Students may be ticketed for pedestrian violations BY EMILY SMITH NEWS REPORTER Students ignoring the signs may face fines of $75 each, but Depart ment of Public Safety Interim Director Tom Hicks hopes it doesn’t come to that. Large, highly visible signs have been placed at both ends of the Living Learning Center con struction site on East 15th Avenue directing pedestrians to use the side walk on the opposite side of the street, but even with the added warning of a $75 ticket, many passersby are disregarding the signs and creating a traffic hazard along the fencing that extends out into the street, Hicks said. “We don’t want to run over anyone,” said Brad Tindall, project manager for John Hyland Construction. Tindall said he worries that trac tors and other heavy machinery being backed in and out of the site pose a danger to those who choose to walk alongside the fence. He also expressed concern about “kids ripping down (the street) on their bikes.” “TYaffic is having to stop at times because of the pedestrians,” Hicks said. “Fines would be a last meas ure; if we are not able to gain coop eration, we may have to resort to it.” Both the Eugene Police Depart ment and DPS officers can enforce the city ordinance that allows that PED. DETOUR CROSS STR L Lauren Wimer | Senior photographer After closing the sidewalk on East 15th Avenue near the Living Learning Center construc tion site, the Department of Public Safety is planning to increase ticketing of pedestrians who continue to walk on the north side of the street. The sidewalk was closed because of safety concerns with dump trucks entering the roadway from the construction site. portion of the street to be reserved for vehicular traffic only. The construction project is ex pected to take another year and a half to be completed, and the fenc ing will be in place for the duration of that time. According to its Web site, the Liv ing Learning Center will provide on campus housing for first-year stu dents integrated with learning and an early introduction to the intellectual life at the University. As enrollment has gone up over the years, the need for addi tional housing has increased. According to the project description, research indicates “better academic and social results for freshmen involved in living/learning pro grams” better retention, higher grades, etc. emilysmith@ daily emerald, com IREfiflN DAILY FMFBALDy°u ^ .SHOOK UM, FREE TRAINING OFFERED DURING SPRING BREAK March 21st to March 25th - Limited space available $$ Earn money during summer break $$ DON’T PLAY WITH FIRE! WORK FOR THE BEST...SKOOKUM ...THE SAFEST, MOST PROFESSIONAL, PRIVATE WILDLAND FIRE FIGHTING COMPANY IN THE WEST.. Positions available immediately and during the § summer for men and women. Training available g for inexperienced workers. Phone: (041) bbtt-iyou 29772 Clear Lake Rd. P.O. Box 40610 Eugene, OR 97404 ioursx mm Restaurant and Lounge Authentic Chinese Cuisine Fresh, Quality Ingredients 947 Franklin Blvd. (near UO) • 343-4480 Individual, Family Style, Banquets to 100, Take Out i Tues.-Thurs. 11-10:30, Fri. 11-11 Sat. 12-11, Sun. 11:30-10 REST/\L/RA/V7 BEST BREAKFAST IN EUGENE BY THE EUGENE WEEKEY 2004-2005 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 1689 WILLAMETTE 343-1542 Take Your Seat At The Table The Erb Memorial Union Board of Directors has openings for 3 at-large members and 2 ASUO finance senators. These members are elected by the student body. This is a great opportunity for you to: ■ develop outstanding leadership skills ■ represent the interests of the 20,000 incidental fee paying students at the UO ■ learn budgeting skills and create the 6+million dollar EMU operating budget ■ create and approve long range plans for the student union ■ work with other outstanding student leaders ■ make a lasting difference at the UO APPLICATION AVAILABLE AT THE ASUO OFFICE [SUITE 4 ■ EMU GROUND LEVEL] application deadline: Friday March 18th