Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 2005, Page 10A, Image 9

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Roetman: Cubs' sweep of
Dodgers leaves friend upset
Continued from page 9A
performance from 300-game winner
Greg Maddux.
Tuesday's contest was a pitching
duel between a pair of fat, hard
throwing right handers in Carlos
Zambrano and Brad Penny. The
game ended up going to extra innings
in which the Cubs won 2-1 in 10.
Zambrano didn’t allow an earned run
and gave up only one hit — a Cesar
Izturis duck snort over the short
stop’s head — in eight innings.
The Dodgers’ inability to score
runs during the first two games
placed Brandon into a daze as
he walked through oncoming park
ing-lot traffic after Tliesday’s game
with no regard for his own personal
Just to make things worse for the
guy, we were welcomed back to our
room by the stench of vomit after
some tool, who probably couldn’t
hold his or her liquor, sprayed all
over the hall carpeting.
The final blow was delivered
Wednesday when the Cubs com
pleted the three-game sweep by de
feating the Dodgers 9-5 behind
three-run homers from Derrek Lee
and Neifi Perez. Attention to the
game was interrupted, however,
when a late-inning brawl erupted in
th*e upper deck in right field. Several
people nearly tumbled to their
deaths by falling over and sliding
under the protective railing.
After the game, I had no choice but
to talk a little smack to my beaten
buddy as we walked out of the stadi
um. After only a few verbal pokes,
however, the man started shouting
obscenities and pointing at me in an
uncontrollable fit of rage I hadn’t
seen since the last time I was in a se
rious relationship.
The good news is that he eventual
ly calmed down after putting in a dip
and we ended up getting drunk in
Huntington Beach.
Other trip highlights included: Me
eating a “double king with cheese
meal” from Fatburger, only to be out
done by Brandon, who ate the same
thing with a fried egg added on. Oh, I
forgot to mention he also ate a
freakin’ chili-dog.
This line from Brandon after the
sweep was complete: “I need a gallon
of Jager and a shirt that says, ‘Do not
With this being my last year of
college, random “friendly” trips to
baseball games are no longer guar
anteed. What is guaranteed, howev
er, is that this was one of the best
times of my life.
Speaking of substandard living ...
Eugene, here we come.
jonroetman@ daily emerald, com
| Got a story idea? Give us a call. 346.5511.
To place an ad, call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union
E-mail: classads@dailyemerald.com Online Edition: www.dailyemerald.com
Room 300, Erb Memorial Union, P.O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403
Found keys Sunday 5/29. Near
11th & Garfield. Call 543-9655 to
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fective conversational method.
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Horoscope by Holiday Mathis
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY Mime 1\ It'c a wear tn
take decisive action -- your burning desire
gives you confidence. This month's financial
opportunities come because you perform bril
liantly on the job (regardless of how mundane
that job may be). You're moving up by Septem
ber Love and home are the focus in July when
both will improve markedly. Love signs are Li
bra and Aquarius. Your lucky numbers are: 2,
10,6,9 and 20.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You're controver
sial and you wouldn t have it any other way!
Make the attention you re getting work for you
by also being a shameless self-promoter. Late
in the evening, a loved one brings out another
side - soft and sweet.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You don't have to
always spring for dinner or be the one to pay
for the tickets. Friends appreciate other kinds
of generosity, too - like when you listen with
out judgment. Tonight, you are entertaining
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You do what you
do out of a sense of genuine altruism, but
some could wonder what you want in return.
Make your intentions clear or, better yet, give
anonymously. It's really good for the soul!
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The big, compli
cated world gets rather simple when your do
mestic life is in order. The keys to family hap
piness are: respect, shared routines and
working consistently for a common goal.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A minor scandal pumps
intrigue into your life - not a moment too soon
(you thought you'd die of boredom). Offset
"wickedness" with good. (You have the rare tal
ent of being able to do good without being pi
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You're in the habit
of letting your head rule over your heart. But it's
spring! Flights of fancy are the norm, not the
exception. Listen to what your heart has to say,
and use that brain of yours to make it happen.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Not only is dancing a
blast, but it's also great for the body and mind.
Put on those boogie shoes tonight. Hit the floor
at a local club, or you could host your own
dance party in the comfort of your living room.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Artistic projects
are featured. This is no time to throw every
thing into the pot. The more specific and par
ticular you can be, the better your project will
turn out. Some even say you are a genius!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Liberating
thoughts: 'There" is no more exciting than
"here." You will be exactly as happy "then" as
you are 'now.' No one is better or worse than
you. Now that that's out of the way, you can
have fun!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). That little voice
inside you needs a microphone to be heard. Ei
ther turn it up, or turn the outside world down -
- because that voice has something to tell you
today that you don't want to miss.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You're among
the few who do not gauge success by a job title
or a bank account. Your secret? Doing what
fulfills you. Your contentment inspires others
to seek more gratifying employment opportu
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There's no shame
in wanting less responsibility at work. You
know what you’re mentally and emotionally
willing to give your employer. Other aspects of
your life benefit from a low-key lifestyle.
p«L See “Help Wanted.
