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    Law professors discuss Measure 37 | 6
Oregon Daily Emerald
An independent newspaper at the University of Oregon
www. dailyemerald. com
Since 1900 \ Volume 107, Issue 44 \ Tuesday, October 25,2005
radio may
get funds
from EMU
Budget deadline extensions
allow consideration ofKWVA
as an EMU-funded program
The EMU Board of Directors and the Stu
dent Senate have pushed back the EMU’s
budgeting process in an effort to make cam
pus radio station KWVA an EMU-funded
group, a move that would give the station
more long-term financial stability.
KWVA General Manager Charlotte Nisser
said the ASUO Programs Finance Committee,
which currently sets the radio station’s budget
every year, causes the federally licensed radio
station to have to fight for funding every year.
When equipment breaks, the station must re
quest money from the Senate to repair it,
while still meeting the federal government’s
requirement to broadcast 24 hours a day.
KWVA said the Senate may not under
stand the importance of the funding or may
not have the money to disperse.
The EMU Board and the Student Senate
voted Wednesday to extend the due date for
the EMU budget benchmark, which is the
increase or decrease in proposed budget
since last year.
According to the Green Tape Notebook,
the student government’s rules and regula
tions guide, the EMU’s incidental fee
portion of its budget can’t exceed a 7 per
cent increase.
Currently, the EMU budget is already
breaking the 7-percent barrier because it is
slated to reach $389,527, or an increase of
KWVA page 5
Police arrest Springfield man
pointing BB gun at pedestrians
A 23-year-old
Springfield man was
arrested near campus
Saturday after he was
caught drinking beer,
pointing a BB gun at
passers-by and
shooting at rocks in
the Willamette River,
police said.
Ryan Wesley Flock
was arrested on the
Autzen Footbridge at
about 4:30 p.m. for
shooting the gun, which looked like a pis
tol, drinking alcohol in the park and lying
to police about his name and age, telling
them he was his younger brother, who has
no criminal history, said Kerry Delf, Eu
gene Police Department spokeswoman. Po
lice took fingerprints at the jail and deter
mined his real identity.
Flock, who was violating his probation,
also had previous warrants for not appear
ing in court on forgery and theft charges,
Delf said.
Flock was still in jail as of Monday after
— Jared Paben
Campus recycling receives EPA award
The CRP's innovative methods of waste reduction,
including RecycleMania, earn national attention
The University’s Campus Recy
cling Program will be recognized
today with the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency’s 2005 Col
lege/University Partner of the Year
“Putting college recycling into
the national agenda is really a pos
itive step for the future of the envi
ronment,” University Environmen
tal Resource and Recycling
Manager Karyn Kaplan said.
Kaplan and University Housing
Recycling Coordinator Robyn
Hathcock traveled to Washington,
D.C. this week to pick up the
award at the WasteWise 2005 An
nual Conference.
“I think it’s fantastic to be recog
nized,” Hathcock said. “To bring
the University of Oregon into a na
tional forum really benefits us and
the rest of the country. ”
Ten Partner of the Year Awards
were given out this year in cate
gories such as large organizations,
small organizations and state and
local governments.
About 1,800 organizations par
ticipate in the program.
Kaplan said the University
AWARD, page 8
Nicole Barker | Senior photographer
The Reusable Office Supply Exchange is part of the University's Campus Recycling
Program, which recently won an award from the Environmental Protection Agency.
MACHINE meets fish
Tim Bobosky | Photo Editor
Nobumichi and Masamichi Tosa’s "Nonsense Machines Naki” is on display at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. The president of Maywa Denki plans to give a talk with
some of the company’s technicians Nov. 16 at the museum. See page 6 for the story.
The Graduate and Professional School Fair was held in
EMU Fir Room Monday afternoon.
Career center hosts grad
school fair for students
The fair featured representatives from 29 graduate and professional
programs; today the CC hosts a lecture on the application processes
The University Career Center hosted a Gradu
ate and Professional School Fair Monday, pro
viding students the opportunity to learn about a
variety of graduate school options.
The annual event, held in the EMU Fir Room,
hosted representatives from 29 graduate pro
grams, as well as the U.S. Marine Corps.
Clarice Wilsey, associate director of the Ca
reer Center, said the fair helps students sort
through the process of finding and applying
to the appropriate graduate school.
“Going to grad school is the same process
as finding a career,” she said. “You need to go
through a self-evaluation process. You need
to analyze why you’re going to grad school
and what you’re going to get out of it.”
Diane Jensen, a senior studying psycholo
gy, came to the fair hoping to learn more
about master’s programs in Counseling
Although Jensen already had potential grad
uate programs in mind, she said the process of
finding a graduate school was challenging.
“I feel like I had no idea what I was getting
into when I decided to go to graduate school,”
she said. “Any information is helpful.”
Monday’s fair offered students information
about pursuing advanced degrees in law, edu
cation and business, as well as less common
degrees, such as a master’s in Women’s Spiri
tuality from the New College of California.
Graduate programs pay the Career Center for