ZJWES REMOVAL COMMENCING I UK. SO AY, AUG. 3 UNTIL DUY JUdll Ul 1UC 1 CI 31(1115 i i : ' P Ahmed Mirza, Successor of Holder of Many Titles Is Mohammed Ali, Is Only j Called King of Kings and Twelve Years Old. j ' Shadow of God. - HE newly 'proclaimed shah of Persia, Ahmed Mirza, who is JjL twelve years old, is the di " , rect successor to his father, although he is but a second son.' His mother was a princess of the Kajar blood, to which the reigning house of Persia belongs, and this circumstance alone qualified him for the succession to the throne. His elder brother, a son by a wife not of the royal blood, is excluded from all right to ascend the throne of Persia. Altboueh this the Semitic rendition of an appellation that was already venerable in the time of Cyrus and Xerxes and runs back in its antiquity o the earlier periods of the Old Testament Possessor of Many Titles. Many are the other titles . of the shah; many of them are even more splendid than the oldest of all of them. He is ZiT Allah, the shadow of God; likewise Kibleh Alum, the center of the universe. Among the other - su perb names bestowed upon the ruler SATURDAY, AUG. 21 We move to the Whiteside Block, opposite the Palace Theater, by Sep tember the first with a larger and more complete stock of Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods. To reduce our stock we will sell everything without profit, and on some lines to close out we will sell at HALF PRICE. HOSIERY 65c and 75c Lace Hose, Removal Sale Price... 48c KA T una Hiuw Removal Sale Price........ ...................... 42c 35e Lace Hose, Removal Sale Price .--... 25c . 65c and 75c Plain Lisle Hose, Removal Sale Price.. 48c 50c Plain Lisle Hose, .Removal sale race. - ca 35c Gauze Lisle Hose, Removal Sale Price. 25c 25c Plain Cotton Hose, Kemoval bale race , - tga 15c Plain Cotton nose, Kemoval aie race..... 10c Plain Cotton Hose, Removal Sale Price - 08c UNDERWEAR 65c and 75c Vests, Removal Sale Price , : ... 48c 50c Vests. Removal Sale Price . 35c Vests, Removal Sale Price-. 25c 25c Vests, Removal Sale Price 22c 15c Vests, Removal Sale Price 12c IOC vests, itemovai oaie race - i $1.00 Union Suits. Removal Sale Price . , . 78c 75c Union Suits, Removal Sale Price 60c 35c Union Suits, Removal Sale Price , Parasol at Half Price Shirt Waists at 33 1-3 per cent, discount. Undermuslins at 25 per cent discount. - Wash Suits at Half Price. All Millinery at Half Price. - . i Everything in Novelties at a liberal discount. A big saving to those who buy during this Sale. We Thank Our Patrons For their very generous patronage during our 18 months' business in this city. During that time our business has outgrown our present quarters. TJbis we owe to your liberal support, and it is with pleas ure we beg to" inform you we have leased for a term of years the Samuel Whiteside Block, opposite the Palace Theater, where we will be at home, to you- &f- ter September 1st with a large and complete stock of Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods. A Parlof Rest Room We have set aside a space in our store for your comfort, with easy chairs, writing desks and table of reading matter that is free to you all, and we will take it as a favor if, while shopping either at our store or elsewhere in the city, you will feel free to come in and rest. Remember this space is given for the sole purpose of making you a place to rest while in the city. It is yours. Come in and see us at cur new home September 1st. Yours very respectfully, L & G. B ANDERSON AHMED MIRZA, THE NEW ?!SHAH OF PERSIA. rule is usually strictly enforced, it was disregarded in the succession of the Shan Mohammed Ali, recently deposed, He ascended, succeeding his father, although not of the royal blood on his mother's side and indeed to the exclusion of higher born half brothers. There are three brothers and several sisters. The royal family is very nu merous, there being several thousand princes and princesses. , -, . Zing of Kings. The station of shah is, both in its. traditions and in the oriental splendor of its titles, one of the most magnifi cent in the -world of royalties. The title of shah-in-shah, king of kings, is ooooooooooooooooooo MUSICAL LAWN MOWER. End by his admiring subjects are: Exalted as the planet Saturn; the ? well of knowledge; the king whose- standard is the sun and whose splendor . Is the firmament. A Divided Dominion. The new shah inherits a dominion that is largely fallen into the hands of strangers. English and Russians nave divided the Persian territory into spheres of influence. Russian troops are now, with British consent, in oc cupation of a large part of the Per. sian territory. Another portion in the district around the westerly city 'of Urumifih has been seized by the Turks. - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PREDICTION OF WORLD FIGHT Jerseyman Invents Machine to Ennui of Summer Boarders. .. Lemuel Starkweather, who conducts a summer boarding house in North Caldwell, N. J., "has solved the prob lem of keeping his lawn trimmed, and entertaining the summer sojourners by perfecting a combination . lawn mower and music box. : - " The story of the invention came out when the owner took the machine to a blacksmith shop to have It sharp ened for the third time in two weeks. ' Up to a few weeks ago the Stark weather lawn was unkempt, and the boarders suffered from ennui in the quiet evenings, asvthe only music the house afforded was. from a parlor or-. gan. V ." . Mr. Starkweather, who is ingenious, adapted the mechanism of a music box to the lawn mower, and the men boarders as well as two women vis itors became eager to take turns at running the contrivance up and down the lawn in the cool, of the evening. . The neighbors soon learned of the harmonious lawn mower and wanted to borrow it. The demand became so great that Mr. Starkweather says