under construction. Bath, pantry, large closets to each bed room, linen closets, halls up and down stairs, fire place, basement full size of house, which is 24x36 feet, plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con crete sidewalk and small barn. . Also one. inside lot and 7-room house, bath, pantry, sewing room, closets to bed rooms, halls up and down stairs, basement 24x36 feet, full size of house, electric light complete, some plumb ing, concrete walks. This property is in good location, two blocks from College, four blocks from public school. No agents. Call on or address, OWNER, 320 North Tenth Street, Corvallis, Oregon. Mich., to spend the month here, Mrs. j r -Knisely and children came several days i Patrick Stewart and ago from Portland and all are now at Thatcher, V. Bogard the Bradley home, the latter having gone on a month's vacation. Wanted 100 prune pickers to pick 150 acres of prunes at Benton County orchard at Granger. 9c a box 11c to those staying to finish the picking. Pick ing to begin about Aug. 20th. Ladders and buckets supplied;' good camping place; good water and wood. Applicants send names and addresses to W. N, Sayre, P. O. Box 521, Corvallis. 8-7-7t family, T. J. and Geo. Ry a trip to the The Stewarts the Irish had craft are at home from Five1 Rivers country, were gone a month and a great time. Pat caught forty-five speckled beauties in about an hour and at other times had excellent luck fish ing. Once he agreed to load hay for an Alsea farmer if the fellow would show him a fishing place. He was kept shoveling hay for four days, and the fishing place, when found, failed to deliver. Pat wanted to put in a bill Pat Stewart is authority for the state-'for services, but the case was com ment that a finer cardenthan that of ! pomised by the farmer agreeing to' Frank Seits, at Five Rivers, is not to j show Pat a bear. The dogs scared up be found on the western hemisphere. ! old Bruin ailright but when Pat saw He has every sort of vegetable, and the , him he didn't have a gun. That was yield is phenomenal. Potatoes weighing the only ill luck on the trip. When eieht nounds are common, and the size ! Stewart came to Corvallis Saturday he of squash now on the vines indicate that they will surpass the 75-pounders raised last year. The Alsea country soil is not to be discounted. The "Weinerwurst," launch owned by E. E. Wilson and C. M. McKellips, i and the "Edith," property of. E. F. Per-,' not, were taken to the bay this morn- j ing. Both are built to stand the sea and will frequently go out over the bar. The "Weinerwurst" was launch ed in the Willamette several weeks ago and at that time a description of the vessel was given. The "Edith" was but recently finished by A. E. Kemp, and as it stood on a car at the Union Station Sunday showed very graceful lines. It is built with great width of beam but is as tiim and neat as a Harrison Fish . er "Thoroughbred." Prof. Pernot has the little craft equipped with electri city, a power whistle and a fog bell. As a whole the craft is an ideal worked out after years of sea experience. These Corvallis "sea fiends" are antici pating much pleasure in their new launches. had a four inch growth of beard on his face and looked like a cross between the Missing Link and the Wild Man from Borneo. He is again on duty at Schick's barber shop and comes as near resem bl ng a human as he ever did. ' Farmers, Country Merchants Ship Your Produce to SMITH. He Will Pay You .11c for Dressed Pork. 10c for Dressed, Small Fat Veal. 15c for Live Spring Chickens. 14c for Live Hens. ' Immediate payments. No com mission charged. ADDRESS FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO., '. "Fighting the Beef Trustf ' ' Portland, Or. We Use Scien tific Instruments To determine the needs of your eyes There is no guess work about . our examinations. They are just as ac curate as trained skill and experi ence can make them. They cost you nothing so you. certainly ought to have the benefit of them, ifyou have any eye trouble at all. They mean the proper glasses, the only kind you can afford .to wear. Walter Kline has just bought himself a handsome four-cylinder, 30-horse- power Cadillac touring car. -N He brought the machine up from Portland yesterday, Mark ; Rickard doing 'the driving. The car is one of the finest in this section and was selected by Mr. Kline after a thorough test of all the popular makes. Councilman G." A. Robinson and his wife had some words this morning and the spunky little woman picked up and left him. She went to Pe Ell and Elma, Wash., to visit sometime with her son and daughter. If G. A. keeps straight and writes the proper kind of letters Mrs. Robinson may come back to him in about three