Renovation: Using student fees, SRC upgraded its facilities in 2000 Continued from page 1A Students paid almost the entire cost through fees. When the University’s SRC was built, approximately $10 million to ward the project came from the stu dent building fee, which is paid by all students at the seven member schools of the Oregon University System (OUS) . The money is then combined and used to fund con struction projects at individual cam puses.An additional $8.5 to $9 mil lion came from a student referendum passed in 1995. In the campuswide referendum, students voted to pay a special fee of $15.25 per term over 30 years toward the construction of the SRC. Munroe said the push to build recreation facilities is part of a nationwide trend. Northwest schools such as Oregon State University, Washington State University and the University of Washington have re cently taken steps to upgrade their fa cilities. Ohio State University has emerged as a national leader in the push to build larger facilities, opening a 605,000-square-foot Recreation & Physical Activity Center (RPAC) this fall. The entire project will conclude in the fall of 2007. “Upon completion, the RPAC will be a magnificent state-of-the-art facil ity that will serve as the largest and most comprehensive student recre ation and academic facility in the country,” said Liz Cook, a spokes woman for Ohio State University. RPAC cost $140 million, with Ohio State students paying an as sessed fee of $76 per quarter. A second step When the SRC opened, the eager student response stunned Munroe. “We opened the doors on this fa cility and no one had a clue that we would have 3,500 to 3,800 students every day going through the turn stiles,” he said. “We outgrew it vir tually the day it opened. ” Munroe said that because the SRC needs to allot time for physical edu cation classes, the facility over crowds during the peak late after noon and evening hours. Currently, the SRC has 12,000 square feet of aerobic and resistance training space. The proposed expan sion would add 8,000 square feet. Munroe said a national architectural standard has emerged in which universities need one square foot of fit ness space per student at the school; 8,000 more square feet would bring the University in line with that stan dard.Munroe estimated that it will be more than 10 years before the OUS will be able to contribute. Moreover, in 2002, the University banned student referenda to raise fees, determining that they are not viewpoint neutral, meaning that funding decisions are based on what is popular with the ma jority rather than on merit. ASUO Federal & State Affairs Co ordinator Ashley Rees said student government supports the view point-neutrality principle and does not see a need to change the rule. ASUO Vice President Kyla Coy said that expanding the SRC is not a priority for the ASUO, adding that she does not think students are fo cused on the issue. “I don’t think that a lot of stu dents are aware that it’s even an op tion,” she said. Having exhausted both its previ ous revenue options the SRC will need outside donations if it hopes to begin expansion. Early indicators have shown little progress. Carole Daly, senior director Physical Activity and Recreation Services would like to continue expansion and renovation of tiie Student Recreation Center with the addition of several new athletic courts. of Development Operations and chairwoman of the Campus Plan ning Committee, said finding a donor for the SRC expansion has not been a focus of “Campaign Ore gon: Transforming Lives,” the Uni versity’s fundraising drive. “Generally, the rec center has been paid through student fees,” she said. Munroe said the SRC is only one of many needs on campus, pointing to the EMU in particular as needing funds. “It’s a little harder to get students to rally around recreation, but the building is falling apart,” he said. jbailey@ daily emerald, com Air Quality: Researcher suspects chemicals caused plane crash and near-accidents Continued from page 1A The team is currently working with the British Air Line Pilot’s As sociation and the Association of Flight Attendants. Members of Hecker’s team plan to collect air samples while onboard commercial airliners. However, be cause incidents of chemical leakage happen relatively infrequently, Hecker said, flight attendants participating in the study will be trained to collect air samples if they see smoke or smell fumes on flights. The air that airplane passengers breathe enters the cabin through the engine, where it is compressed and treated. Normally this is safe because engine fuel and hydraulic fluids are separated from the air stream, but sometimes internal seals leak, contain inating the air with the engine fluids. These fluids, Hecker said, contain ad ditives from the organophosphate chemical family. When inhaled, organopnos phates affect the central nervous sys tem and pe ripheral nerv ous system. Hecker said incidents of leakage are not common but are potentially severe when they do happen, adding that some near crashes and the August crash of a jet in Greece are suspected to have been influenced by chemical leaks. “You get reports and anecdotes like this, but no one has ever done a sys tematic scientific study,” Hecker said. Judith Murawski, industrial hy gienist for the Association of Flight Attendants, said she spends about half her time on the job dealing with reports of health issues caused by airplane cnemicais. She is currently handling the cases of three flight attendants who worked on an Oct. 8 flight from Philadelphia to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in which en gine oil leaked into the air supply. The flight attendants now suffer from tingling ot the arms and teet, tatigue, muscle aches and extreme confusion. Murawski said estimates of the fre quency of air quality incidents on passenger flights range from one in 250 flights to one in 100,000 flights. The lack of an organized study leaves researchers unable to pin down a more accurate number. “It’s my opinion that the airlines don’t want to have to collect the data systematically because they don’t want to have to do anything about it,” Murawski said. Murawski said that while flight at tendants are at greater risk than pas sengers for adverse effects from air plane chemicals because they move around the cabin more, it would be surprising if passengers didn’t also have health problems after in-flight cnemicai incidents. However, if a passenger does get sick from airplane chemicals, Muraws ki said, the cause may not be identified because passengers and their doctors are not informed about the issue. “It’s bad enough for the crew mem bers, but the passengers are even worse off because they don’t have a union,” Murawski said, adding that airlines don’t provide maintenance records for their airplanes or follow up with passengers who were on flights with chemical incidents. “It’s very important that the FAA is finally stepping up to the plate and funding this research,” Murawski said. Contact the business, science and technology reporter at “It’s bad enough for the crew members, but the passengers are even worse off because they don’t have a union. ” Judith Murawski | Association of Flight Attendants Free online bill pay. CONVENIENT FAST EASY As your citizen-owned public utility, you can rely on the Eugene Water & Electric Board to give you more options for managing your electric and water service. 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