Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 14, 2005, Page 12A, Image 12

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we are not stereotypes!
we are your fellow students, alumni, professors, co-workers, and friends,
we are OUT and PROUD!
we are Just a few of the strong and creative lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer,
transsexual, and transgender Individuals who are part of the diverse UO community.
Alec Zimmerman- Anthropology/Environmental studies
Alexander Alhert-Galtier - Faculty, Associate Professor Romance
Allegra Herdklotz- Yasutake- student
Amber Lunch, Grad Student, aad
Amy Davis- student
Amy Johnson- staff- scheduling and Events Services
Angela Messed - lgbtqa codirector, student, Psychology & WGS
Angelina Kuchar - Staff CFC, '92 Alum English/women s Studies
Barb Ryan - alum, BS Psych. 83 & MS counseling Psych
Barbara A. H. Johnson
Benjamin R. Storey- student
Branden Johnson- Peer Health Education Program; Bridges
speakers Panel
Brlkena Haxhlraj - SPED
Bruce Czuchna - university counseling and Teaching center
Carol Jones- staff at lcb
Cater soles- PH. D. student English Department
Ce Rosenow- faculty
Charity warren - Digital Arts
Chicora Martin- Director, lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Support Services
Colleen Jones, Nurse Practitioner, university Health center
Curtis Frledline
Daniel Friend - Grad student, Psych, GTF Office of Student Life
Danielle Haraburda- alum
David Blasher - UO Law Class of 2007
David Chard - Associate Dean, college of Education, Special
David Goward, Senior Accounting Major & Programs
Administrator -asuo.
David Landazurl- staff
David M. Bernstein, Administrative Faculty, UO Continuing
David McCallum-Staff, Fine Arts Alum
David wood- faculty
Denise Swanson - Behavioral Research & Teaching Staff
Dianne Dugaw - Faculty
Dom vetrl, Law School
Donella-Ellzabeth Alston- Ethnic Studies program, office
Dr. Bonnie Mann - Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Dr. Grant McKernle- emeritus faculty
Ed Teague- Faculty, UO Libraries
Elizabeth Breakstone - social Science Librarian
Elizabeth Duel), Religious Studies/Medieval Studies/History
Elite Tarpley - student
Emllle Cate - College of Education
Erica Anderson- student Geography and Aslan Studies
Erika Mueller- English composition instructor creative writing
Erin Dougherty- Psychology major
Faye A. Chadwell, librarian, UO libraries
Haslna Cohen- School of music
Heather Bottorff, Lundqulst college of Business
Heather North
Heidi Sanh - Staff
Henry Alley - Faculty, Honors college
Holly Arrow - Psychology, institute of cognitive and Decision
tan Tacquard- student
Jackson Holtz, graduate student
Jacqueline L Hurst
Jaye Anne Barlous- staff, Knight Library, MDLS department
Jennifer E. Brake- student, Humanities, Arts and Administration
Jennifer French - Student
Jennifer M. Jabson - Child & Family Center
jess Parker, student Geography and Environmental Studies
Jessica Wright- student Environmental Studies/Ethnic Studies
Jill Leinlnger - Officer of Administration, college of Arts &
John Hollan - Faculty
Jolene Siemsen, Nurse practitioner, university Health center
Jonathan cook, GTF
Jose Soto
Justin Hulbert- Ph.D. student, Psychology, cog/Neuro
Karen logvln- staff
Karen McPherson- associate professor, Department of Romance
Karrle waiters - Counseling Psychology
Keetje Kulpers-Grad Student- Creative writing & GTF Dept, of
Katla Jimenez - Staff, BAO
Klmi Mljlca - faculty
Kirlsta Trask- alumni
Kurt Sevlts - Student, Psychology Major
Lara Barnes- facuity/staff -Psychology
Laura A. Gerards- Staff - EMU Craft center
Laura Fair - Faculty
Laurie Jones Neighbors - instructor
Laura Ruffner - Graduate-Educational studies
Leigh Roberts web & Digital media specialist TACS/WRRC (COE)
Unna Dean- Graduate student, Art