weeks. The little children in the M. E. Sun day school infant class all brought pretty bouquets with them to the school yesterday morning and one of the scholars carried the flowers over to the little Patterson boy as a token of rememberance. The act was a grace ful one and was highly appreciated by the little fellow whose recent accident has kept him from joining his playmates. Baker City Herald. -Dr. Withy combe, of Corvallis. who ran for Gov ernor .once upon a time and who ex pects to run again some time, made a sheech in Vale this week telling the people that they had the finest alfalfa he had ever seen. ' How is the Guberna torial candidate going to square him self with other parts of Oregon where alfalfa is raised? Perhaps he will do like the spiritualist lecturer who closed his meeting by saving: "This is the finest and most attentive audience I have ever addressed in my life, and I want to teH you that I say the same thing to every audience that I appear before." Is there that much diplo macy in the Corvallis doctor?" W. F. Gaskins, head of O. A. C. School of Music, came home Saturday night from his trip to Denver, Chicago and New York. While it is extremely hot in the East he found the railroad trip less disagreeable , than he expected. That little stretch of sand dunes from Umatilla to The Dalles is about the worst feature of such a trip. At New lorK city, frot. uaskins met a num ber of old friends, sang there a couple or three weeks with the best vocal -in structors in the city, and spent some time trying to see the tops of some of the city's new buildings. It really takes two men and a boy to see the sky-line above the Singer building, this structure towering into the air al most as far as Mt. Hood. The Vaca tion thus far has given Mr. Gaskins ten pounds of flesh, a panama hat that turns down on the side, and a jolly good time which he is going to keep up un til school opens. The Gaskins family and visiting friends go on a trip to Mary's-Peak tomorrow. "Perhaps you're right." "If you want to stop men from drink ing make them take exercise, and then they won't crave stimulants. I never drink or smoke when I am ia training; don't want to. It is only when I am loafing that I eat and drink too much. That is one reason why I am going to get In the ring again." 'You and I agree, Mr. Jeffries." 'Then why don't you say so? Why do you preachers always condemn box ing? It is the greatest athletic exer cise there is. Not only that, but it teaches a man how to take care of himself. It makes him confident. These glove contests are not" fights. You are not as apt to get hurt boxing as you are playing football or wres tling. Yet ministers look upon a box er as a criminal. "Once in awhile there is a minis ter who is enough of a man among men to get up and tell the people to play ball on Sunday, if they can't play it any other day, or go fishing or do something-else that is going to take them out in the air and build up their overtaxed bodies and brains, but it isn't very often. They are generally scrapping with their mouths about their own pet theories of salvation." "I believe you are right, Mr. Jef fries. I really feel ashamed of myself standing here and looking at your fine big body and realizing that you are strong because you have made your self strong, very largely." "That is just it," continued the pu gilist. "I am at the head of my class because I have worked to keep my self there.'. I was strong naturally, but I have not let myself go to pieces just like thousands of well built fellows are doing today by neglecting their bodies. I hope, if you think as I do, that you will preach a sermon on this some day." BLERIOT A DARING AERONAUT Occidental Lumber Co. ' Successors toj Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here, to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please callonJ. B 'IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. . G. O. BASSET T, Local Mgr. The Best Paint There is no better paint made for appearance and durability than Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" A.. JSLx- iner WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater E W& PRYTT, Jeweler and Optician STRICTLY STYLISH Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS These Garments (or Ladies and Misses are of excellent quality. The styles speak for themselves and the prices are. really less than the cost of material and making. