The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, August 06, 1909, Image 3

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    The City
and Vicinity
Housekeeping rooms
South Fourth street.
let at' 520
j Call Saturday at Hodes' and see
demonstration of Booth's Cresent
i Mackerel. Also something new for
' salads.
Mrs. Ida Kidder, librarian at 0. A.C.,
left for Ashland yesterday evening to
do some missionary work for the big
school here.
Miss Ethel Hollister went to Philo
math yesterday to visit relatives.
Rev. Guy Felths, evangelist of Port
' land, will come to Corvallis August 13
j to to hold Tabernacle meetings for ten
! days. This will be an undenominational
Complete outfits for camping parties service.
at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf . T . .. . A,
Prof. I. A. Williams, of the mining
Miss Leota Patton went to Newport engineering department of the Iowa
yesterday for a two week's vacation. state College at Ames, was in Corval-
Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var- i yesterday to see his old inend, iroi.
nish that wears at A.
L. Miner's.
Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes
notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets.
Sale Kitchen range in good
Call at once, 429 Sixth street.
A telegram from Brumfield 111., tells '
bam Moore that his mother is in a se
rious condition from heart failure. He
may go east.
H. M. Parks.
Work on the city's new 500,000 gal-
! Ion - reservoir progresses merrily.
I About 29 cars of gravel are being used
i in the construction of this reservoir
! and this has to be hauled from the rail
road in this city.
Mr. Red Wells, a Corvallis benefact
or, has been in the city to-day. Al
bany's pavement looked mighty good to
, him. Mr. Wells recently presented Cor
, vallis with a $1,000 fountain; but the
j city was slow in accepting the splendid
Shough & Sons, the woodsawyers. gift, going to sleep over it, and so it
will make special price of 40 and 50 was withdrawn. Albany Democrat
ppnlq tut Pnril An wrnr1ssiwinr P.nll t
3rd & Polk. Phone 489- 6-28-tf Wells corraled Jack Murphy
last night and this, morning Judge
Capt. McAlexander has began the Denman mulcted the unlucky fellow of
erection of a tine residence in Park enough money to pay the salaries of
Terrace, just west of the College the two officials for the day. Murphy
grounds, several other splendid resi- had taken too much corn juice last
dences are to be built there. j night and at 3 a. m. was making too
Catholic men and women to take or- I much noise around the Farmers Hotel,
ders, English and German publications; . I' eos,t mm -
earn $5 to $10 daily Commission; out
fit free; references required. Bene-
O. J. Blackledge has purchased an
acre of ground at Yachats and sooner
or later will build a cottage thereon.
The "family is now at the resort and
Mr. Blackledge will go down tomorrow.
This is their sixth year at Yachats and
all are immensely pleased with the
place. It is said that other Corvallis
ites will probably build there.
When the special train of Agricultural
presidents and station directors comes
to Corvallis and then through Albany.
irom the last, arrived here this alter-1 "souvenirs and apples" will be distrib
noon and win leave in a day or so lor an uted by the Albany Commercial Club.
outing on the upper williamette.-H.u- The monthlv rebort of Manager StrUble
: of the Club, shows, 133 inquiries. 198
to New- ! personal letters, 69 hubs sent away, 77
dictine Press, Mt. Angell, Ore.
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes
At Kline's. 6-12-tf
Mrs. Edna Bauer and children, of
Corvallis, accompanied by Miss Bauer,
Miss Wehrer and W. G. Galbraith,
Williamette. Eu
gene Register, Wednesday.
A son of Sam Moore went
port this morning to prepare for the
coming of the family on Tuesday.
Mr. Moore claims to have never taken
a genuine vacation during his career
and he proposes to enjoy the present
opportunity to the limit.
Dr. Virginia V. Leweaux, Osteop-1
athic Physician, will arrive at Corvallis '
Saturday, August 7,1 and will be at
Hotel Corvallis. Dr. Leweaux is locat
ed at Albany Oregon, 15-17 Brenner
building, but will make Corvallis two
days in the week, Tuesdays and Satur
days. All visits and phone calls will be
promptly attended to. j
. ,, . 8-4-4t ' 1
Representatives of the congregation
of the Christain church are soliciting
funds to pay for the addition and im
provements now being made on the
church building. About $4000 or $5000
is being spent there and the church
will present a fine appearance when
the work is completed. Attractive
churches are an asset to any city, and
in this instance the townspeople will
do well to render such aid as is possible.
chair circulars, 113 hubs souvenirs, 125
Qhristain Advocates, 4,014 pamphlet,
besides 500 to the A. Y. P. E. and 100
to the Portland Chamber of Commerce;
$519 collected beside the $237.62 from
the Innes band concert; the copy of the
1 booklet ready for the printer.
Smith's New Prices
Ship your produce to us. -We will
pay you the following prices. We
do not charge commission:
Dressed Veal up to 140 lbs 9c
(Large veal less)
Dressed Pork l . - lie
Spring Chickens, large. .......... 16c
Spring Chickens, small...... 18c
Hens .15c
Eggs, candled . 26c
"Fighting the Beef Trust,"
. Portland, Or. "
k fc-i; If - It
mm n'
We Use Scien
tific Instruments
To determine the needs of your eyes
There is no guess work about our
examinations. They are just as ac
curate as trained skill and experi
ence can make them. They cost you
nothing so you certainly ought to
have the benefit of them, if you have
any eye trouble at all. " They mean
the proper glasses, the only kind
you can afford to wear.