Lori Howard - Graphic Designer creative Publishing
Lucy L Caudill uo Law Class of 08
Marco Davis- MFA/GTF in Dance
Marie Vltulll - Faculty
Mark c. Adams - Staff
Mark Turner - staff, Academic Affairs
Marti Miller - Faculty, Dept, of Geological Sciences
Martin Summers - History and Ethnic studies
Mary-Lynn Bryant - Graduate Student, Arts Management
Mayr Makenna - Faculty, Office of Student Ufe
Meghan Buchanan Grad student Music Education
Melanie Haley - Staff, EMU
Melanie R. Haley - Maintenance Staff @ emu
Miranda Plummer, law student
Molly Sirols - Faculty, Disability Services
Nancy Taylor Kemp, cphs faculty
Nlkl Martin- Alum Family and Human Services COE
Opey Freedle- sociology
Pamela Gifford- Staff member, School of Music and Dance
Peg Rees - Faculty & Alum
Peggy Pascoe - Faculty, Dept, of History
Queer Research, Education, Advocacy, and Dialogue (QREAD),
formerly ORi
Robert Bennett- Micro Technician/Banner Clerk uo computing
Center/McKenzie Hall 151
Renae Kowltz, ceramics Technician, emu Craft center
Rik Lemoncello- ph.d. student/CTF- communication Sciences and
Risa Bear - Faculty
Dr. R. M. Cray - Safety and Equity In Education Alum
Robert L Davis - Faculty
Rodger Adkins - Overseas Program coordinator, Office of
international Programs
Ruby Brunk- student
Ryan Minor- student
Sam Kaiser- Student, History
Sarah Burgundy- School of Law
prof. Sarah Douglas - Faculty, computer information Science
Scott Koketsu - Accounting
Shannon cocke - Faculty
Shannon Rose- staff- Public & Media Relations
Shelly Kerr- university Counseling and Testing Center
Shoshana D. Kerewsky, faculty, counseling Psychology and Human
Services Area.
Stephanie Carnahan - OUS Chancellor’s Office Staff
Stephanie Hyde - club rugby, honors college, psychology
Stephen Watkins- alum
Sue orchard - Staff
Susan Thelen - Staff
Tania Triana - Assistant Professor of Spanish, Dept, of Romance
Tara Hicks, Landscape Architecture and Sculpture student
Tara Stark-Thompson - Staff
Thomas Morter -Business Affairs Office
TK McDonald - staff Philosophy Dept., 78 Alum Theatre
Westbrook Johnson, 2L School of Law
Whitney Guenther
I we acknowledge the importance of speaking out against the discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation/gender identity, and publicly
proclaim our support and affirmation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transsexual, and transgender members of our community.
Abigail Leeder- student Life
Adria imada - Ethnic Studies & Anthropology
Alexandra Stotts - Faculty
Allsia Caban- counseling Psychology Family and Human services
Allison Pedrazzl - English Ph D. Student & GTF - CAS Development
Amy M. long - Greek leadership Advisor
Amy Nuetzman - instructor, Academic learning Services
Amy valllancourt Sals-French Horn GTF
Andre Chinn - School of journalism & communication
Andrea Larson - Staff
Andrea Olson- Staff, Research & Prospect Management
Andrea Sparks - Staff (American English institute), Alum 1999,
Journalism & communication
Andrew Skinner lopata, (JO Law alum, class of 03
Anita Yan, student
Annie Bentz - OA
Annie Dochnahl - Faculty
Anthony Green
Anthony Robinson, English
Aaron Ragan-Fore - Staff, Office of Admissions
Barbara Aldave - Faculty
Becky couch-Goodllng - OA (Presidents Office)
Belle Phlliboslan - Geology Graduate Student
Ben Douglas MD - Faculty
Bob Jones - Staff
Brad Hachten - Graduate student, Educational Leadership
Candace Cardiff- Area Director Family Housing
Cara Bohon-graduate student/GTF In psychology
Carla D. Gary, J.D. - Assistant vice Provost for institutional Equity
and Diversity
Caroline Cummins- alum
Carolyn Bergquist - Faculty
Cass Skinnerlopata
Charlotte Nlsser - student Law/Journalism
Charlotte Winter - Child and Family center
Cheryl Hunter - Youth Enrichment tag Programs & Grad Student
Marriage & Family Therapy
Chris Phan- GTF Math Dept.