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW Henkle & Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Buchanan and son Robert, of Des Moines, Iowa, stopped off here yesterday to see their old friend, Robert Johnson, deputy county clerk. Mr. Buchanan and "Bob"" used to wade in the same Iowa streams and steal apple's from the same old or chard. Bob came west and learned how to live, while Mr. Buchanan stuck with old Iowa and is now grinding away as head of theDaily Capital, a great east ern newspaper with a circulation of 45,000 to 50,000 each day. The Buchan ans have been away from their beloved city a month, stopping at Denver, the various Colorado' resorts, Salt Lake City, and went to California over the Clark road to Los Angeles. ' They are now en route to Portland, Seattle and home. Mr. Buchanan was particularly impressed with the Klamath Falls coun try. He spent four days there and is confident that section is going to be developed wonderfully. He was through Oregon' years ago and sees that great things : have been done here. He ex pects to find the greatest change in Portland and he will, of course, for the Rose City has made wonderful strides in a few years. Mr. Buchanan is a very pleasant gentleman, and his son a most delightfully free and easy young fellow with a frank, open face and a hand grasp that ought to mean much if. it doesn't. Needless to sayr Mr. Johnson was pleased to see his old friend, and of course he showed them our ferry with considerable pride. It's nice to have some really novel, and in teresting things to show visitors who come here after seeing most of the re mainder of the world. Wilbur " Wright's Tribute to French man Who Crossed English Channel. "I am glad to hear that Bleriot has made the Calais-Dover crossing suc cessfully," said Wilbur Wright when interviewed on M. Louis Bleriot's suc cessful flight across the English chan nel. "Bleriot is one of the most dar ing aeronauts in the world.- If there is any feat to be performed that re quires grit and nerve Bleriot is the man for the place. He Is absolutely lacking in fear. "I do not know what provision he made for his protection during the crossing. From the earlier cable ac counts I see that there was a torpedo boat destroyer that followed his course, but he seems to have lost that en route. A little thing like that would make no difference to Bleriot. If he had made up his mind to cross the channel the only thing that would bother him would be the guiding of his machine. I believe that he would have attempted the flight for the pure satisfaction of being the first to nego tiate!t, even if he had never flown his machine a half dozen times and never a distance equal to that crossing. "The actual crossing of the English channel is not a feat that is particular ly difficult from the point of view of scientific aeronautics. It is the fact that it has never been done before, combined with its probable political effect and its intense interest to the general public as a spectacular per formance, that is so effective. "In flying over a broad' stretch of water like that the danger of serious disaster is not so great as one would suppose, providing there is ample pro tection in the way of boats and men to assist in the rescue of the aeronaut in the event of a fall. An aeroplane would float only a few minutes. Our machine weighs almost six times its cubic contents of water, so it will be seen that it would not float long after the" planes became' soaked through. The Bleriot machine with only one plane would float an even shorter while than ours." . Orville Wright also expressed great pleasure when he learned the success of the Frenchman. - - Benton County Lumber Go. Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes - Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, Brtcx Cement, A Shingles, etc r Polyglot Newspaper. A polyglot newspaper printed in a dozen languages is to be established by the United Societies JFor Local Self Government For the Advancement of the Home Bule and Personal Liberty Principles, says a Chicago dispatch. The publication is to be issued weekly ana ai tne start is to be printed in English, German, Polish, Bohemian and Italian, the intention being to ex tend the editions until every national ity represented in the society has an issue printed In its own language. Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY COOPER 5 NEWTON HARDWARE CO. Successors to MELLON & PINKERTON Second Street - Corvallis Oregon Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' Hardware. Sole Agents for Congo Roofing and Quick Ranges Fisherman's Luck. Thinking to have some fun with Anthony- Tomanno, a cook in an-Allen-hurst (N. J.) hotel, his friends recent ly rigged up a fishing outfit consisting of a bent' wire at the end of a piece of string and sent him to the . beach. They came trailing along Just in time to see him Jand a channel bass weigh ing twenty-three pounds. WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and Ckinavvare, LAMPS ETC. s