KZQGAZ VS. HIP-HOP DJ KAL-EL VS. DJ TEKNEEK IN A DJ BATTLE: COME SEE TWO OF EUGENE’S BEST GO HEAD TO HEAD mmmmmwmam® mm the legendary dance party 's NIGHT mm/ mmmm ama m 0 m FREAKS IN THE HOUSE NO COVER ELECTRO-Hm DANCE PARTY!!! ®Q37 amm? mast m o@ ecu JOHN HENRY'S BROADWAY REVUE EUGENE'S ONLY LIVE BURLESQUE SHOW mm mum, mmm, & mmu cmim CHECK OUT THE BEST LOCAL, RECIONAl, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TOURING BANDS 6 DJ’S VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR FUU CALENDAR LISTINGS Four fabulous years of finding passions, reaching happiness As I look back through my four years of college, 1 can truly say I have done it all. I entered my fresh man year kicking and screaming, angered by the fact that this Port land-raised girl was going to have to oiay in wicguii ivji cuiuillCl four years. But when life gave me lemons, I made lemonade. I joined a sorori ty to meet people and promptly disassociated from it after one year of en tertainment. I volunteered for Tobacco Free Lane County and found myself protesting against tobacco use in t-ugene in front of Club Tsunami. I freelanced for the Emerald, not work of which I am proud, but work that got me excited about photojournalism. I also met a ton of people, some with whom I am still friends. I continued with my “party ’til I drop” attitude sophomore year and developed the motto that “You’re not having a good time until you’re peeing outside,” something in which I still believe. I had a fake ID that'told the world this 19 year old was 24. I even got to celebrate my 24th birthday that November. I found a job at the University’s Of fice of Trademark Management, where I have seen all the coolest Duck gear and received some pretty cool freebies. The Oregon Daily Emerald Photo Desk came knocking that year, giving me a position I have held on to for three years. I took my position as a photographer seriously and worked on building my portfolio. I was the only female photographer on. the desk that year. I even got to experience summer school while having a broken foot and learned how hard it is to navigate campus on crutches, an experience that has made me a stronger person. My junior year was the hardest academic year of my life. I dove into my double major and worked hard at getting a degree in both history and psychology. Double majoring was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I got promoted that fall to DANIELLE HICKEY BEWARE OF HOTDOGS senior pnoiograpner ana then to photo editor that winter. I continued my vol unteer work with the Cam pus Health Action Against Tobacco study and worked at eliminating the sale of tobacco products on campus, an effort in which the group was successful. I also got to spend the summer in one of the most majestic places in the world — Glacier National Park. With my senior year came the most emotionally trying year of my life. My parents separated and moved out of the house my family had lived in for 13 years, an experi ence I have had to help my brothers and sister get through as well. This is an open wound for me, and I am stronger today than I was before. I have also been in and out of rela tionships with men, and the one thing I have learned is that no man is worth your tears. Now for my words of wisdom, the sum of what I have learned in college. Be happy; if there is some thing in your life that makes you unhappy, change it. If you are un happy with someone or something, it will not change, it will only con tinue to make you unhappy. Sur round yourself with people whose company you enjoy. Be sure to pick a profession that will be positive (I have decided to pursue photojour nalism, my passion!) because if it doesn’t, you’ll kick yourself. One more thing: Beware of the hot dogs at Mac Court. They seem like a good idea when you’re hungry, but an hour after eating one, you’ll know what I’m talking about. HE & SHE I HE & SHE II ALBANY 290 River Rd., Eugene 720 Garfield, Eugene 1-5 EXIT 233, 3404 Spicer Dr 688-5411 345-2873 541-812-2522 0224691 Free estimates and tree pickups 10% student discount for UPS, FedEx and freight MKAMII 1292 High St. Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 343-1313 t MENTS. wjm ju Moving? Bring your furniture, your clothes, and everything in your apartments to us. We'll pick it up, pack it, crate it and ship it anywhere in the world.