The City and Vicinity Ask for bittersweets at Macy's. Cedar bee hives. Largest stock and best prices at O. 6-24-tf J. Blackledge's. Va'r- Acme Quality Paints and Floor nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. . ; 1 5-17-tf. Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets. - tf i. Gunther's fine candies for sale at Macy's. . Born to Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Jaeger yesterday a fine son. S. L. Kline is at home from a week's trip to San Francisco. . Mrs. Eva Miller went to Summit yes terday to spend a week with relatives. Miss Edna Dow is home from an' ex tended visit at Scappoose. The young lady returns in much better health. F. L. Miller is installing a complete system of ladies cloak and suit cabinets for displaying the new stock he is now getting in. Mrs. Lilly Worley and two children returned Saturday evening from a ten Prof. C. E. Bradley and family have ( days' visit to her parents and sister at gone to Vancouver for a month's yaca- stayton, Ore. tion. Mr. and Mrs. D. G.. Mrs. J. Mason has returned from an McKenzie be- extended visit to Seattle and British came the parents of a boy one day last week. Wanted Girl for general housework. Apply Blackledge's store, or phone 1153. . : 7-27-tf Miss Lee, guest of the Bradleys re-, cently, bas returned to her home at Bellingham. Wanted Position as cook on thresh ing car. Call 215 Seventeenth street, or phone 2369. 8-2-4t-d-ltw. On the 31st, Saturday, a little so prano arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holstrum." Columbia points. She is now . arrang ing for a trip into the Alsea country. .'. Hubler' Brothers opened their meat shop in Job's addition Monday morning. It is said that they have a very nice looking place and opened with a fine 1 ne of meats. The E. W. S. Pratt family down to their Elk City cottage yester day, only Mr. Pratt returning last night. The Coffee Club gives a dance tonight.- This is particularly in honor of a number of visiting ladies. There is promise of a large attendance. Shough & Sons, the woodsawyers. will make special price of 40 and 50 cents per cord on woodsawing. Call 3rd & Polk. Phone 489- " 6-28-tf Messrs. Galbraith and Rafters, pro minent residents of Hebron, Neb., ar rived today on a visit to M. H. Bauer They will accompany Mr. Bauer on a camping trip while here. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, : Than old-fashioned corn cakes, - And five minuets time, Is all that it takes ' ' At Kline's. 6-12-tf Marshall Miller fg quite pleased with a marine snail he picked up at Newport yesterday. The specimen is a very large one, weighing a couple of pounds, perhaps. The ordinary snail weighs about one tenth of an ounce. . : r Mr. and Mr. . Lee Anderson returned Saturday - from'a month's outing at ' Elk City. ; Mr. Anderson rode his horse, over,' leaving Elk City at 7 a. m. and landing here at 7 p. m. They -would not have returned at this time but "for the fact that they expect to move their millinery business the. first of Septem ber. A big sale is now on. A carjl from Prof. William Robinson Boone and Signor William Havemeyer Kerr says that, they were at -Victoria, -B. C, a day or .so ago,, and the , pre sumption- is that they are now astride a glacier bound for the Article circle at a terrible rate. These- two Corval lisites have an agreement with friends J here to bring back with them at least a dozen totem poles. . Three automobile loads and ten ve ! hides filled with Corvallis people were 1 counted coming out of Albany yester day evening. Albany is all right in day light, but dangerous after dark. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Savage returned i Saturday from a . stay at Seattle 'and Spokane. At the latter place they Went ,f AT-a A -T . Wfwlonolr whn VaA been their guest here several months. A bare-foot horse stepped on a bare boy last Friday evening and one of the boy's toes was cut off. Both boy and horse belong to. Thomas Barker. . The surgeons got hold of the unlucky lad and-it won't be long until he is in nc mal shape. '.-,' Chief of Police Wells acted as special officer on the second section oi tne .New port excursion Sunday. He rounded up some of the booze-phighters in short order. One young fellow who insisted on snaking hands with all women on the train was given a lesson he will re member. 1 August Krieger, the well-to-do ranch er, who jumped off the bridge at Al bany a week ago, is reported worse. Mr. Krieger is said to be nearly out of his mind ever since he took the jump, It will be remembered that Kreiger jumped into water scarcly six feet deep, and after the jump was able to climb out of the water with out help. It was i thought he was not injured at all, but it now appears differently. Prof., and Mrs. Knisely will spend August in Corvallis. --. Frank Wilson left Sunday for New port on a week's outing. Ellsworth Erwin and family will go to the bay Wednesday to take a month's vacation. Prof, and Mrs. J: A. Bexell left yes terday for Seattle and other Puget Sound points.' " Mrs. E. D. Jackson and little, daugh ter, Mildred, left today for a month's sojourn at Newport. J '-" Mrs. C, E. Hout and Mrs. Crosby Davis went to -Newport today, for an outing of indefinite length. W. M. Porter went over to Alsea to day to spend a month in fishing and en joying a well-earned vacation. Prof. A; B. Cordley returned to New port yesterday, having been attending to business matters at home the past few days. Mrs. R. C.'Kiger and daughter, Miss Minerva, left last evening . for Seattle, where they will attend the exposition and visit relatives the next two weeks. Drs. P. M. Poulsen and- C. E. Gard, of Logan, Utah, called