Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 06, 2005, Page 3, Image 3

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WUN election encourages
student involvement
The West University Neighbors
will nominate officers for the upcom
ing year at their monthly meeting
tonight in preparation for elections in
The WUN is looking for a new
chairperson, second vice president,
secretary and two at-large members.
The chairperson and second vice
president serve one-year terms and
the at-large members serve two
year terms.
“It’s not hard work, but you do
have to do some showing up,” WUN
Chairman Drix Rixmann said.
Anyone who lives in the West Uni
versity Neighborhood is encouraged
to attend the meeting and nominate
themselves, but WUN Secretary Deb
orah Healey encourages students
to run.
“The WUN benefits from their en
ergy and perspective,” Healey wrote
in an e-mail.
Both Rixmann and Healey are un
able to run for their current positions
because WUN rules state that no per
son can serve more than two full con
secutive terms in the same office.
Rixmann is interested in becoming a
board member, and Healey is unsure
whether she will run for any position.
The WUN will also brainstorm top
ics for the upcoming year.
Current topics include landlord
tenant issues, partying responsibly in
the West University Neighborhood
and encouraging neighborhood in
volvement with the WUN.
“We’ve got the smartest neighbor
hood in the whole city,” Rixmann
said, “but we’re just not very con
nected.” The most timely issue on
the association’s agenda is the West
University Park, Rixmann said.
“I’d like to continue working with
the city to make it the coolest park on
the West Coast,” Rixmann said. Rix
mann is interested in making it a Wi
Fi-capable park someday, but has not
made any plans yet.
Rixmann encourages anyone inter
ested to come to the meeting, but
those who can’t should go to
www.drix.org and visit the WUN Ya
hoo! group, he said.
Tonight’s meeting will be at 7 p.m.
in the Sloat Room of the Atrium
Building at 10th Avenue and Olive
Street. Elections will be held at the
Nov. 3 meeting.
—Chris Hagan
ASUO votes in president
Stephanie Erickson
The ASUO Student Senate gave
$2,377 in student money on Wednes
day night to send three members of a
student group to a Washington, D.C.,
The move came after the student
government Executive branch vetoed
last week’s Senate decision to give the
Latino/a Law Student Association
more than $3,000 to send four to the
conference, citing a lack of fund rais
ing on the group’s part.
The Senate also allocated $2,000 to
fund an anti-Columbus Day event that
starts Monday, $235 for a Chinese Stu
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dent Association dinner and $300 to
reimburse the House of Film for the
production of its full-length feature
film “Proctor.”
The Senate also voted in president,
vice president, treasurer and ombuds
man positions.
Second-year Senator Stephanie Er
ickson changed seats with Senate
Summer Committee President Reinier
Heyden after running uncontested.
Sara Hamilton won the vice presi
dent position over Senator Amy Du
four, and Jared Axelrod was elected
ombudsman after he said he sleeps
with the ASUO rules guide under
his pillow.
Athletic Department Finance Com
mittee member Spencer Crum was
elected as Senate treasurer after a tie
and re-vote. He ran uncontested. Crum
left immediately after the Senate elect
ed him to the position.
Erickson, in her first meeting as Sen
ate president, announced that Senators
need to attend the workshops being
held on campus to educate themselves
on the budgeting process. So far, she
said, attendance has not been accept
able. She also slammed the gavel three
times after outbursts of laughter and
off-topic discussion from Senators.
Finally, Senate approved two ASUO
Executive proposals. One was to re
move the reserves account from the
EMU benchmark process and create a
new EMU building account. The pro
posal sets the reserves at 3.5 percent of
total incidental fees collected instead of
letting the funding fluctuate from year
to year.
— Nicholas Wilbur
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