Chris Loschlavo - Faculty
Christine Gordon - Faculty
corrlna Falkensteln (Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student)
Courtney Gasser - counselor, university counseling and Testing
crlstlne Clifford cullinan, Ph D.- administrative faculty
David Miller - Men s Center, Counseling Psychology
David Blasher - uo Law Class of 2007
David Uchtensteln, counseling psychology doctoral student & GTF
college of Ed
David Messer
David Miller, M.S.W.- counseling Psych. Doctoral candidate &
Director, UO Men's center
Dawn Gibson - Staff
Deanna Unvllle-faculty member
Deb Merskln- Associate Professor school of Journalism &
Debbie schlenoff - adjunct faculty
Debora Coen - Faculty, Academic Learning Services
Debra L George
Diana Woodworth
Diane Jensen
Donna Scurlock, M.D.
Drew Morgan- Housing staff
Ehren Vaughn- u of 0 law student
Elizabeth Breakstone - Social Science Librarian
Ellen Mcwhirter, faculty, Counseling Psychology
Erin Ganahl- uo Law School
Erin McGladrey- staff -Office of Student Ufe/ASUO women's
Genie Baker - Faculty
George F. Baitlnger ill - Faculty
Georgeanne Cooper
Gina Hermann
Greg Strlpp - Staff & Alum
H. Brooks Morse- university counseling and Testing Center
Hannah Ann Humphrey- GTF- Department of sociology
Harriett Smith - Staff (library), 78 Alum
Heather Dumas-Dyer - university Housing
Hope Marston- staff
Hugo Rodriguez OrdOrtez-GTF, Mathematics
Jackie Snider - staff Disability Services
James Lyda - CPSY Doctral Student, GTF ucrc
jane Steckbeck - Faculty, Law
Janice w. Rutherford - Faculty
Jason Dufurrena, 2L School of law
Jeffery Jane Flowers - Faculty SOJC, '96 Alum
John Duncan Jr- EMU staff
Jen Geiger- Student, UO school of Law
Jenna Peterson - Museum of Natural & cultural History/
Department of Anthropology
Jennifer J. Freyd, Ph.D.- Professor Department of Psychology
Jennifer Mlesch, student, college of Education
Rev. Jeremy Hajdu-Paulen.- Campus Minister- Wesley Foundation
united Methodist Campus Ministry
jo Larson -Instructor, ASL CDS pgm., college of Education
Joann Gray - Staff, alum 87 BA Journalism, 2000 MS Public Policy
Jocelyn warren- research assistant, csws
Jodi Kaszubskl-Staff
Jonathan Udbeck - Ph D. Grad student, GTF, CIS Department
John Shuford
John Toner - Faculty
Josh Kellermann- Student, inti Studies MA, Law School JD, Class
Of 2008, GTFF
Julie Novkov- Associate Professor of Political Science & Director,
women's and Gender studies
Kara Frlcke
Karen Kennedy - Office of international Students & Scholars
Karen McLaughlin - Faculty, CDS
Karen Munro - Faculty
Karl Nlebauer - Alum & staff In Geology
Kate Weatherly- Law faculty
Kathle Stanley - student Affairs and '86 Alum
Katie Rodgers- graduate student
Kelley ledn Howarth - Faculty
Kelly warren - '97 edld Masters Graduate, Current FHS Faculty
Kent McIntosh- Faculty, Educational and community Supports
Kevin Alltucker - Faculty, counseling Psychology & Human
Kim wood-Alum 2005, Financial Aid
Kristen Olmos - Faculty
Kristin Grleger - lcb career services
Krys Nichols - Staff: Student Life
Laura Blake Jones - Staff, 04 Alum
Laura Damianl - AAA Library staff
Laura Un Hackney-Office of Admissions / Student
Laura Salerno- Law student
Lee Latour - Staff
Leslie Hall - Faculty, sociology
Uane Richardson- Alum (BA Sociology 1992; JD1995)
