Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 14, 2005, Page 12, Image 11

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    Summer Senate passes all motions at meeting
The Multicultural Center and KWVA campus radio
were among those with requests on Wednesday night
The Senate Summer Committee
held its second meeting Wednes lay at
5:30 p.m. in the EMU Owyhee Room
to hear special requests from KWVA
campus radio, the Nontraditional Stu
dent Union and the Multicultural Cen
ter, as well as announcements from
ASUO executive Vice President Kyla
Coy and Oregon Student Association
Campus Organizer Courtney Hight.
Last week, less than two-thirds of
the committee’s six members were
able to attend, so the meeting sched
uled for July 6 was canceled. Wednes
day, six senators attended the meeting,
two of which are not part of the Sum
mer Committee. Senator Spencer
Crum has yet to attend a meeting, and
Sara Hamilton was also absent.
The Senators who did attend includ
ed Chairman Reinier Heyden, Vice
Chairwoman Monica Irvin, Jessica
Nair and Tyrel Love. Those not on the
Summer Committee in attendance in
cluded Senators Mike Filippelli and
Khanh Le.
Chairman Heyden said that he
is still getting used to the
meeting process.
“You just have to try as you go,”
Heyden said. He added that getting
everybody together has so far been the
most difficult part.
“Other than that,” Heyden said, “I
enjoy being informed and seeing
things going on campus, including the
ones you aren’t involved with.”
Summer Committee Vice-Chair
woman Monica Irvin said, “It’s pret
ty much what I expected. I’d been
to meetings before and seen how
people make requests, how votes
take place ... but so far this year has
been pretty easy. We haven’t had
any problems yet.”
Senator Nair, seat 16, said that
she really likes it so far and that it is
pretty easy.
“We don’t really know what to do
yet because we haven’t had our re
treat yet, but it’s pretty exciting so
far,” Nair said.
NSU co-director Kyna Langhorne
was first to present a request. She
asked for $31 to buy muffins and
juice for nontraditional students
during the University’s Week of
Welcome (Sept. 21-23). After a mo
tion to allow the request, the Senate
passed it in a unanimous decision
without discussion.
KWVA requested a transfer of
funds from academic year 2004-05
payroll to the equipment account for
the purchase of about $7,000 in stu
dio equipment. KWVA General Man
ager Charlotte Nisser said that the
funds were “not absolutely neces
sary right now,” but that the new
equipment would help the three ra
dio stations uphold their service to
the community, as mandated by the
Federal Communications Commis
sion. The Senate passed the request
Tim Bobosky | Photo editor
ASUO Chairman Reinier Heyden, left, Senator Jessica Nair and Senator Michael Filippelli vote on a request from the Nontraditional Stu
dent Union at Wednesday’s student senate meeting.
in a unanimous decision.
The last of the special requests came
from MCC co-direct Khanh Le. The
MCC currently has no general printing
account, and needs funds for printing
expenses not covered. The Senate vot
ed unanimously to pass the request
without discussion.
There was no old news or new
news so the Senate moved to An
nouncements, where vice president
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Oregon Daily Emerald
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Kyla Coy informed the Senate of a
Greentape Notebook meeting the
executive held. Wording, rules and
procedures are under review and
are being reworked for fall term.
Courtney Hight, the Oregon Stu
dent Association Campus Organizer,
announced that the Oregon Universi
ty System is meeting at 9 a.m. on Fri
day at Portland State University. She
encouraged students to come and
represent the student body because
the decisions over tuition and
fees will be determined for
the next academic year. A bus is
being provided for students
who wish to attend. For information
on the trip to Portland, e-mail
Hight at uoco@orstudents.org or call
nwilbur@ daily emerald, com
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