■ Video game review Trick-or-geeking: A gamer's night in A slew of classic and contemporary video games offer bloody alternatives to typical fright-night fares BY ANDREW MCCOLLUM PULSE REPORTER What up, nerds? Have any big plans for Halloween? Me neither. Here are some games to play on Halloween to fight boredom while you're dispensing candy to little kids. "Resident Evil 4" (GameCube, PlayStation 2): "Resident Evil" games suck. Their controls are clunky, their in ventory system is archaic and their combat is only passable. "Resident Evil 4," on the other hand, is one of the greatest games ever made. In "RE4," Capcom addressed all of the above complaints and created a frighteningly good game. If you haven't played "RE4" because you don't have a GameCube, fear not This week saw the release of the PS2 version. Go get it, now. A Castlevania game (Various): One of the earliest successful titles that combined horror and games. All gamers have their favorite "Castleva nia." Some say that nothing beats the original, others claim that "Symphony of the Night" is the best I'm partial to "DraculaX." "System Shock 2" (PC): One part RPG, one part FPS and all pants changing scary. In "System Shock 2," you wake up from cryogenic sleep on the Von Braun, a corpse-ridden, derelict spaceship. You must explore the ship to find out what exactly hap pened to it This game's use of sound is its greatest strength. There's nothing scarierthan the pained wail of a feral lab monkey. "Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts" (Super Nintendo): In this side-scrolling classic, King Arthur fights the Hallmark ver sions of all sorts of stereotypical scary imagery: Ghosts, gargoyles, zombies, werewolves, etc. "Doom 3" (PC, Xbox): When played with the lights off and the sound up, "Doom 3" will make you jump. Set on a cramped Mars space station, the game pits you against the same onslaught of demons that the first two Doom games did, but this time there's a catch. Appar ently, soldiers of the future can't hold a gun and a flashlight at the same time, so players have to choose between shoot ing and seeing in the game's pitch dark environments. "Doom 3" is a great game when it comes to those "Where the &$%@ did you come from?" scares, but after a few hours it gets old. "Alone in the Dark" (PC): A survival horror game made before there was a survival horror genre. This H. P. Love craft-inspired original spawned three sequels as well as an absolutely horri ble movie that starred Christian SlaterandTara Reid. "Luigi's Mansion" (GC): Luigi, proof that there is nepotism in gaming, thinks he's a Ghostbuster in this early title for the GameCube. It's a great-looking game with some fun mechanics, and it really shows off the sorts of special ef fects that the GameCube can pull off. But the game's short playtime and lack of true innovation cements Luigi's posi tion as second fiddle to his brother Mario in video game history. "Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Re quiem"(GC): A standard survival horror game with a twist "Eternal Darkness" features an insanity meterthat intro duces all sorts of weird effects. Blood will drip down the walls; you'll hear voices whispering. The game's most devious trick is when it tries to con vince you that the game needs to be re set If you do reset the system you'll lose all your unsaved progress. amccolium@dailyemerald.com $7.00 CAR BOMBS $2.25 PABST $5.75 DOUBLE WELLS $5.50 LONG ISLANDS KITCHEN HOUP& 11:30 AM - 2:00 AM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Expanded branch menu SAT-SUN Breakfast served all c%! BHCiChicken Served with yer choice of Homemade Sauces: Chipotte, BBQJiouse $10.50 Pulled Pork Sandwich $8.50 Tty our a la carte side dishes! Green organic salad $3.75 Collard greens $3.75 99 WEST BROADWAY • 683-3154 1097 Willamette St. Eugene, OR 541-345-6465 I can’t believe you didn’t go to The Parlour! at your service www.ltd.org A Special Opportunity to Serve The terms of three members of the Lane Transit District Board of Directors will expire at the end of this calendar year. The LTD Board of Directors is appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate. Appointees are required to live in the subdistrict they represent. Two of these members are eligible for reappointment (subdistricts 4 and 5), and one subdistrict (6) will be vacant. “Serving as an LTD Board Member is an honor and a great way to serve the community. ” ° Gerry Gaydos LTD Board Member since 1999 People interested in serving on the LTD Board are encouraged to visit the State of Oregon Web site at www.governor.oregon.gov/Gov/boards.shtml or call 503-378-3123. For LTD subdistrict maps, visit www.ltd.org. 0OO OOOOOOOOOO The COLT Reading Project presents 0 OOOOOOOOOOOO ‘Wonderful World of Comics Brett Warnock Top Shelf Comics 'Scripting Superheroes Ben Saunders English Department ‘What's MANGA About?' Ken O'Connell Art Department 4=if WED Nov.2 @ 7:00PM 110 Willamette Hall -p UNIVERSITY OF OREGON complit.uoregon.edu/readfree/