The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, August 06, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL. I.. NO. 82
' r:
wmaam to maWy there that iu be a
,. ' ' rDCWT Tft TOt TVWICTOV "
- "Tbe State's Great Chicken Expert Puts Up
,' - and Why for of the Feathered Money -
' . Making Display at the State Fair
"i Fine Chickens of Any and All Breeds.'
Srecial by James Dryden. .
The Oregon State Fair date is
September 13 to 18, and I wish to
call the attention of poultry
keepers generally to the poultry
exhibit at this fair. ; - This exhibit
at previous fairs 'has been well
supported and superior to many
of our western states. We wish,
however, to make the coming ex
Jiibit the best that has yet. been
held, equal if not superior to that
fc-.- of the -best ; state -fair k in the
west And. it can be done. ' ' ' t
K ..." r . How It Can Be Done-1"
The poultry show is an attractive
." r-if eature of , every .state? 'fair, and
'r poultry-keepers - should' take a
.:'-' - nridft in sfieirur t.hfi nnnltrv indns.
;I try Well represented at this -fair.
We knowthe txmltrv mdustrv is
"one of the most important lrLthe
not look at it in that way. and it
is often the fault of those inter
ested in the industry , that they
do not. Let us show that the
poultry interests can make as
good a showing at the state fair
as any of the other industriej
represented. It can be made one
of the most attractive as well as
instructive features of the show.
The poultry department of the
state fair is not for the special
benefit of the poultry-breeders
and exhibitors; it is a part of the
general scheme of the, fair man
agement to have every : industry
represented at the fair in order
that the fair as a whole may be
attractive and instructive to vis
iters generally, and it rests
largely with the poultry men
themselves to see that their own
industry is properly represented.
Let us send to the fair such an
array of exhibits as will impress
the public with the fact that the
poultry industry is worthy of
Palace Theater
Friday and Saturday
Will present the Fire and Dance of all
Nations. A Startling Novelity
. Character Change.
Prof. Horn's Troupe
, Of Trained Dogs
The delignt of All who see them
" The Man Without. A Country"
The greatest war scene ever staged.
Depicting a great naval battle with
"Old Glory" nailed to the mast
A ' magnificent series of "
, , dramatic scenes with a ,
powerful climax. .
Some. Tall Talk About the Whichness
Makers and Offers Good Reasons for
Special Inducements are Offered for
consideration.' , The dairymen
and the horsemen and the fruit
men will not boost our business;
we must do, that ourselves. -4- -
Eastern Demand Great .
Another point I .want to . men
tion. , There is a great interest
being developed in poultry-keeping
in this state. People in this
State are studying better methods
of poultry keeping, and people in
eastern states are writing letters
asking if poultry . can be raised
successfully in' this country. The
Agricultural College can hardly
fill the demand for such informa
tion. -Therefore, let us make ah
exhibit that will show that , good
poultry can be raised' here, and
the visiting public at the fair will
be pleased and the poultry breed:
ers will be pleased in increased
orders for stock. ,
. Hundreds of thousands of dol-
every year for poultry and osrffs.
How to keep that money at home
is a vital problem. , A good poul
try exhibit at the fair, by stimu
lating a greater interest in poul
try keeping, will go a long way
toward solving this problem. ..:
v Want Exhibits
First, we want an exhibit that
will appeal to the fancier or
breeder of pure-bred stock; sec
ond, we want anexhibitthatwill
appeal to the man who is less in
terested in breeding exhibition
fowls than in practical meth
ods of poultry culture. A suc
cessful state fair exhibit must
have both. If we can do our
part the poultry buildings will be
crowded - with visitors, and the
poultry exibit will be the most
talked of feature of the fair after
it is over.
An extension to the main rjoul-
try building, 40x75 feet, has been
constructed. With this addition
to the display space a larger and
more attractive exhibit can be
made. The main building is be
ing thoroughly rennovated and
better lighted The main build
ing will be devoted : entirely to
cniCKens, tne water fowl, turkeys,
etc., being provided for in the
new building.
v Fine New Features
There will be several new fea
tures added to the exhibit.
Among them will be a model
poultry house and a yard with
nock of ' fowls in it.
A modern
colony house will house the fowls
ouu vuxutuie poultry ience win
front of the main, building. Ai
nice flock of some 25 pure-bred
fowls will demonstrate the use of
this house. We would lib nlan
to show as an object lesson a poor
type oi nouse and yard, with a
mixed lot of chickens of all sizes,
shape and color, such as is fre
quently found in the backyard or
on the farm. If, therefore, some
board of health or sanitary in
spector .will ..condemn a. house of
this type and donate it to the
Fair, we will set it up. where it
will show by contrasts the differ
ence between .what' it "should be
and what it frequently is not.
i It is also planned - to have a
dressed .fowl exhibit to Tdemon4
strate . good-' and poor types of
. .-.lit:.:. - '.J JUT 'j:
market fowls and approved meth
market qualities- bi different
breeds as table fowl. The plan
is to show side by side well fat
tened as well as poorly fattened
ones, and well dressed and poor
ly dressed specimens.. Specimens
oseveral of the popular breeds
will be shown' dressed. No pro
vision, has bepn made . for prizes
for dressed fowl; if this can be
arranged for, announcement will
be made of the fact later. :
Boost! Boost!
I hope to j3end out later more
complete details pf .the exhibit;
meantime we wish our 'poultry
friends would do two thines: 1
boost the poultry industry . and
the , show: 2 look over their
flocks .of chickens and their neigh
bors' chiekens, and let' us see
what section of the state can
make the best sh&wing at the
State Fair. '
Anv one wiahino1 a weminm
list should write toF. Ai Welch.
