023870 DO YOU NEED TO TAKE THE: GRE? PPST/PRAXIS? The University of Oregon Testing Office is an official ETS computer-based testing site. Testing is available year-round, Monday - Friday, 2 sessions a day. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 541-346-2772 or by visiting the Testing Office. The Testing Office is located in Thompson’s University Center, 720 E. 13" Ave. Suite 302B, Eugene, OR 97401. The period of greatest demand is usually Sept, through March, so it makes sense to plan ahead. For more information visit the Testing Office web site: http ://www. uoregon .ed u/~testi ng/ EUGENE HARDWARE TOOLS PAINT HARDWARE LAWN & GARDEN HOUSEWARES ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 2WEZ0' HELP IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. 2825 Willamette Eugene,Oregon 342-5191 Cetttifjic.ates Student Groups! Advertise in the Emerald call 346-4343 or place your ad online at www.dailyemerald.com FESTIVE DISPLAY Tim Bobosky | Photo Editor 1 OnTheHouse^com 1 A healthy holiday season for your tree Every year those who celebrate Christmas search for the perfect tree to put in their homes. There are dangers however associated with having a tree in your home so use caution. Leave the tree outside of the house until you’re ready to decorate it. A green tree arleady losing needles is a bad sign and A means it's already dying. ► 1 inch cut Be sure to cut at least one inch off the trunk just before you put the tree in the stand. Make sure to get it in the stand with water before the bottom fills with sap Phil Holm • AP