on the editor Saturday, but we missed them a fact that caused them less regret than :s ours, perhaps. The young men are dentists. - ; Fresh candies made daily at Macy's. L. G. Athertori and family have' ar rived here- from : Dayton, Wash. , and have leased the Sam Moore property on Fifteenth and Jefferson streets, with' the intention of making this their per manent home. The children will attend the Corvallis schools and O. A. C. C. E. Peterson, who sold his barber shop beneath the Benton County Na tional bank,, with the idea of going to Iowa for a: year, has rented half of the room formerly occupied by Smith Bros. ' .harness shop, and by the end of August will open a new shop equipped with thoroughly up-to-date paraphernalia. : The goat breeders of Dallas and Cor vallis are planning a large exhibit at the A-Y-P of their best Angoras. .'; This is a sufficient guarantee that this will be the best show of Angora goats . that has ever been on exhibition in the United States. There is no place on the continent where as fine Angoras are raised as in the Willamette Valley. TRIBUTE TO MYLES STANDISH Monument to Noted Soldier Will Be :... Dedicated at Duxbury, Mass.; -Plymouth may claim imperishable fame in the aggregate from the Ley den pilgrims, but Duxbury, Mass., ap propriates the individual Myles Stand Isn, "the first soldier of New Eng land," as all its own. For In Duxbury the doughty; commander of the mili tary forces of Plymouth colony made his home, and there, it "is alleged, Is his grave. .: -.. ' . -.--. The glory of the town today is the. Standish monument, some time com pleted and yet to be dedicated to the memory of the man . whose goodly deeds It so grandly preserves. , Duxbury, or "Duxborrow," as Cap tain Myles himself was wont to refer to the place, intends -to dedicate the monument on July Sit. It will be an other Duxbury day. Distinguished or ators will declaim the virtues of the country's first "great white chief" In the -Unitarian church building, a ban quet will be served to the celebrators at the town hall, and, of course, Cap? tain's hill, with its imposing granite shaft, surmounted by Kelly's statue of Standish, will be the Mecca for all at tendants. Trips to the top of the .col umn will be In order and that "conse cration day" of Aug. 17, 1871, will be vividly recalled by the present day survivors. , "It was the late Stephen M. Allen," says Levi H. Cushing, a Duxbury oc togenarian, "who was the real moving spirit in the construction of the Stand ish monument. He raised a large part of the money to defray the cost, and a goodly portion" of the latter day life of Mr. Allen was devoted to this one cherished purpose." And when on : that Aug.-17, 1871, Mr. Allen had so far progressed in his plans that he could "consecrate" the ground on which the proposed shaft was to stand he had a notable gath ering of the state's best men at the summit of Captain's hill.. Horace Binney Sargent was the orator of the occasion, Justin Winsor was the poet, and General B. F. Butler, Dr. A. A: Miner and Dr. N. B. Shurtleff were among the speakers. YOU CANNOT AFFORD - TO GO ON YOUR VACATION WITHOUT A KODAK .' Free instructions - in developing and printing. Dark room free to public One dollar up to sixty-five dollars. GRAHAM & WELLS TO IMPROVE WILD CLOVER.. to Smith's New Prices Ship your produce to us. . We will pay you the following prices. We do hot charge commission: - Dressed Veal up to 140 lbs. 9c -'.''.". - (Large veal less) - Dressed Pork 11c Spring Chickens, large. ...... . .-.- .-16c Spring Chickens, small 18c Hens .'. 15c Eggs, candled. . . . . ; .26c FRANK L: SMITH MEAT CO., ' "Fighting the Beef Trust," -. . . Portland, Or. nr We Use Scien tific Instruments To determine the needs of your eyes There is no guess work about our examinations. They are just as &c- curate as trained skill and experi ence can make them. ; They cost you nothing "so you certainly ought to have the benefit of them, if you have any eye trouble at all.: " They mean the proper glasses, the only kind - you can afford to wear. . :. -.' E W, S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician STRICTLY STYLISH Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS : T1 f J ' w ! " m m inese uarmems tor Ladies ana ' Misses are of excellent quality. The' styles speak for themselves and the prices are really less than the cost of material and making. I YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW Henlite & Davis Quacks and Con sumption Cures A pathetic illustration of the way in which the public is being decieved .by quack cures -for consumption is found in a letter received recently by the Na tional Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. The . letter came from a woman in the mountains of Western Maryland, ani v as addres el as f .Hows: ' 'Postmaster, Jersey City, New Jersey. . "Will you please give this letter - to the man. who called out trains in Jer sey City 2 years ago last February 9th in. the afternoon." '; . The letter was referred by the Post master, of Jersey City to the National Association for the Study and Preven tion of Tuberculosis. It reads: "Dear Sir: "'-'.'