‘94 Ford Mustang convertible. New
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‘89 Ford Tempo Only 44K! Runs
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‘92 Benz for sale. 167K mi. Black.
Runs like a champ. Live the Life!
$1600 OBO. (818) 406-2269
‘94 VW Golf III. 112K mi. White. Ex
cellent Condition. $3600. Call 684
0673 weekdays after 5 p.m.
Advertising in the
Daily Emerald is easy and inexpensive!
call now/
95 Ford Explorer, 4x4, power every
thing. A/C, C/C, car alarm, keyless
entry, tinted windows. $5,995 obo.
Call Tyler (503)999-0240
‘90 Wrangler, Blue, Soft top. 4.2L, 6
cl, 5 spd, CD, CB, 72K. Great Con
dition! $6350 obo. 503.522.0311
9200. Great computer - Great price!
Must sell ASAP! Call 543-5877
cost for surrounding area. Pay for
some. 541-741-0952.
BARTENDING $250/day potential,
no experience necessary, training
provided. 800-965-6520 ext. 118
The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes
no liability for ad content or response.
Ads are screened for illegal content
and mail order ads must provide
sample of item for sale. Otherwise,
ads that appear too good to be true,
3probably are.
| Respond at your own risk.
* sports equipment
* computers
• musical instruments
• furniture
• cars
best rates in town!
Pay by debit/credit
call: 346-4343
City of Eugene
Hult Center for the Performing Arts
Temporary, Part-time
Under the direction of the House
Manager and Head Usher, controls
access to the Hult Center for the
Performing Arts and Cuthbert Am
phitheater. Checks tickets, guides
patrons to reserved seats, observes
audience, and reports any unusual
occurrences or emergencies as
necessary, and assists in maintain
ing the cleanliness of the entry and
seating areas before, during, and af
ter events. Schedule includes work
ing parking shifts in Hult Garage
and Parcade, collecting money,
making change, and directing traffic.
Some prior performing arts experi
ence helpful. Must be at least 18
years old. Requires professional ap
pearance and ability to relate well
with the public. Must be able to work
varied hours on any day of the week
including evenings, weekends and
holidays year-round. Current First
Aid and CPR certification is desira
ble, but not required. Approximately
10-15 hours/week; schedule is de
pendent on activities at the two fa
cilities. Required to attend training
July 19, 2005 at the Hult Center.
Closing Date: June 24, 2005. Ap
ply online at www.ci.euqene.or.us or
obtain an application packet from
Human Resource and Risk Serv
ices, 777 Pearl Street, Room 101,
Eugene OR 97401. Out of area ap
plicants may call (541) 682-5061 or
e-mail application, requests @ci. eu
gene.or. us to receive application
materials. The City of Eugene
205 HELP wanted
YouthWorks Summer Team leaders
needed in Eugene. See Americorps
heading @ www.nwyouthcorps.org
P/T counter help needed. Restau
rant exp. preferred. Day & eveninc
shifts avail. Submit resume in per
son at Pegasus Pizza. 790 E. 14th.
Part-time assistance needed ir
physician’s Oakway home with ex
ceptional facilities including in ceil
ing lift. To cook/care for my wife with
MS. Flexible eves/wkend schedule
Live-in is an option. Apply
ASUO Now Hiring!
Positions: Multicultural Advocate II
Elections Coordinator, PFC a
Large, Concourt Exec Appointee
PFC Exec Appointee, ADFC Exec
Appointee, ADFC at large, and EML
Exec Appointee. Applications avail
able in ASUO Suite 4, EMU Contac
ASUO at 346-3724. Applications arc
due by 5pm Friday, 6/10/05 or unti
filled. An affirmative action/ equa
opportunity/ Americans with Disabili
ties Act employer (AA/EOE/ADA).
Farmers Insurance is looking for £
select group of entrepreneurs whc
are rive, thical and honest, inde
pendent and dedicated to success
in the following areas: Portland
Sherwood, Salem & Newberg. If yoi
are interested in being your owr
boss gaining personal achievemen
and career satisfaction, creating jot
security, and being constantly chal
lenged, we want to talk to you
Please call Kim at (503) 319-1861
or e-mail
The Other Coast
by Adrian Raeside