he now charges a fee for its use. . With the money thus derived he expects to purchase several new records that will bring the machine up to date in a musical way. . '' Arithmetic For Girls on Farms. Miss Jessie Field of Page county, TSL, had arranged an arithmetic which, she says, will meet every requirement of girls who expect to pass their lives on farms. She also believes the arith metic will eommend itself to the ma jority . of young women in cities. It has no cube root or .binomial theorem In it and has been simplified in other ways. Miss Field says that observa tion has convinced her that the femi nine mind is not especially adapted for tackling the complicated problems of mathematics, and for that reason she expects her new work to win a popu larity all its own. PR EL I MI NARY A N N O U NC E M ENT LI NCOLN COUNTY FAIR FEStl VAL SEPTEMBER 8-9-10, 1909 AT TOLEDO, OREGON As "Fair," invitation extended to local and outside- exhib itors of Live Stock, in all classes. Special rates on S- P. and C & E. R. R. Fair Association provides FREE shed and tent room. FREE hay and water and experienced care takers for stock not accompanied by owners. Local and out side exhibits of fruit, vegetables, flowers also of useful and ornamental articles invited. As "Festival" interest and amusement for all hours of the three days provided. Ball games, races, athletics. Races . for moter boath and row boats. Baloon ascenions. Clean and bright shows. Special program each evening. Cheap fares on railroads. Campers welcome. Camping grounds, hay and water furnished. ' Further information obtainable from C. B. Crosno, Secretary TOLEDO - - OREGON Summer Riates East - During the Season . 1909 via the Southern Pacific Co. from . CORVALLIS, OREGON To OMAHA and Return - - $62.60 To KANSAS CITY and Return $62.60 To ST. LOUIS and Return - - $70.10 To CHICAGO and Return - - $75.10 and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South. i" - ' Correspondingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12 To DENVER and Return - - $57.60 On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 Going transit "limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October 31st. . These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stop, over privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make side trips to many interesting points enrbute. ' . Routing on the return trip through California may te had at a slight advance over the rates quoted. . . Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished by R. C. LINNVILLB, Southern Pacific local agent at Corvallis or WM. M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon JJ Private Ownership of Land Will Make Trouble, Says Single Taxer. Henry George, Jr., who recently ar rived at. London from a trip around the world, said that this tour had showed him that the question of land values was the greatesf'flght of modern times. It meant progress or ruin. It was the world's cause today. ' Japan wanted money for her armies and ships, but Japan was poor" and could no longer bear taxation. There would soon be a break in Japan un less a remedy was found for the bur dens of the poor, whose poverty was worse than anything under feudalism. HYDRAULIC WELL DRILLING : Powerful and rapid well ma chine run by gasoline engine. .Wind mill pump repairing, and drove wells a specialty. Place your orders now before the season's rush work is on. A. N.HARLAN Box 526 Corvallis, Oregon Fishing Tackle and all kinds of Sporting Hoods Can be found here at prices that Private ownership of land in Japan is t Cannot be duplicated for goods of similar fine quality. A good fisherman knows and appreciates good rods, lines, etc. All of which can be had at our estab ishment. - Heater & Harrington SUCCESSORS TO M. M. LONG i PVirvnA 1 9.R f-orvallis. Oreeron piling np misery, as it is also doing in the cities of England and America. As for America, he said, the state of the poor is getting worse. In 'the past they had spilled their blood and spent their treasure to outroot slavery. .To day they had a slavery more subtle, more intrenched, more internecine. I5nt the United 'States was a republic of convulsions, and when the time came they would throw out the causes of poverty at whatever cost. WHEN AT SEATTLE STOP AT 910BoylstonAve. Furnished clean, light rooms. Break fast served. Direct car line to Expo sition. Convenient to retail district. Take the Madison Street Cable Car This house is in charge of Corvallis people Des Moines as United States Capital. J. F. Bishop, formerly editor of the Grand Army Advocate of Des Moines, la., is preparing the" manuscript of a book on the subject of removing the capital of the United - States from Washington to Des Moines. Mr. Bish op is confident that when the people of the United States come to under stand the advantages of having- the seat - of the national government" lo cated centrally and are acquainted ful ly with the claims of the state of Iowa and Des Moines there will be no hesitancy on the part of their repre sentatives in makiag the move. Keeping Secrets In China. Rear Admiral Sah Chen Ping of the Chinese navy has proposed to Inflict upon any one who discloses secrets capital punishment -instead of banish ment, as has hitherto been '-he case. GEO, W. DENMAN Attorney at Law class. CORVALLIS, OREGON i Office in Fischer building, over Graham ' & Wortfaam drug store Taunton & Bur nap Cement Contractors 1 . Makers of Best Cement Walks in Town ! All work guaranteed first Corvallis, Oro THE PALM CAFE VTDITO & RLETMAN, Props. Six o'clock Dinners Banquets, Dinner Parties and Sunday Dinners Next Palace Theater, Conrallis.Ore. The Daily Gazette- Times By carrier or mail, 50c per mo. Let us send it to you E. R WILSON Attornev At Law Zierolf Bldg. Corvallis, Oregon II BUSINESS COLLEGE I 1 POHTLAND. OMOON Xl WRITE FOR CATALOG