IN BRIEF \ Third senator resigns from ASUO this year The Student Senate tallied its third resignation of the year Sunday after treasurer and ASUO Athletic Depart ment Finance Committee member Spencer Crum stepped down in or der to pursue journalism and write for the Emerald as a freelance sports reporter. “Sports is just so much more to me than politics and I think that being a journalist is so much more to me than being a politician,” Crum said. Crum called the situation a “su per-dilemma,” because Emerald pol icy prohibits printing news articles by students who are simultaneously involved in student government. Crum said he regrets not continu ing with the Senate because he wanted to challenge the doubts expressed by other Senators during officer elections earlier this term. Some controversy accompanied Crum’s election after he failed to attend the majority of summer Sen ate meetings, which provides grounds for termination. “When elected treasurer, I felt an extreme need to prove people wrong because it infuriated me that people doubted me,” he said. “I un derstand that I missed Senate meet ings during the summer, but I wanted to be here,” Crum said. Crum worked as a swim coach in Portland during the summer. Senator Rob Craig, law and grad uate student representative, resigned Sept. 28 because of a time conflict. Senator Khanh Le, a PFC representa tive, stepped down effective Oct. 12 because of time commitment issues. The Student Senate will also be fil ing a grievance to the ASUO Consti tution Court asking that Senator Rahmat Rahmat be removed be cause he has not attended any of the five meetings this term. Senate President Stephanie Erick son advised Crum to make the deci sion quickly as to not impede the up coming Programs Finance Committee budget season, during which the treasurer acts as chairman to help allocate incidental fees to stu dent programs. Nicholas Wilbur wt ral attl .. . great events UO Cultural Forum your campus connection to music, film, speakers, visual arts, contemporary issues, and performing arts events 8h*t your pants scary all-nighter Friday, October 28, 8 p.m. - 6 a.m., FREE 8-10 p.m. Haunted Tower Experience (line up on Post Office sidewalk) Flicks in Ben Linder 8 p.m. Halloween Shorts 10 p.m. Lafid of the Dead 12 a.m. Village of the Damned 2 a.m. Vampire 4 a.m.The Thing Bring your pillows and blankies, free food & fun through the witching hour! Free pool at The Break Saturday, October 29 | 8 p.m. - close | Need student ID to play | Info at 346-3711 Off CALS NOW! Jason Mraz With James Blunt & Tristan Prettyman November 10 7 p.m. Eugene’s Hult Center Tickets $27-32 EMU Ticket Office or Hult Center (682-5000) Parker Howell | Editor in chief Senator Kyle McKenzie outlines a proposal to curb “unclassy” fan behavior at football games. Senators voted 5-6 against letting him draft a “strong recommendation” to University officials, with Senate President Stephanie Erickson (right) breaking a tie. Senate: Debate to continue at next weeks ADFC meeting Continued from page 1 pay the incidental fee, they should get the tickets they paid for. ” Senator Dallas Brown disagreed, arguing that one fire, fight or thrown bottle, which the ADFC con sidered “major” offenses, is grounds for removal. “If it is harming other students ... you don’t need two times to be re moved,” he said. ADFC Senator Kyle McKenzie said any student kicked out of one game has already paid less for access to all football games than non-students pay for a single football game. He argued against increasing se curity because of the long lines it would create and the increased cost to the University. He said the ADFC proposal would affect 1 in 5,000 stu dents, whereas hiring more security would affect everyone. “I’m not saying that this is for all students. Not all students smoke weed, throw beer on people and burn bears,” he said. “It is showing that we’re taking a stance and that these stupid, stupid people will not be tolerated in public.” McKenzie said students can be denied the right to student activities if they violate the student conduct code. Currently, Hamilton said, non-student fans violating certain expectations at Autzen Stadium are not allowed to purchase tickets in the future. “I’d like to go back to the drawing board. I don’t necessarily think we are the ones who should think of this great idea that will solve all the problems,” Senator Monica Irvin said. “Creating more student opin ions is definitely a must-have in any decision that is created.” Student Senate requested feedback from the student body over this issue via phone at 346-3749, e-mail atsenate@uore and attending the ADFC meeting next Wednesday. The Emerald plans to report the location and time of the meeting. Contact the campus and federal politics reporter at 1 0231741 ARE YOUR WEEKENDS MISSING SOMETHING? ELCA + + + + Join us on Sundays for worship services featuring Holy Communion. We have traditional services on Sunday mornings and contemporary services on Sunday evenings. Sundays 8:15 am, 10:45 am and 6:30 pm Student/Young Adult Bible Study, Sundays, 7:30 pm Central Lutheran Church 1 Block from Campus — Corner of 18th & Potter • 345-0395 All are welcome. Free Soap! 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