WOMEN HELPING WOMEN MAKE A DREAM COME TRUE. BECOME AN EGG DONOR. Since 1978, The Fertility Center of Oregon has helped many women become mothers. You can help us to continue to change lives by becoming an egg donor for infertile couples. Procedures are done in a local clinic over a six week period, requiring 8 to ten visits. Donors are compensated $4,000 for their contribution. If you are a healthy woman aged 21-31 and want to help make a dream come true, call 683-1559 or visit our Web site at www.fertilitycenteroforegon.com. PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER. FUJICOLOR Ip e o c £ s s i » g. i k c | PHOTO SPECIALS Nov. 21 - Dec. 4 2ND SET FREE (c-41 full-frame 35mmco!or print film) Prints: 3x5 4x6 12 exp. $2.25 $3.25 24 exp. $4.25 $5.25 36 exp. $6.25 $7.25 20%OFFAPS DEVELOP & PRINT 15 exp. $4.40 25 exp. $6.66 40 exp. $9.40 UOBookstore.com UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE World AIDS Day Drag and Burlesque Benefit Featuring... Portland s Premiere Drag King... As seen on LOGO Jj Johnny 4 Mozzarella Eugenes own queens SheBang! & Seattle’s Best Burlesque Troupe The Von Foxies Keep the Promise In Honor of World AIDS Day 2005 Drag Competition Hosted by ISCEE Empresses Rhoda Gravel & anity Venom Twist Thursday, Dec. 1st 8pm EMU Ballroom $3 students/ $5 general Presented by the UO Cultural Forum OREGON DAILY EMERALD your independent student newspaper IN BRIEF Knight Library open 24/7 through end of the term The Knight Library will be open 24/7 during Dead Week and Finals Week, so students looking to escape their noisy roommates and other distractions can find a safe haven anytime. The library’s doors will remain open from 8 a.m. today until 7 p.m. on Dec. 9. During regular hours, the best places to find quiet will most likely be on the fourth floor, Access Ser vices Department Head Shirien Chappell said, because she often sees people sleeping in that area. Chappell also recommends the designated quiet room on the south side of the second floor. During regular hours, it’s usually noisy around the service desks and reference area, but because these services will not be staffed after nor mal business hours they may be qui eter, she said. Chappell said group-study rooms are scattered around the perimeters of the second and third floors and are available on a first-come, first serve basis. Students, faculty and staff using the library during extended hours will need to show their University IDs and will not be able to check out library materials. Computers and printers in the Information Technol ogy Center and photocopy machines will still be available. — Emily Smith Honor society hosts clothing drive charity The University chapter of the Golden Key International Honor So ciety is hosting a clothing drive for local charities today and Wednesday in the EMU. The academic honor society is en couraging students to bring hats, jackets, gloves, sweaters, long sleeved shirts, pants and bedding, including blankets and sheets. “There are so many ways that stu dents can benefit the community. We are trying to assist homeless and low-income people right now when it’s needed the most,” Golden Key Oregon Chapter Secretary Jennifer Surdyk said in a press release. The society will donate the cloth ing to the Eugene Mission, the White Bird Clinic, Looking Glass Youth and Family Services and Womenspace Domestic Violence Services. The society will have a table for donations in the EMU’s main lobby from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday. — Jared Paben Deputy consul general of Israel speaks at Hillel Omer Caspi, San Francisco’s deputy consul general of Israel, will speak tonight at 7 p.m. on the Israeli and Palestinian political landscape, the Is raeli disengagement, security and prospects for peace in the region. Oregon Hillel and the University’s Jewish Student Union are encourag ing students to attend the speech and stick around for a question-and answer session afterward. Caspi was appointed to the Israeli Consulate in Jan. 2003, after work ing as a projects manager in Israel’s Global Operations Department, first secretary at the Northeast Asia De partment at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and second secretary for the Israeli Embassy’s Cultural and Aca demic Affairs in Beijing, China. The speech tonight will be held at Oregon Hillel, the Foundation for Jew ish Campus Life, at 1059 Hilyard St. Call 541-343-8920 or visit Ore gonHillel.org for more information. — Nicholas Wilbur wow HALL ALL SHOWS ARE ALL AGES Downhiii Package nOSSICNOL XP1100 Skis with Axium 90 Bindings $199 Free Mounting Free Hot Wax 13th 4 Lawrence* Eugene • 683-1300 www.bergsskishop.com ONn/jn/n III HUMJ HU . v—y v i— 4 - i iiMinrr 1/111111U C II l T 0 0 u iLimKj rn i minim iwnc ri.n rni icn ■ j iC* i. iuiO i.nuLfn iCiiC . j ii. DO run ' CP i idiiiji ippnr jCll | Du j | iKfiuC Advertise in the ODE classifieds. Call 346-4343 or -place your ad online at www.dailyemerald.com PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER.