| Regional update | Tuesday Wednesday Today High: 52 High: 52 High: 55 Low: 42 Low: 39 Low: 41 Precip: 50% Precip: 90% Precip: 20% IN BRIEF Two dead in Eastern Oregon plane crash LA GRANDE — An ultralight plane crashed less than 200 yards from Interstate 84 in Eastern Ore gon, killing both people aboard, au thorities said. The plane went down just after 2 p.m. Saturday in the Ladd Canyon area about 10 miles south of La Grande. The wreckage was found on a steep hillside, according to Capt. Craig Ward of the Union County Sheriff's Office. The victims were identified as Ezra M. Ward, 71, and Keith G. Bird, 47, both of Spokane, Wash. Authori ties don’t know who was at the controls. The men were both pilots and they co-owned the plane, Ward said. Witnesses told police that the 52-horsepower Challenger II seemed to be having trouble in a snow squall and was either following the freeway or trying to land on it. Ward said the strong winds and heavy snow likely contributed to the crash. The investigation was being con ducted by the sheriff’s office, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Oregon State Police. — The Associated Press OSU tuition grant in limbo as group considers position i he Llemens foundation froze its scholarships after OSU's "leniency" toward certain football players THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CORVALLIS — The Clemens Foundation is reconsidering its deci sion to stop paying tuition for roughly 150 students who attend the university. The foundation pulled the financial aid because its officials were upset at the way the university handled the recent ar rests of several football players. “Our board would like to be able to assist Oregon State University students in continuing their educa tion,” said executive director Kelly Howard. “They (the board mem bers) are currently talking to stu dents to try to accommodate them.” The foundation, started more than four decades ago by wealthy timber couple Rex and Ethel Clemens, picks up a four-year tu ition tab for students from public high schools in the Western Oregon towns of Philomath, Alsea and Ed dyville, and Crane in Eastern Ore gon, where the Clemens family had a cattle ranch. The students attend schools across the nation. At nearby Oregon State, grants to students totaled more than $2 million from 2000 to 2004, said the foundation, which has more than $28 million in assets, according to its 2003 financial report to the state. When it decided to cut off the money, board members made it clear they were upset about the re instatement of football players for spring practice after they were sus pended in recent months for run-ins with the law. “The university’s recent leniency toward the unlawful conduct of cer tain student athletes has tarnished the school’s reputation as a charac ter-building institution,” the letter said. “Ignoring the fundamental prin ciples of good citizenship does not set a good example for students.” At least eight players on coach Mike Riley’s team have been in volved in fights and other incidents since November. This was not the first time the foundation suspended tuition grants. In 2002, it cut off the pro gram for Philomath High School seniors, claiming the students showed little respect for the town’s timber heritage. The grants were lat er reinstated. SAVE m BUY USED TEXTS Boiling Water 101: fl llegetarian Cooking Workshop Learn to prepare quick, easy and nutritious meals, Workshop fee of §15 includes mining bninls. skillet, and other helpful kitchen tools. PLUS you get three tueeks of hands-on cooking and great meals. Call Kristen Dimes at 346-2794 for workshop schedule and to register. EPH and First Rid Certification Class CPR only: April 4.18. Hay 2.16. and 31 (§30) • First Hid only: April II. 25. Hay 9. and 23 [§37.50) CPA/First Aid combo: April 16 and Hay 14 (§67.50) Call 346-2770 for times and to register. CRB Campus Aduisory Board on Tobacco Students and staff are inuited to join a campus aduisory hoard which will help design programs and policies to reduce tohoacco use on campus, [all Paula Staight at 346-2728 for more information. NOT Nicotine Replacement Therapy [patch anil gum) is auailable at reduced cost at the Health Resource Center in the [HU for students mho are trying to guit tobacco. Stop by the nem Health Hesource Center across from the Fir Hoorn or call 346-4456 for information. FPEP The federal grant prouiding free contraception and family planning seruices for qualified students has been emended at the Health Center until October 2006. Call 346-22/0 or fill out the online application at http://liealthcenter.uoregon.edu tu see if you qualify. Relax and Renew Meditation Series Deuelop and strengthen your meditation practices for relaxation and mental clarity. Join Jude Hehoe for this free six-uueek series. Olednesdays 4:45-5:45. April 13-Hay 18 in the Bouuerman Building Heritage Hall. Call 346-2268 for more information or 346-4456 to register. Therapeutic Massage located in the Student Bee Center's Sport's Hedicine Clinic. Call 346-4150 for an appointment. Cost can be billed to your Oregon Hall account. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON http://healthcenter.uoregon.edu • appointments: 346-2770