.''' ' ' - ,, , "I want to find the man who cured' himself of consumption by using Oil of . Do you remember of a very sick man his . wife, two children and mother who missed connections and had to wait all afternoon for a - train? You told my son and myself of your cure. ' I remember part of the direc-' tions which -. were,take one drop - the first day, two the second day, and so on until it went up to thirty "drops. Now I. want to know what to do when the thirty drops . have, been' reached. Does the directions say to continue the thirty drops each day or to go back, to one , drop? This , is what I want to know. I will be very grateful if you will write me the full directions, and send me as soon as possible. Mv son lived only six weeks after we got home. lie am not try the . I felt he was too near gone. . Now I have . a daughter who is in iieed of help, and wants to try it. - Hope you will get this letter. But if you should not, and it falls into the hands of anyone' who knows of the treatment will answer this. " I will enclose stamps for an ans wer.- Hope i may get it soon. Very gratefully yours," - j. The National Association calls ' at tention to the fact that, according to this :. letter, one life at least has been lost already on account of ignorance of the .proper methods of treatment . and prevention of tuberculosis, and another, member of the family has been infect ed by the carelessness of the former consumptive. - : --'- -. ' '. ..' -.. ' With the: present growth of the anti tuberculosis movement the number of so-called ' 'cures' for consumption is being increased almost daily. Hundreds of quack -'"doctors", "professors," and "institutes" are advertising that they can cure consumption for small amounts with the result that thousands of dupes are yearly cheated out of their lives as well as their money. Besides these, "cures"- and. medicines : of all sorts, numbering, now several hundred, are sold for the deception of tlfe public. -: .. The National Association brands all of these institutes, doctors, professors and cures as . f rauds . and deceptions. The only-eure for -consumption - is fresh air, rest and wholesome food. Kirksville (Mo.) Agronomist Trying : r Make a Cross With Alfalfa. : Professor Harry Laughlin of the de partment of agriculture of the normal school at Kirksville, Mo., is conduct ing an ' interesting - experiment this summer in. crossing alfalfa clover with the old and worthless Wild clover that grows so bountifully in some of tne wild fields and corners -of Adair coun ty, Mo. .-- . ' The cross is being made by grafting some of the alfalfa buds on the wild clover stems, and it is said by Profess or Laughlin and the students who are making the., experiment that a. newer and finer species of clover is being produced. ; They believe that the new hybrid may become very valuable to feeders. - v. -'- - "It is widely known," said Professor Laughlin. "that the wild clover has a very, bitter leaf and Will not be eaten by cows, or horses. We believe that we can breed this bitterness out of the wild clover and ' produce a new variety that will be much hardier than the ordinary clover and will be pecul iarly adapted to Missouri soil and Mis souri climate." '. ! " Occidental Lunger Co. . Successors to; Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lunfber line'. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. . ' G.O. B ASSET F, Local Mgr. The Best Paint ' There is no better paint made for appearance and . , durability than Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater HUMAN TENPINS. Summer Game In Great Vogue at Eu : . ropean Resorts. . The French of the Riviera have in vented a new game for the Coney Islanders. - It i& the game of human tenpins. The game is having a' great voftue at the resorts along the Medi terranean, and at Italian and Austrian summer gardens. , - In playing " the game the players themselves take the place of balls aiid knock down the pins, which are huge wicker affairs made in the, shape of the regulation bowling pins. - The balls' are big wicker baskets, capable of holding two persons, which are sent along th(5 alley catapult fash ion, or else the alley is built as an in clined" plane and the baskets slide down into the grouped pins and upset them. The game , is, counted in the usual way. " V " One - of the St Louis summer gar dens has applied to the Inventor for the privilege of operating , a human tenpin alley next season. Benfoii County Lumber Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes ; - Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, EncK Cement, Shingles, etc Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY Barefoot Croquet to Cure Nervousness. Many persons in England now' find pleasure and possibly profit In play ing croquet with the feet bare, not, as might be imagined, in more or less primitive fashion on the sands of the seashore, but on the well kept lawn of the eountsy house, to say nothing of that of the suburban villa. All. those who have played the game with bare feet praise, the method highly, saying that the naked foot has a far better grip on the turf than the foot that rests on a sole of leather or India rub ber. It is further urged that the touch of the soles of the feet against the earth has a soothing effect upon the nerves. COPPER S NEWTON HARDWARE CD. Successors to : MELLON & PINKERTON Second Street, - - Corvallis, Oregon Dealers In v Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Granite ware, Tinware and Builders' Hardware. :'y-y: :V;-; Vi'7 . Sole Agents for . . Congo Roofing and Quick EVSsal Ranges , Magnets to Clean Roads. Boad authorities are Interested in a novel machine now being tested out on race courses in France. "The ma chine is a two wheel vehicle with elec tric magnets suspended close to the ground from the axle, which picks up nails and small bits of metal, some times so costly to owners of racing stock. Xhey look to a general use of the device t on American automobile thoroughfares- in the United States to diminish the number of tire punctures. WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO E AT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and" China ware, LAMPS ETC, i