Comics Apartment 8 by owmn >♦«» Dustin Reese Laura Beth Brandt MCDONALD THLATRL Thurs Oct 27 1010 WILLAMETTE ST 7:00PM DOORS ALL ACES SAFCWAY/TICKETSWEST LOCATIONS CHARGE BY PHONE 1-BOO-992TIXX TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE AT MOTHER KALI'S Friday Nov 11 W.O.W. Hall • . one Blueprint * P.O.S. Fri Nov 4 McDonald Theater 10W WILLAMETTE ST • TOO PM DOORS ALL AGES TICKETS AT ALL AAECWAY/TICKET(WEST LOCATIONS CHARGE BY PHONE ISOQ-WTIXX_• M. DONALD THEATRE WWW.MYSPACE.COM/SOUAREPEGCONCERTS „rAnrU all Friday Oct 21 WOWlldiil 2.00 & Radian 'f. Tickets We* A Me^Lt^/P>STR-U5f' Sol.iLLaquists of Sound Sole • Sleep Monday Oct 24 Sunday Oct 30 1010 WILLAM GET SETTLED [ everything you need is in the classifieds ] A place to live. A roommate to share the place with. Stuff to put in the place A car to get you and your stuff to the place. A job to pay for the place. Oregon Daily Emerald The independent campus newspaper for the University of Oregon Pooh:Tao philosophies in the book help simplify life Continued from page 7 Through this book, originally pub lished in 1982, the reader begins to understand many things, including life and howto un-complicate it, why Pooh was the true hero of the stories and perhaps most importantly, you begin to understand yourself. At least that's what happened to me when I first read it seven years ago. I have since read it every time I feel lost sad, angry or helpless (simply put, I've read it too many times to remember). This is the book that first introduced me to Taoism and has gotten me through a lot of stressful times. The simplicity of this book was first what drew me in. The text is large, which makes reading it a breeze (you could easily read this book in a day if you had the time). The way Hoff explains things is also in credibly simple for anyone to under stand, and finding the Tao through the lovable Winnie-the-Pooh makes it all the more enjoyable. Another great aspect of this book is that Hoff discusses the characteristics of the other animals found in the Hun dred Acre Wood and explains why they were neverthe hero of the classic tales. Hoff details why the reader should strive to not be a Hesitant Piglet (so timid he can't see his own strengths) orthe "Bisy Backson" Rab bit ("Let's put it this way: If you want to be healthy, relaxed, and contented, just watch what a Bisy Backson does and then do the opposite. There's one now, pacing back and forth, jingling the loose coins in his pocket, nervously glancing at his watch. He makes you feel tired just looking at him"). There's also the Grumpy Eeyore ("As anyone who doesn't have it can see, the Eey ore Attitude gets in the way of things like wisdom and happiness, and pretty much prevents any sort of real Accom plishment in life") and the Scholarly Owl (those who use their knowledge to make others feel worthless or stupid, ratherthan "working for the enlighten ment of others") as well as the Bouncy Tigger (those who think they can do everything and, of course, they can do it better than you) that no one really wants to be like. Hoff asks "Do you wantto be really happy? You can begin by being appre ciative of who you are and what you've got." Reading this amazing book is also a good step in that direc tion. You won't regret it. Music & Dance CALENDAR of EVENTS School of Music and Dance Sat., Oct. 22 - All Day, Autzen Stadium FESTIVAL OF BANDS High School Marching Band Competition An all-day affair featuring 30 of the top march ing bands in the Northwest. Call 346-5670 for schedule and ticket information. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Monday, Oct. 24-8 p.m., Beall Hall JAZZ ARRANGERS CONCERT Chuck Owen, guest composer UO Jazz Ensemble & Guest Artist; $5, $3 Tuesday, Oct. 25-8 p.m., Beall Hall LAURA ZAERR, Harp NANCY ANDREW, Flute Faculty Artist Series; $9, $5 “Music from the Other World” — music that bridges the gap between this world and the next. Thursday, Oct. 27 • 8 p.m., Beall Hall FRITZ GEARHART, Violin DAVID RILEY, Piano Faculty Artist Series; $9, $5 “The Composing Violinist," featuring music by Paganini, Kreisler, Sarasate, and others. Sunday, Oct. 30 - 3 p.m., Beall Hall Violinist ANDREW MANZE and the ENGLISH CONCERT Chamber Music Series; $29, $23, $18, $12 Baroque selections by Pachelbel, Biber, Bach, Purcell, and others. Advance tickets from the Hult Center (682-5000) or EMU (346-4363). Monday, Oct. 31 - 8 p.m., Beall Hall UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY UO Ensemble; $5, $3 A Halloween-flavored program; music by Mahler, Strauss, and Dukas. For our complete calendar, check: