Chamber: Large donations vital to project Continued from page 1 John Halliwill described the chamber as “officially fully functional and ready to go for our summer research projects.” He and Chris Minson, re cently promoted to the rank of associ ate professor of human physiology, are co-directors of the University’s Exercise and Environmental Physiology Laboratories. They plan to use the chamber for research regarding the hu man body’s response to different envi ronmental conditions. Chambers that control tempera ture, humidity or oxygen exist in var ious places around the country, but the University’s chamber is rare in that it simultaneously controls all three variables, Minson said. Halli will added that the chamber also has lamps to simulate the sun’s radiant energy. While a person exercises on the chamber’s treadmill or stationary bicy cle, his or her oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, core body temperature, cardiac output and respi ration are measured. For specific ex periments, instruments in the chamber can also measure a person’s skin blood flow, skin temperature, cooling rate or blood flow to various organs. The chamber cost $300,000 to build. A Department of Defense grant fund ed $250,000, and the rest came from private donations, Minson said. “The army and Department of De fense have had a long-standing inter est in environmental physiology as it relates to soldiers in the field,” Halliwill said. He later added that the Depart ment of Defense grant has no strings attached and is intended to get students excited about science, re gardless of whether it directly bene fits the Department of Defense. Halliwill said he and Minson had been planning the chamber since he was hired in 2002. They began searching for funding sources and found out about the Department of Defense grant two weeks before its application deadline in August 2003. Seven or eight months later, they re ceived the funds, and began design ing and building the chamber. “Short of hiring the two faculty who are responsible, I would rank it right up there with one of the most significant events that have occurred over the past five to 10 years,” human physiology department head Gary Klug said. Minson said that while a person’s usual activity level might not be ap parent from initial observation, a workout in the chamber can quickly provide that information. For exam ple, people who don’t exercise can have coronary artery disease and not know it because they never stress their body to the point that the effects of the disease would be obvious. “Tiying to study the human body at rest doesn’t give us a lot of information,” Minson said. “When we place challenges on the body, then we can understand how physiology works.” Because the chamber just opened, it has not yet been used for anything other than basic research. However, future collaborations involving medi cine, athletics and clothing compa nies are possible. “There are certain situations where we can test certain things more specifically than physicians can,” Minson said. For instance, Minson said people faint for different reasons that can be related to oxygen levels or tem perature conditions, and tests could be performed on a person in the chamber to determine the cause of his or her fainting. Minson said the University athlet ic department once approached the researchers in search of a ther mal chamber to prepare football players for a game at the University of Missouri. “They called Nike and (Nike) said, ‘You’ve got one right on your campus,’” Minson said. Minson said some athletic cloth ing companies have expressed inter est in using the chamber to test the function of their products under various conditions. Despite these opportunities, Min son said, “We want to do our re search and that’s got to come first.” With a National Institutes of Health-funded grant, Halliwill plans to use the chamber to study the re lationship between sleep apnea and hypertension. He will use the cham ber’s high altitude settings to simulate the oxygen deprivation of sleep apnea, when a person be comes temporarily unable to breathe while sleeping. Minson re searches changes in the skin during environmental heat stress. Treatment Services for the Chemically Dependent 541-343-2993 687 Cheshire Ave. Eugene OR 97402 Strengthening Our Community One Family at a Time Men and Women • Teen Start (Girls 12—18 years) • Child Development Center • Alcohol and Drug Treatment Call for an Assessment Ask about our daily specials! We serve breakfast anytime! 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Resident and nonresident students take one course for 4 credits in nine days for just $500. Classes meet from 8:00 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. Monday - Friday. Courses are included in Summer 05 DuckHunt. Course No. Course TitleInstructor CBN ANTH 310 Anthropology of Film & TV P. Scher 43424 ANTH 399 Origins of Modern Humans G. Nelson 43425 INTL407 Womens’Movements Around World A. Weiss 43423 GE0G 410 Physical Geography of Oregon M. Power 43422 PSY 383 Pyschoactive Drugs TBA 43431 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SUMMER SESSION Register using DuckWeb . Visit our Summer Session web site, ; call us, 346-3475, or send us email,