Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 11, 2005, Page 8, Image 8

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we are not stereotypes!
we are your fellow students, alumni, professors, co-workers, and friends,
we are OUT and PROUD!
we are Just a few of the strong and creative lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer,
transsexual, and transgender Individuals who are part of the diverse UO community.
Aaron Rosenberg - Student, GTF: School of Music
Aaron Swenson - Student
Alec Zimmerman - Student
Alexandre Albert-Galtler - Faculty, Romance Languages Dept.
Alicia Spitzer - N/A
Allan "laughingwater" Smith ■ Staff, Alumni
Amanda Powell & Dianne Dugaw - Faculty
Amy Frey - Student, Anthropology
And) Castle
Andy Smith - Staff
Angelina Kucher - UOCFC Staff, Alumni 1992 English Major/
women studies
Ann Clasullo - Faculty
Arwen Maas-DeSpaln - Staff, CEO
Austin Shaw-Philllps - PPPM
Bradley Cube - Sophomore In Pre Business
Branden Johnson - international Studies
Carlssa Christensen - English
Caryn Ackerman - Law Student
Chicora Martin & Niki Martin - LGBTESSP Director & Human &
Family Services Program
Colleen Jones - staff, University Health Center
crystal Cathcart - WGS & soc
Danielle Haraburda - Law Student
David Blasher
David coward - Accounting
David Land zurl - Staff
David M. Berstein - Faculty, Continuing Education
Diane Lorraine Teeman - Graduate Student
Dominick vetrl
Dustin McKague - Student
Edward H. Teague - Faculty, Libraries
Emily Graham-Berks - Family & Human Services
Emily tann - Student
Emily McElroy - Faculty: Knight Library
Emily Sousa - Student
Emily Thompson
Erin Daugherty - Psychology
Erin O'Brien - Faculty, Director ASUO Womenis Center
Faye A Chadwell - Faculty
Fiona l. B. Ngu - Faculty, Ethnic Studies Program
Flynne Olivarez - Majors in SOC & PPM
Frank Strony - Alumni
Gabrlela Martinez - Student
George Marlton - Law Student 2005
Heather Bottorff & Stephanie Carnahan - Administrators
College of Business/ Chancellor's Office
Heather North - Student
Heidi Sann
Henry Alley - Professor of Literature, Honors College
Holly Arrow
Jackson Holtz
Jaye Barlous - Staff, MDLS
Jennifer M Jabson - Faculty, Child and Family Center
Jennifer M. Jabson - Faculty: Child & Family Center
Jennifer Rowan - Staff, library and Alum
Jes Burns - Graduate Student- Journalism
Jet Eccelston
Jeueue Peterson
Jill Leininger
Joe Eriksen - LGBTQA
Joe Humphreys - Alumni
Joey Macdonald - Philosophy
John Hollan - Housing Staff
Johnny Correa - Art
Jolene Siemsen - staff-university Health Center
Jonathan Cook - Grad Student, Psychology
Julleann Stelnberger - Student
Karen logvln - Staff, Alum
Katia Jimenez - Staff: Business Affairs
Keetje Kuipers - Graduate Student & GTF
Kim Mojica - Staff
Lara Barnes - Faculty: Psych.
Laura A. Geraras - Staff, EMU Craft Center
Laura Un Hackney
laurle Jones Neighbors - Faculty
Leigh Cook - Staff: Scheduling and Event Services
Linda Long - Faculty
Lori Howard - Staff: Creative Publishing
M. Westbrook Johnson - Law Student
Marco Davis - MFA Grad Student in Dance
Mar1< Turner - Staff, Academic Affairs
Marl) Miller - faculty, Dept of Geological sciences
Martha Pellegrino - law Student/GTF Academic learning Services
Martin Summers - Faculty: History Dept., Ethnic Studies
Mayr Makenna - Faculty, Student Ufe
Melanie Harmon - Office of Communications, OU Alum
Melissa Ellis - Student: Psych
Michael Eaves - Alum, HIV Alliance
Michael Estis • Psych. Undergraduate
Miranda Plummer
Molly SiroLs - Counselor, Disability Services
Nancy Taylor Kemp - Faculty: Counseling Psychology & Human
Opey Freedle - student
Peg Rees - Associate Director ft PARS
Peggy Paside - Faculty, History Dept.