Secretary State Fair, Salem, Ore
gon. This1 isa very nice booklet
and contain all necessary infor
mation for intending7 exhibitors.
Also ask for entry blanks and fill
them out and send vto the Secre
tary. , ,If I can furnish you any
additional information; please
write ine, 'addressing .raei' as- fol
lows: ' ,
"l, : James Dryden. '
Sup't Poultry Dept State-Fair,
, . .
July 30, 1909.
Newport Merchant Badly Crippled
While Grinding Meat
Newport,. Or., Aug. 5. Chas.
B. Prewitt, partner and manager
of Porter & Prewitt's store here,
formerly traveling salesman for
the Union Meat Company, Port
land, lost four fingers of his
right hand in a sausage machine
this morning.
Mr. Prewitt displayed great
nerve, going to the drug store
and coolly asking for assistance.
Mr. Brady, the druggist, dressed
the hand temporarily and admin
istered an opiate while awaiting
the arrival of surgeons, at Mr.
Prewitt's remipst. Hr Pai-L-
of Klamath Falls, took charge
and assisted by Dr. Wallace, of
Albany, and Mr. Brady, dressed
the wounded member and Mr.
Prewitt at present is doing well,
though quite ill from the
A Bad Fire
At Albany
A fire at Albany last night
burned out a clothing store and
water used did more or less Ham-
age to the bank in an adjourning
Pleasing Program
At the Palace
The Palace theater will present
a pleasing i program! tonight and
tomorrow night in . which ; the
features will be a . novelty char
acter change act by Miss Blanche
Graydon -introducing her Dance
of All Nations, while Prof. Horn's
troupe of trained dogs will go
through their wonderful perf or-ance.
r The motion picture part will be
a graphic and startling reproduc
tion of Edward Everett Hale's
celebrated book. "The Man With
out a Country," the great na
val battle being produced Awith
all the roar of conflict. This is
a, film that always brings cheers
from any audience.
Route 4
r.iJ. O. Whitaker is shipping about 90
tons of baled hay, the first of this sea
son's crop. ' .
j R. W. Scott is loading a car of oats
at the Grange crossing for L. L. Brooks,
for which he is receiving 50 cents per
' t Twas a Glorious Victory.
. here's rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A
roan's life has been saved, and now Dr.
King's New Discovery is the talk of the 1
town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly
lung hemorrhages. "I could not work
not get about." he writeB. "and the
doctors did me no good, but, after using
Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks,
i. iegi liKe a new man, and can do good
work again.' For weak, sore or dis
eased lungs, Coughs and Colds, Hemor
rhages. Hay Fever. LaGriDDe. Asthma
or, any Bronchial affection it stands un
rivaled. Price 50c and $1. Trial Bottle
free. Sold and guaranteed hv all dmo-.
Fine Tract
:For Sub-division
. . The best tract of land in or around
.Cpryallis to be sub-divided into small
tracts. 1 . .'
1 A. chance to make a big thing within
r "?-- j-z-zri- ' i," zssmii-
TDlfUMdAlT.' .. i ,
Real Estate ManT?
Newport Property.
Sixty choice lota more or le&s in New
port, Oregon, (one of the most health
ful and popular summer and winter re
sorts, near the terminal of the Southern
Pacific Railway, at the Pacific Ocean)
for sale or will exchange for other good
property. Property near Corvallis pre
ferred. Address M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Oregon. thurs. tf
We announce the first showing of Fall,
1909, Ladies' Suits
You can secure the newest designs of
the foremost style creators The new
est and freshest; fashions that are of
fered anywhere. You will find them
remarkably moderate in price.
oiory uui inai ,uuu,uuu or more is
Ci SVft Tl aaa aaa mm
Line From Salem Work Cut off Last Year May be Resumed at an Early
Date and the Line Rushed to Its Destination Will Touch Albany, Corval
lis, Eugene, Roseburg and Continue to South Pole on Paper.
.Edward P. Smith of New
York, representing the stock
and bond holders of the Oregon
Electric Railroad company, is to
day making an inspection trip of
the Portland-Salem line of that
road, in company with General
Manager Guy W. Talbot, and it
is reported that the expenditure
of $2,000,000 for extensions of
the electric . system which was
considered early in the summer
has been practically decided up
on. .
President Moffat and a num
ber of the directors of the Oregon
Electric were in Portland several
months ago and considered the
appropriation of enough money
to extend the Oregon Electric to
Albany at that time. Action on
this was postponed until lateral
the year then," but the talk (If
the visit of Mr. Smith." . tfu
There can be no doubt but
that the ultimate intention of
the builders "of the Oregon Elec
tric is to continue their Willia
mette valley linethrough Corvallis
Eugene and into Southern' Oreg
on. There have also been rumors
of the extension of the Forest
Grove branch westward toward
- m . . .
to be spent in txtension of an Electric.
the coast, but plans in that di
rection have not reached the
stage that those for, the southern
Oregon extension have attained.
It is considered highly probable
that the Salem line will be " ex
tended to Albany at least during"
After haying considered the
measure three times, the Seattle
council has passed an ordinance
requiring all telephone, tele
graph and electrial wires be
placed underground. - Three
years is the time allowed .the
various companies ' to comply
with the new law. With the
placing underground of the wires, "
i.i ir-; ini in i.Mt- I .sir hkx7 nia-
trict will be removed. . . Why
can't cities require this before
any lines are put up? ,
, j-natne wanted to be Senatof
from Pennsylvania, "alienists-sayt
insane when he shot White and
this sort of insanity is never
For Rent A small desirable farm,
two miles south of town. Inquire 708
Third street, phone-1120 S-6-tf-w