E W, S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician
Mrs. J. J. Cady will .have a new
house built at the cornor of 12th and
Van Bureh. '
-Mr. - and Mrs. Frank and Mr. and
Mrs. David Link, of Eugene, were
automobiling in Corvallis this morning.
They were particularly impressed with
the beauty of Second street and expres
sed the hope that Eugene could yet at
tain to such incomparable glory.
West Corvallis is growing to beat
the band, at least lots are selling there
quite rapidly. Eight lots have been
sold to as many different people re
cently. This section is some distance
beyond the college, but the lots are
cheap and that's what counts with
many people.
The C. & A. has a traffic now. that is
beyond its capacity. An order for cars
has been delayed and only about seven
are in use daily. Timber is brought
down daily. The work of ballasting
the track for winter traffic will begin
in a short time. The" road is quite un
even at the present time but can be
used during the summer.
Alfred Toner will be buried'today at
the old home in Polk county. The
young fellow was one of the cadets
who made the trip to Seattle," and it
was shortly after returning home that
he developed symptoms of typhoid,
and finally died at Newport a day or
two ago". The Toners are old triends
of the Watters, and Mrs. Waiters
went over to the funeral.
The contract for the erection of
the Presbyterian church will be
let Aug. 24. The Bennes
plans tor the church were the un
animous choice of the Presbyterian
people, but $27,000 was the lowest bid
that could be secured. These plans
have been modified by architect Mc-
Claren in such a way thatthe beauty
of the structure is not lessened or seat
ing capacity altered, and Mr. McClaren
is bonded to build the - church for the
sum the Presbyterians have at their
disposal. The church will seat 1100
people, and have the $4000 pipe organ
planned for.
Wing and Wing, a Eugene horse
that is well known here, won the last
two heats of the matched race' be
tween him and Dolly McKinney Wed
nesday afternoon. Considerable money
changed hands on heats, as well as on
the final race. Dolly McKinney took
the first heat easily in 2:45. Wing and
Wing was crowded off his feet on the
first turn of the second half mile and
broke badly. In the second heat Dolly
McKinney broke from the- start and it
took her half a minute to get her feet
again. Wing and Wing was two or
.three lengths ahead at the finish
Time, 2:35. Wing and Wing took the
lead from - the start in the last heat,
and held it all the way through. The
mare came up well at the finish, how:
eyer. Time, 2:30.
this Curious Animal Is Like Two Half
Creatures Joined.
The chameleon is not allied closely
to any other animal It stands as a
genus by itself. The nervous centers
In one lateral half operate. Independ
ently of those In the other. This
seems outrageous, and It Is, but It Is
true. The chameleon has two lateral
centers of perception of sensation and
of motion. There exists also a third
center that common one In which
abides the power of concentration by
means of which the two sides of the
creature may be forced to work In
harmony with each other. But this
center of concentration does not al
ways dominate the situation. Not
withstanding the strictly symmetrical
structure of the animal's two halves.
the eyes move auite indenendentlv.
and they convey distinct and separate
Impressions to their respective centers
of perception. As of the .eyes, so of
the other members each reports to
and is controlled by its own center.
The result is that when the faculty
of. concentration becomes disturbed
everything is jumbled. Let the chame
leon be much agitated and its move
ments grow erratic. They are those
of two creatures fastened together, or,
rather, of two half creatures joined.
Each half exhibits its intention of go
ing its separate way. The result is a
pitiable confusion of movement There
is no concordance of action. A curi
ous example of the chameleon's help
lessness when unduly excited is found
in the fact that it cannot swim. The
shock of being plunged into water up
sets the poise of its faculty for concen
tration. Forthwith each side strikes
out wildly for itself, to its own undo
ing. The chameleon Is the only four
legged vertebrate that cannot swim.
When the creature is calm every im
pulse to motion is referred to the com
mon center of concentration, and, the
entire organism acts in fitting accord
with the commands issued by that fac
ulty. Thus, while totally different im
pressions from the two eyes are trans
mitted from their centers to the com
mon one, that concentrating power de
cides as to which scene is the more
important and then directs the eye
otherwise engaged also to regard it.
The same principle applies in the con
trol of all the members so long as the
animal remains unexcited. Any ob
server may easily verify the existence
of this dual nature in a superficial way
by' some experiments with a sleeping
chameleon. A touch on one side of
the animal will wake that side up,
while the other side sleeps calmly on.
'These Garments for Ladies and Misses
are of excellent quality. The styles speak
for themselves and the prices are really
less than the cost of material and making.