Rachel Brubeck - Student
Rebecca Hulbrook - Staff
Richard iSteffii Bear - Faculty
Rik Lemoncello - GTF Communication Disorders & Sciences
Robert Bennett - Micro Technician, Banner Clerk
Robert L Davis - Faculty
Robert sebastlane Powers - Fine Arts
Roger Adkins - Overseas Program coordinator, Office of
international Programs
Roxanne Coulter - Master Program, Department of
Ryan Minor - Romance languages
Sarah Douglas - Professor, Computer & information science
Sarah Thomas ■ Student
Scott Koketsu - Accounting major
Shasta K. Willson - Alumni, CIS department with a M.$.
Shelly Kerr - Staff
Sheryl Ryan - Student-Cultural Anthropology
Shoshana Kerewsky - Faculty: Counseling Psychology & Human
Stacy Borke - ASUO women's Center lgbtq issues Coordinator
Sue Orchard - Faculty
Sylvaln Montalbano - Exchange Student, English Major
rara Stark - Faculty
rhomas Morter - Staff, Business Office
TK McDonald - Staff: Philosophy, Alumni: Theatre June 1978
roby Hlll-Meyer - student and ASUO Senate
rerese Reynolds - MFA Student Creative Writing
i/onda welty - Staff Library
We acknowledge the importance of speaking out against the discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation/gender identity, ana puonciy
proclaim our support and affirmation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transsexual, and transgender members of our community.
Adam Petkln
Alan Dickman - Faculty: Biology
Alana Healey
Alastalr Hunt - PhD Student, English Dept.
Alex Stotts - Faculty: women's Gender studies
Amanda Garllck - women s Center
Amanda Herman - GTF: Dance Dept
Andrea Sparks - Staff
Andrew Sklnnerlopata
Andrew veruer - OA
Anil S. Karla - student
Ann Zeidman-Karplnskl - Asst. Professor, science & Technology
Services Librarian
Ann Zeidman-Karplnskl - Faculty: Science Library
Anna Hults - Staff; Child and Family Center, Alum
Anne Cohen - student
Annie Benz - OA, Faculty, Staff
Anthony Robinson
Audrey Desjarlals - Staff and Alum -Fine Arts
Barbara S. Butler - Faculty, (OA), Library
Becky couch-Goodilng - staff-OA, Alum
Bert Schumann - Physics
Bitty Roy - Faculty
Brandon Rushing
Brenda Treadwell - Law Student
Brian Long - Graduate Student, Physics
Brltta Torgrlmson - GTF, PhD Student- Human Psychology
Candace Cardiff - Staff
Carl Bjerre - Faculty
Carla D. Gary - Office for Institutional Equality and Diversity
Carol Glantonlo - Staff, Clark Honors College
Caroline Cummins - Grad Student, GTF, School of Journalism
and Communication
Carolyn Allard - PhD Clinical Psychology
Carolyn Amber Moser - Law Student
Carolyn Culbertson - Graduate teaching fellow, Philosophy
Carolyn wrlsten - Senior
Cass Sklnnerlopata - Law Student
Chad Okrusch - Doctoral student- Journalism
Charlotte Nlsser - Law and Masters Grad In Journalism
Cheryl Hunter - Faculty
Chris Loschlavo - Faculty
Christa Hansen - Staff
Colleen Bell - Faculty, Libraries
Consuela Perez - Staff, Alum
Cynthea McIntosh - Staff
Cynthia Stenger - Faculty
Dan Galpem - Law School
Dan Hasson - Student
Daniel Apolonl
Daniel Kruse - Law School
Danielle Lord!
