Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 06, 2005, SECTION B, Page 16B, Image 31

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tourex mm
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Education in the classroom has
nothing on the world of sports
For many, graduating from college is
one of the more memorable moments
in their lives. It is a milestone, a marker
or a launching pad. For some, it also
marks the beginning of a slow, slow
death — a drastic departure from the
best times.
Want to know how much I’ve been
thinking about graduating?
I nearly forgot to write this column.
Who’s ready to graduate?
This guy.
Provided I remember to show up to
the ceremony.
Last Thesday, I wrote with fond
memory about my time spent at the
Oregon Daily Emerald, stuck in the
back corner writing about sports, and
if I had to pick something that de
fined my time here, it would be all
the time I spent stuck in the back cor
ner of the Oregon Daily Emerald writ
ing about sports.
A lot of people have favorite teach
ers. I have favorite coaches and
See Bobby.
Bobby sell his used books.
See Bobby get cash.
June 1-11
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favorite interviews.
A lot of people have favorite classes.
I have favorite arenas and fields.
People will leave here able to dis
cuss the complexities of Barthe’s theo
ry of power. I will be able to discuss the
potential of next year’s women’s bas
ketball team, which will make a return
appearance in the tourney.
people rave aoout me Deauty
of the new Lillis Business Com
plex or the art museum, I rave
about the legacy and legend of
Hayward Field and Mac Court.
On my list of must-take class
es from the University: sweet
shooting from Luke Jackson,
the weekend seminar adjunct
professor Kellen Clemens of
fered on keeping cool in the
pocKet ana me upper-ievei course on
the history of men’s track.
Also on that list:
Theory and Criticism of Oregon’s
Newly-Installed Spread Offense.
Introduction to Lacrosse. A 200-level
class offered in the spring.
History of Former Men’s
Assistant Coach Fred Litzenberger.
(Highly recommended.)
Tests and papers don’t compare to
attending your first press conference
with other established journalists and
with the expectation of sounding intel
ligent when you ask questions.
Tests and papers don’t compare to
covering a sport you know nothing
aDout witn otner estad
lished journalists and
with the expectation of
sounding intelligent
when you write a game
recap or preview.
The crazy thing about
covering sports is that I
really kind of fell into this
gig. I didn’t come here to
write sports. I was only
an uregon sports tan.
Now as graduation approaches (I
remember it at the moment), I think
that the overall sentiment has to be
that most of my education over the
past three years centered on Oregon
sports, and honestly, it was worth
every single penny.
Romanticism of the
college experience
is a career-driven lie
I thought I might use this as a plat
form for comic invention, a way to
make some glib satirical comment on
the college experience, dismissing it
with my generation’s trademark
irony ana insolence, nut i
honestly just do care
enough to bother.
Do you want to know
how I feel about the col
lege experience? Tired.
Very, very tired. Four
years of this, and all I
can really think about is
how nice it will be to sit
down and do some read
mg ims summer. e.ei mrougn a iew
Philip K. Dick novels or something.
Maybe a little Faulkner if I’m up
for it.
Back in ’01 I started school with
vague dreams of being a writer of
some sort, maybe be a film critic or
publish a novel about zombies. Now
I leave with vague dreams of becom
ing a writer of some sort, maybe be a
film critic or publish a novel about
killer parasites. I’ll admit, I’m a bet
ter-read, more experienced person
than I was when I got here. But I dis
like the cliche of the bright open fu
ture ahead of us once we get our
diplomas. 1 m moving to
North Dakota for a few
years. What are you doing
with your life?
I also dislike the roman
ticism that still seems to
surround the college expe
rience. I came here hoping
for a great opportunity to
advance myself, to explore
new mental territory and
10 discover me nounaanes or my in
terests. But, my finances not being
unlimited, I did most of my boundary
exploring on my own. I spent my
class time fulfilling requirements and
occasionally taking an interesting
course just for the hell of it. The
focus in undergrad academics
has moved far from an
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