Linda Forrest - Faculty
Unda Fuller - Faculty
Usa Frelnkel- Associate Professor English /Director comparative
Literature Program
Usa Gilman- faculty
Usa Yount - Philosophy PhD Candidate
Uz Bohls- Associate Professor English Department
Lori Brown- GTF with work and Family Services
Lori Robare - faculty, Ubrary
Lou Vljayakar - Housing staff
M. Bennet Smith - Student, English Dept.
Madonna L Moss - Faculty
Mai Le- student
Malika Fitch - Faculty
Mandy carman - Office Specialist, CASLS; Student, English Major
Marla Berggren - staff, Registrar's Office
Marilyn Brown - Staff
Mark R. Watson - Faculty
Mary Fechner
Mary Milo - Staff
Max Glmbel-Spanish GTF
Max Wakefield- Graduate Student
Melissa Foynes - Clinical Psychology Graduate Student
Melissa'Morgan- Walton complex Director and edld m.S. Alum
Meredith Cohn- Staff UCTC
Michael Connelly- faculty/Alum Class of 77 MA
Michael E. Stamm - Staff, English Dept.
Michael Moffltt- Associate Director, ADR Center and professor
school of Law
Mike Eyster- interim vice President for student Affairs & Director
of university Housing
Monica Frank, lpc, Medical social worker- alum
Nancy Cheng - Faculty
Nancy Slight- Gibney- librarian, alum-Anthropology
Natalie Eggert, Human Resources Manager university of Oregon
Bookstore, Inc.
Patti Hachten - Office of the Registrar
Paul Nolan - Political Science 2006, Housing, Student Ufe
Paula Staight - Faculty
Peg Gearhart - Staff
Priscilla Eldor-Staff
Ramah Leith - Faculty
Rebecca Dusseau - Academic Learning Services
Rebecca Eldredge- staff ucrc
Rebecca Silver - Environmental Studies Masters Program
Rev. Jeremy Hajdu-Paulen- Wesley Foundation campus Ministry
Rick Guerra- Faculty career Center
Robbin Howard - Staff & Alum
Robin Bachtter Cushman- MFA-Photography & 90 alum BA
Rodney Bloom - Staff pars
Ron Davies - Associate Professor, Dept, of Economics
Ron Miyaguchi - counseling & Testing center, Staff
Ruthann Maguire - Staff & Alum
Sachiko Kamloka- Center for Applied second Language Studies
Sarah countryman -student and Graduate Teaching Fellow Italian
Sarah Jaquette- GTF, Environmental Studies & composition
Sarah Peters, uo law student
Sarah Strock- student
Scott Maler - Faculty, School of Journalism & communication
Sheri Donahoe- Associate Director of Residence Ufe
Sophie Smith - Financial Aid
Stacy Marquardt - Staff
Stephanie wood - Faculty
Steve Carney - Faculty, Academic Counselor
Steve Shapiro - Office of Research Services and Administration
Steve vacchi - Faculty
Steven Poioge- faculty- School of Music
Susan Gary, faculty Law School
Susan Homolka, Staff at university Health center
Susan J. Brown - Staff
Susan Mlncks - Staff
Susan Primak - Staff, IDEA
Sylvia worrlx - Staff, Knight Ubrary, 75 Alum, Psychology
Terri scharfer - Faculty OA
Tim Jordan - Creative Publishing
Tom Ryan, MD - Faculty, university Health center Director
w. Andrew Marcus - Faculty
Wendy Mitchell- Assistant Dean, undergraduate Programs College
of Business
William MacMaster m.d. - Medical staff, Student Health center
Thank you for Joining us In celebrating National coming Out Day, October 11,2005.
For more information on National coming Out Day, please call the Director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Educational and Support Sendees Program (Chicora martin) at 546-1134.