Dawn Gibson - staff, Payroll
Deanna Unvllle - Faculty
Denise Miller - Alum
Diane Fumo - Staff
Donna Scurtock - Chancelloris Office: Student Health
Doug Blandy - Professor Arts; Administration; associate Dean A&AA
Drew Morgan - Staff
Ela orensteln - Student
Eli Van Camp
Elijah Nadull
Eric B. Mltton - Student
Erik Dahl ■ staff
Erin McKercher - Staff; international Programs, Alum
Estella Porras - School of Journalism
Eva Qulnby - Staff
Flo DeLanev - staff: PARS
Frank Segarra - Student
Gabrlai Blckie-Eldrldge
Garrett Epps
Georgeanne Cooper ■ Faculty
Greg Kelly - Student
Greg Strlpp - OA, Alum
Gretchen H. Ueberman - staff, First-Year Programs
H. Brooks Morse - UCTC
Han Nordstrum - GTF, Grad Student
Harriett Smith - Library Staff & UO Alum
Heather Dumas-Dyer - Faculty: Housing
Hee Jung serenity Joo - GTF Ethnic studies, Comparative Literature
Holly LeMasurler - Faculty
Holly Moline - Admissions
Hope Marston - Staff
Jackie snider - Staff Dept.
James Lyda - Counseling, Psychology Ph.D Student, GTF UCTC
James Mooney - Faculty
Jamie valentine - student
Jane Gordan - Faculty
Janet Grayson
Janie Sweeney - Staff-Business Affairs
Janny Hunter - Staff-Admissions .
Jason Hartz
Jason Mdlhaney - Grad student
Jeff Todahl - Faculty, Director of Center for Family Therapy
Jen Gelgervlaw School
Jennifer Ablow - Faculty: Psychology Dept.
Jennifer Ballute
Jennifer J. Freyd - Faculty
Jennifer Rowan - Staff (library) and Alum
Jessica Roberts - Law
Jessica Skelton - Student
Jill Cassara - Student
Jo Larson - Faculty
JoAnn Gray
Jocelyn T. warren - Adjunct Faculty, CSWS
Joe Metcalfe - Faculty
John E. Bonnlne
John Haapala - Student
John Shuford - Associate Director, center on Diversity and community
John Tuner - Faculty
Josh Reed
J-P voiliequE - Student, Alumni
Judd F. Snelrson - Faculty
Judl Hrstmann - Staff, Alum
Julie Novkou - Director WGS
Karen Ellis - Student Law
Kate Darby - Graduate Student, GTF; Environmental Studies
Kate watklnson - Student
Kateryna E. Larking - community member, former student
Kathie Stanley - Alum, student Affairs
Kathryn Moakley
Kayla Brinkman - Grad student, Staff
Kevin Carolan
Kim Briscoe - Student
Kim McQueen - staff
Kristen Olmus - University Health center
Kristen S. Blrkedal - Student
Kristen Vogt - Student
Krys Nichols - Staff
Lacy Westfall - Student Law
Lara Nesselroad - Faculty: Libraries
Laura Blake Jones - Staff, Alum, Education Leadership
Laura Ruffner - Educational Studies
Lauren Somers
Laurie Jones Neighbors - Faculty
Leigh vanHandel - Faculty
Leslie Hall - Faculty, Sociology
Usa Fascia - staff, Counseling Psychology & Human Services Dept
Uz Bohls - Faculty: English Dept.
Lori Robare - Faculty, Knight Library
Lou Vljayakar - Staff, uo Housing
Louise M. Bishop - Faculty
Lucy Biggs - Staff, Material Science Inst.
