Google caters its services to students' needs The Internet search engine now provides students with an e-mail account, affording them more storage BY EVA SYLWESTER SENIOR NEWS REPORTER Google, the Internet search engine that started as two Stanford University students’ research project and became a household name, has launched a campaign to make its services more useful and accessible to college students. On Sept. 4, Google made accounts for Gmail, its e-mail service, available to anyone with a college or university ir Marcus Larson | For the Emerald Chairman of the West University Neighbors Drix Rixmann reacts to an audience mem ber’s comment during board member nominations on Thursday night. Rixmann will step down after serving two years as chairman of the WUN. WUN: Members discuss the years accomplishments Continued from page 1A taken at that meeting and elected in a special election. WUN members also discussed their accomplishments over the last year. Rixmann was especially proud of the alleyway art project. Last Au gust, WUN had residents, construc tion workers and Eugene Mayor Kitty Piercy sign wet cement in a newly paved alleyway. “I’m real happy with the way that turned out,” Rixmann said. “It’s a piece of neighborhood art right out there. ” The WUN board also discussed efforts to save neighborhood trees. Rixmann suggested protecting new trees with cages constructed as pieces of art. Community activist Zach Vishanoff was appointed by Walsh to head a committee that will look into ways of removing graffiti from trees in the neighborhood. Other topics included tenant landlord relations, neighborhood party rules and continued discus sions about what to do with the West Neighborhood Park. After a heated discussion over possibilities for the park, the debate was tabled until next month’s meeting. The next meeting will be Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. in the Sloat Room of the Atrium Building at Olive Street and 10th Avenue. Elections will be held, and anyone from the neighborhood is eligible to vote. Contact the city, state politics reporter at 1 STUDENT GROUPS Advertise in the Emerald. Call 346-3712 to speak with a rep. We have great University rates. e-mail account — that is, any e-mail address ending in .edu. Gmail accounts were previously available only through an invitation by a current Gmail user. Group Product Marketing Manager for Google Inc. Debbie Jaffe says Gmail accounts work well with school e-mail accounts because school-related e-mail messages can be forwarded to a Gmail account, enabling students to take advantage of Gmail’s storage and search capacities. Because Gmail accounts have more than 2.5 gigabytes of storage space, there is no need to delete old mes sages. University e-mail accounts currently have 250 megabytes of storage space. Gmail accounts are now also avail able to anyone with a mobile phone number in the United States. All of Google’s user services are of fered for free. The company stays afloat through advertising revenue. “Sponsored links” alongside Google search results earn money for Google every time a user clicks on them. GOOGLE, page 5A ¥i P\iT OttT . .. great events UO Cultural Forum your campus connection to music, film, speakers, visual arts, contemporary issues, and performing arts events Flogging Holly WOW Hall Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 8:30 p.m. 'eseezo' Tickets $!8/$20 - UOTicket Office or WOW Hall Gypsy Concert and Dance Party Legends of Bulgarian Wedding Music Agate Hall Oct. 18 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $8/$ 10 Jason ffrar Live Hult Center Thursday, Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. TICKETS ON SALE NOW! $27, $32 UOTicket Office Talk to your friends/for free through your computer. (No anytime minutes required.) Google Send instant messages and make free calls around the world - for as long as you want, with great