‘Stewie UncensorecT hits the shelves I 5 Oregon Daily Emerald An independent newspaper at the University of Oregon www. dailyemerald. com Since 1900 \ Volume 107, Issue 31 | Thursday, October 6, 2005 Design begins on ONAMI building The University's underground building is underway as SRG Partnership begins plans BY EVA SYLWESTER SENIOR NEWS REPORTER The Oregon Nanoscience and Microtech nologies Institute — a collaborative research effort between select Oregon University Sys tem institutions, private companies and gov ernment labs — is closer to getting its under ground building on the University campus. The underground building will be located between Huestis Hall and Deschutes Hall. The Campus Planning Committee reviewed the location this summer. The building will be underground to keep the lawn as green space and to minimize the impact above-ground noise and vibrations can have on the sensitive research inside, chem istry professor Jim Hutchison and University Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies Rich Linton told the Emerald in May. Linton wrote in an e-mail that the architec tural firm SRG Partnership has been hired to design the new building. SRG Partnership, which has offices in Port land and Seattle, has taken on many projects related to universities and science and technol ogy institutions in the Pacific Northwest. It de signed the University’s Lillis Business Com plex and renovated McKenzie Hall and the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, according to its Web site. SRG representatives have met with campus administrators and faculty representing the core planning group to develop designs that will come to the Campus Planning Committee for review and approval, Linton said. “The current plan is to move through the design and approvals processes over the course of the next academic year, with site preparation to begin next summer and the opening of the new facility in about two years from now,” Linton said in an e-mail. “Our concentration at the moment is on un derstanding the program that will go into the building and analysis of the site and budget,” SRG Partnership principal architect Dennis Cu sack said in an e-mail. “We don’t have any sketches yet and probably won’t for several weeks.” The new building will be one story, Charlene Lindsay, a project manager for facili ties services at the University, said in an e-mail. It will house research ONAMI, page 4 Parker Howell | Editor in chief A new underground building for ONAMI will be built between Deschutes and Huestis halls. Ramadan holiday in Eugene Nicole Barker | Senior photographer Doctoral student Hasnah Toran and University graduate Nargas Oskui discuss the traditions of Ramadan, a monthlong Islamic holiday that began Wednesday. Members of the Muslim community reflected on the meaning of Ramadan upon its beginning BY BRITTNI MCCLENAHAN NEWS REPORTER Ramadan is a different holiday in Eugene than it is in an Islamic country such as Malaysia, where graduate student Hasnah Toran is originally from. In Malaysia, restaurants close during the day and there are tra ditional food markets during the month of Ramadan, Toran said. “Ramadan in Eugene is so dif ferent than celebrating in an Is lamic country,” said Toran, a Col lege of Education doctoral student. “Fasting in Eugene real ly makes me miss my family in Malaysia. In Malaysia, the night is so alive. There’s lights every where. People put lights on their homes, some electric — like Christmas lights — and others are traditional lights made out of bamboo.” Ramadan, a month-long Mus lim holiday that began Wednes day at sundown, is a time of blessing, charity and reflection for Muslims around the world. It’s a time for cleansing the body and soul and getting closer to Al lah, the Arabic word for God, by praying, fasting and giving to others. “There’s a distinct calmness during Ramadan,” said College of Education master’s graduate stu dent Nargas Oskui. “There’s a feeling of warmth that you don’t experience all year. ” Ramadan is a time to practice self-restraint and patience by not smoking, eating, drinking, having sex or fighting, especially during daylight hours. “It’s a time to recharge your battery and connect with the community,” Toran said. “During this time, there’s a great feeling of solidarity,” Oskui said. “We’re all fasting; we all have the same common goal. We empathize with each other and set aside all material thinking.” Iftar is a meal that breaks the daily fast in the evening during Ramadan and is often shared with others. Iftar can be difficult for students to balance with their academic schedules. “Sometimes I had to break my fast in class,” Toran said. “It made me so sad when I had to break my fast with a cereal bar or a snack in class. I would think, ‘I don’t want to have Iftar in class.’” During Ramadan, students here have to balance their spiritual lives and academics. “Over here, you go to a mosque to do your prayers and then rush to class,” Toran said. Oskui and Toran said that dur ing Ramadan they feel blessed to participate in fasting, charity and prayer. RAMADAN, page 16 Professor studies toxic algal blooms Biology teacher Michelle Wood is researching Pseudonitzschia, toxin-producing algae, to help predict when shellfish will he safe to eat BY EVA SYLWESTER SENIOR NEWS REPORTER A University biology professor is working with satellite technology to make seafood safer. Michelle Wood is part of an effort to devel op detection methods for toxic algal blooms, which are ocean growths that can turn ordinary seafood poisonous. She and Oregon State University assistant professor of biological oceanography Peter Strutton are studying growths of Pseudonitzschia, a type of one-celled algae that produces a substance called domoic acid. When birds and mammals eat fish, espe cially shellfish, that have consumed Pseudonitzschia, the side effects range from an upset stomach to permanent short-term memory loss to death because the domoic acid from the fish’s tissues crosses into the bird or mammal’s brain and interferes with nerve-signal transmission. Most of the adverse events involving do moic acid on the West Coast involve birds and non-human mammals, Wood said, adding that people swimming in water with Pseudonitzschia in it or people swallowing mouthfuls of such water are not in immediate danger. “You pretty much have to eat a very con centrated amount,” Wood said. “It kind of takes concentration by something else eating them.” Wood said biologists at the University of California at Santa Cruz suspect the aggres sive behavior by a flock of sea birds in Santa Cruz that inspired Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The Birds” may have been the result of Pseudonitzschia-induced brain damage. Oregon Department of Agriculture officials monitor the water along the Oregon coast for domoic acid concentration and, based on the findings, prohibit or allow the harvesting of shellfish. Currently, razor clam beaches from New port to Waldport and Reedsport to Coos Bay are closed because of their high levels of do moic acid. Anything exceeding 20 parts per million is considered unsafe. A Sept. 28 statement on the Oregon Depart ment of Agriculture Web site said: “These lev els are still declining from 200 ppm seen at the peak of this summer’s toxic algae bloom. Razor clams accumulate the toxin in edible tissue. It can take several months for the clams to purge the toxin. ” “That’s good, but it’s sort of a retroactive way of looking for this,” Strutton said, react ing to the department’s reports. He explained that the goal of his and Wood’s research is to be able to predict harmful algal blooms with satellites and give health officials advance warnings. The research, funded by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, uses data from satellites maintained by the Nation al Aeronautics and Space Administration. The satellites determine the color pigments pres ent in the ocean by measuring light wave lengths from the surface of the ocean. BEACHES WITH HIGH TOXIN LEVELS, For the week of Sept. 19, toxic domotc acid levels at these beaches reached more than 20 ppm, exceeding safe levels Newport Waldport ^ Chris Todd | Graphic artist The satellites provide a “bird’s-eye view of the topography of the ocean,” including vari ous streams and rivulets within the water, Wood said. Sensors on the satellites also collect data re garding the temperature of the ocean. TOXIC, page 16