Madonna Moss - Faculty
Malika Fitch - Staff
Marco Acevedo - Student
Margaret Hallock - Faculty: Wayne Morse Center Director
Marla Berggren - staff, Student
Marlsa Tablzon - Faculty, Staff, Alum
Mar] Blehler • Faculty, (OA)
Marjorie Taylor - Professor, Dept, of Psychology
Mark Watson - Faculty, UO libraries
Mark Weiner - Faculty
Mary Sillican - Student
Matthew Ellis - Law Student
Matthew Lyon - 3L Law
McKay Sohlberg PhD - Faculty
M?gan OiConnell - Instructor, Art
Meghan Briggs - RA: Biology
Meghan Podden - Law Student
Melanie Harmon - Office of Communications, Alum
Melissa Logan - Staff: Ubrary Personnel
Melissa Safer - Student
Merv Loya - Faculty
Michael Gustafson - Student
Michael Moffltt- Faculty
Michael Tedesco - Faculty
Michelle Dlggles - Graduate Student, GTC, Political Science
Michelle HokJway - staff: Asst Director Financial Aid & Scholarships
Mlscha Buczkowskl - Faculty
Misha Dunlap • Law Student
Monique Balbuena - Faculty-Honors College
Nancy Acevedo
Nancy Shurtz - Faculty
Nancy Slight-Cibney - Librarian, Alum
Naomi Meiver - Student
Natalie Eggert - Staff Alumni
Nicole Pete - womems center
Nlkole Schick
Flynne Olivarez - Student-majors In SOC/PPPM
Pablo valentine
Pat Ferris - Staff: career Center
Patricia Bradweli - Law Student
Patti Hachter - Office of the Registrar
Paula Cleslelski - university Health Center
Paula R. stalght - University Health Center
Peter B. Gllkey - Faculty, Math Dept.
Peter Goss - Faculty, Alum
Petra Hagen - Staff, Alum
Rachel Bredflidt
Ray vukcevlch - Faculty, Research Assistant
Rebecca A. Lynn - Staff, History Dept
Rebecca Proisch - staff, computer center
Richard Kraus - Prof. Political science Director, Clark Honors College
Richard Stein - Chancelloris Office
Robbin Howard - Staff, Alum 1985 Grad, MBA, Actg
Robert Hill Long - Faculty, Creative Writing Program
Roberta Deppe - Administrator, Staff though technically iFacultyi
Ron Davis - Faculty, Economics Dept.
Russ Meeuf - English Dept Grad Student
Ruthann Maguire - Staff, BA Music, 1981, MA. English literature, 1998
Ryanne Pllgeram - Sociology Graduate Student
Sarah Drew - Counseling Center Staff Therapist
Sarah Gianelll • Journalism Graduate Student
Sarah Peterson
Sarah Sari - Student
Sarah Thomas - Student
Sarah wells - Journalism, womems center, Assault Prevention Shuttle
Scott Becker, Ph.D. - UCTt, Sr. Staff Therapist, Asst Training Director
Scott Maler - Faculty, School of Journalism & Communication
Sean Bannon - student
Shane Dirks
Shanon Rahlml - Student
Sheryl Eyster - Assistant Dean of Student, Student Ufe
Sophie Smith - Faculty
spike Glldea - Faculty, Alum
Stanjay srlvastava - Assistant Professor, Dept, of Psychology
Stephanie Ota - Grad Student, CTF; Chemistry
Stephanie Wood - Faculty
Steve Carney - Faculty, Academic Learning Services
Susan Gary - Faculty
Susan Homolka - Staff
Susan J. Brown - Staff
Susan Mlncks - Staff In DOC Center, Knight Ubrary
Susan Stumpf - Staff Ubrary
Susanne Endow - Staff, Alum
Sylvia worrlx - Staff, Alum
Tehan Whlttemyer - Student
Thomas Romano - Student
Tim Gerlng - Student
Tina Hayens - Staff
Tom Ryan - Director, university Health Center
Tony Garcia - student
Truman Grandy - Staff, Printing services
Van Quan
William MacMaster MD - Faculty: Student Health
Dvora Robinson - staff, coorainator, poraana Arcmtecture uorary Kare weauieny - racuiiY
nunc run* - dluuciil
Aavici naiiui jiuucii
We Invite you to Join with us In celebrating National Coming Out Day, October 11,2005.
For more information on National coming Out Day, please call the Director of the lesbian, Cay, Bisexual, and Transgender Educational and Support sendees Program (Chicora martin) at 346-1134.