The Heart of Science The American Heart Association donated about $1.23 million to fund University projects BY JOE BAILEY NEWS REPORTER Grant money from the Ameri can Heart Association helped Sandra Greive launch her sci entific career by providing her with the resources to study how ribo somes are made in bacteria. Greive, a post-doctoral research assistant at the University, is part of a group of University scientists who have received grants from the AHA. As of September, the AHA provided about $1.23 million in ac tive grants to University scientists. AHA grants are currently being used to fund a range of projects at the University, including Bruce Branchaud’s study of antioxidants, Rodger Voelker’s study of the hu man genome and Nathan Tliblitz’s study of the origin of nerve cells. Starting a career The AHA awarded Greive almost $45,000 to pursue her study of ri bosome creation in bacteria. Ribo somes make the proteins that bac teria need to survive. Greive’s research interested the AHA because infectious bacteria can lead to inflammation of the ar teries, a risk factor for heart dis ease, she said. Money from the AHA allowed Greive to buy supplies and attend conferences with other molecular biologists. Although Greive’s grant expired last summer, she said the grant’s impact on her career will endure. . “For me personally, it makes me more confident in my ideas that someone would think they were useful,” she said. “It’s helping young scientists grow. ” Refining nature Branchaud, a chemistry profes sor, received $198,000 to study antioxidants. The body ingests antioxidants through food. Antioxidants are needed to neutralize free radicals that cause oxidative damage, lead ing to, among other things, aging, cancer and heart disease. Branchaud said his research is novel because it applies the princi ples and methods of medicinal chemistry to make better antioxi dants. Usually, medicinal chem istry attempts to make drugs to treat disease; Branchaud’s research looks to prevent disease. “We’re looking at nature’s imper fect response to an imperfect world, and we’re trying to make it a little better,” he said. “That’s the whole goal of medicinal chemistry, we want to make someone healthier.” Breaking the code Voelker, a post-doctoral research associate, is using a $99,000 grant from the AHA to investigate the human genome. Genes represent only a small portion of the human genome, the rest is made up of non-essen tial materi als that some refer to as “junk D N A , ” Vo e 1 ke r said. Voelker’s research builds on the Human Genome Project, which in 2003 an nounced that it had successfully mapped out the human genome. “We now have the entire sequence. We know how to read parts of it, and there are a lot of implications that the rest of it — the bulk of it — is important, but we don’t know how to read it,” he said. Voelker said the human genome has lots of useless information sandwiched between useful infor mation. The body separates the good information from the bad in formation. He is conducting re search to decipher how the body carries out the splicing process. “A large number of genetic dis eases are the results of mistakes in splicing,” he said. “There’s a mis take in recognition of what’s junk and what’s not.” By collaborating with people from other disciplines such as mathematics and computer sci ence, Voelker is hoping to deter mine how the body reads its own genetic code. “Ultimately, the idea is that once we figure out what the error is, we can use some of these methods to go in and repair the mistake,” he said. “I have no doubt that in time humans will figure out how to cor rect these mistakes.” Tm very appreciative of not just the Heart Association but of the people who donate to the Heart Association. ” Nathan Tublitz | Biology professor Examining nerve cells Tliblitz’s study of the origin of nerve cells earned a $198,000 grant from the AHA. In order to better understand how and why nerve cells disinte grate prematurely, Tliblitz, a biolo gy professor, examines how nerve cells are formed. He studies nerve cells in fruit flies. After understanding how nerve cells develop in fruit flies, scientists can apply that knowl edge to more complex systems, such as humans. There are 4,000 known diseases of the human body and 1,600 are based in the nervous system, includ ing diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Eventually, scientists might be able to re place faulty nerve cells with better functioning ones. “Under standing more about how nerve cells arise will give us the tools to be able to understand how one can make those new nerve cells,” TUblitz said. TUblitz uses his grant money to pay for research aides as well as equipment and supplies. “I’m very appreciative of not just the Heart Association but of the peo ple who donate to the Heart Associ ation,” he said. “They’re giving their hard-earned money to do some very difficult but essential things.” jbailey® daily emerald, com RRC: Thirty-six programs will be reviewed this year Continued from page 1 reviewed groups contingent on the groups updating or revising their by laws in accordance with an ASUO rules template. Remaining groups will be heard this or the following week. Thirty-six total programs are scheduled for review this year. The RRC decides whether the Executive will recognize student groups by ensuring services aren’t dupli cated and that they are beneficial to students. Only groups that are recognized by the Executive are allowed entrance to the Programs Finance Committee process, where inciden tal fees are allocated. McCown said Tliesday he looked into whether approval of the tem plate itself by the court is necessary. Justice Charlotte Nisser asked why the committee decided to create by laws if it believes it’s not required. Goward said the committee should be consistent with other ASUO pro grams and governing bodies. “To work better with student groups and to respond to not only to this court, but to program concerns, we have drafted these bylaws to clearer state our position,” he said. Goward told the court that he re vised the by-laws to ease concerns voiced while the Executive was ere “To work better with student groups and to respond to not only to this court, but to program concerns, we have drafted these bylaws to clearer state our position. ” David Goward | ASUO Programs Administrator ating the committee. He said he also allotted 72 hours starting last Friday for programs to give feedback and suggest changes to the committee’s bylaws. Only minor wording changes were made after a sugges tions from Student Senate Ombuds man Jared Axelrod. ASUO President Adam Walsh and the RRC approved the bylaws on Monday. Goward said the ASUO is looking into fully incorpo rating the RRC into the Green Tape Note book, the official rules and regula tions guide for student government. Also at the hearing, the Constitu tion Court heard a petition from Ax elrod, who represented the entire Senate. Rahmat Rahmat, who was elected by the student body in the spring, has not yet attended any of the five Senate meetings or made it to his office hours. The Green Tape Notebook states that two absences constitute non-fullfillment of duties, which is punishable by removal of elected position. All Constitution Court decisions will be publicized in the next seven days. 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