& Davis
I Henlzle
Whereas, there was submitted and
referred to the legal voters of the City
of Corvallis at a special election duly
and legally called, appointed and held
in said City of Corvallis on 2nd day of
August, 1909, for their approval or re
jection a measure the ballot title of
which was as follows:
"An Act referred by the Commoni
Council of the City of Corvallis, in
Benton County, Oregon, to the legal
voters of said city re-incorporating said
City of Corvallis and providing a char
ter therefor and repealing all acts or
parts of acts inconsistent or in conflict
And whereas, said election was in all
respects duly and legally called and held
and the returns thereof duly and legally
made and canvassed according to law
and the returns of said election and
canvass thereof shows that there was
cast upon said measure at said special
election 355 ballots of which 4 ballots
were blank or rejected ballots and of
which 244 ballots were cast in favor of
the adoption of said measure and 107
ballots against the adoption of said
measure, and whereas said measure
was at said special election approved by
a majority of those voting thereom
Now therefore, I, Virgil E. Watters,
the duly elected, qualified and acting
Mayor of said City of Corvallis do by
this proclamation declare the result of
said special election as here inbefore
stated and that the said measure the
battot title of which is above set forth
was approved by a majority of the bal
lots cast thereon at said special election
and I do hereby declare said measure to
have been adopted and approved by the
legal voters of said City of Corvallis
and to be in full force ' and effect from
the date of this proclamation.
Given under my hand this 6th day of
August, A. D. 1909.
Virgil E. Watters,-"
Mayor of the City of Corvallis.
Date of publication August 6, 1909.
Making Fire In the Days Before We
' Had Matches. I
A friend of mine of just my age used
to laugh about his own boyhood and
tell the story of his mother shaking
him In bed and bidding him put on his
boots v hen he- dressed and his over
coat and wade through the snow to
the next neighbor's to get a pan of hot
coals with which to make the fire. I
suppose Joe's mother had lost , her
flint We kept our flint and what was
called "the steel" in a round tin box
such as would hold a quart of straw
berries now, and it was on the man
telpiece in the kitchen. It was half
full of tinder. Half the boys and girls
of today do not know what tinder is
or was.
s Now,- whoever was in the kitchen in
the morning and found that the last
hot coal of the wood fire had gone out
took down the tinder box and struck
the steel with the flint smartly and of
ten "Until a redhot spark fell on the
tinder; then very carefully she blew
with" her breath on any flakes of the
tinder which had lighted until she had
quite a little cove of lighted tinder.
Then she took what we called a brim
stone match and "put that very care
fully , in the- little hot hole.- If all
things worked well, the brimstone
lighted and the wood of the match
lighted, and she flighted the candle,
which made a part of the tinder box.
Oh, dear! There were thousands of
tinder boxes in little Boston the day I
was born, and a few years ago I tried
to buy one as a curiosity, and I could
not find one in any of the junkshops.
In those days old women would stop
at the door and ask you to buy some
bundles of matches. They had made
these themselves of pine wood four
inches long, which they had dipped iu
hot brimstone at both ends. And those
were the only matches that anybody
ever heard of. Woman's Home Com
panion. Always Dreaded the 14th.
Most dismal of all men off the stage
was Grimaldi, the clown, and his
father 'fathered him. He had that
curious dread of a certain date which
assails so many. The elder Grimaldi
hated the 14th of the month, and when
it was passed he regarded himself as
safe until' the next. He was born,
christened and married on the 14th
of the month, and, being discontented
with all three events, we will hope his
death on March 14, 1788v satisfied him.
London Tatler. .
The Gazette-Times 50c per month.
Two Bargains in City Homes
Two corner lots, with one house of 7 rooms under construction.
Bath, pantry, large closets to each bed room, linen closets, halls up
and down stairs, fire place, basement full size of house, which is
24x36 feet, plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con
crete sidewalk and small barn.
Also one inside lot and 7-room house, bath, pantry, sewing
room, closets to bed rooms, halls up and down stairs, basement
24x36 feet, full size-of houses electric light complete, some plumb
ing, concrete walks.
This property is in good location, two blocks from College, four
blocks from public school. No agents. Call on or address
OWNER, 320 North Tenth Street,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Occidental Lumber Co.
Snccessors to
Corvallis Lumber Co.
We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B . IRVING for information and prices. And take
notice that if we- have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for yon.
G. O. BASSET r, Local Mgr.
The Best Paint
There is no better paint made for appearance and
durability than
Acme Quality Paint
; Specially prepared for exterior and interior use.
Second Street,
Palace Theater
iasifon County Lumber Co.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes
, Dealers in
Doors, Windows, Lime, Bricit, Cement,
Shingles, etc
Glass Jars, All Kinds, at
Successors to
Second Street, - - Corvallis, Oregon
' , Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing and Quick Feal Ranges
Cutting Humor.
With cap and bells jangling, he burst
Into the king's presence.
"Have you heard my last joke, your
majesty?" he cried.-- ' .
"I have," was the reply as the royal
ax descended on the neck of the court
jester. Life. ,
The Author "Well, how did you Uks
my play? The Critic Oh. it was very
nice! The Author-iDIdn't you think
the church scene realistic? The Critic
Intensely so. Why, a great many of
us actually went to sleep while it was
on. Cleveland Leader. ;
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Haviland and China ware,