21% 66% 77% 74% more Americans are enrolled in college today than in 1990. of college students are 21 years of age or older. have used a designated driver when socializing during the past year. of college students drink moderately, infrequently or not at all. It may surprise you to learn that most college students are making smart decisions about drinking. In fact, the percentage of freshmen who say they drink beer frequently or occasionally is at its lowest level since 1966* By being responsible, today’s college students are proving that they’re thinking outside of the classroom, as well as in it. Responsibility Matters ' ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC www.alcohoistats.com Sources' 21% and 66% U S Census-'Bureau 20G& 77% - American Oottege Health Association 2003; 74% - Core institute, 2003, "Trie American Freshman Survey. Sponsored by UCLA, and The American Council on Education, 2003, According to the U S. Census Bureau, the majority of college students are of legal drinking age However, while moderate drinking is acceptable tor students 21 and older, those under 21 should not dnnk at all. <>0*. Anhom.H' Sum h Inc.,St louis. MO i