Superlative Apparel Accessories and Jewelry for Women 541.485.4891 $ r STOREWIDE SALE! 20-70% 'OFF Ski Equipment Downhill • Cross Country Snowboards • Clothing On Now! FREE 50th Birthday Refreshments! Berg'//hi/hop 13th SLawrence* 683-1300 * S-fciudavt CViedklis-t \\j^Study he test Do laundry □ Meet w pizza And A brew! Introducing... Ambrosia's Wednesday Night Student Special An authentic wood-fired pizza with choice of one topping, and your choice of beer or soft drink - $9.95! 541.342.4141 • 174 E Broadway • Does not apply to "to-go" orders, student ID required, other restrictions apply. A National Intercollegiate Recycling Competition kiEEK 5 .RESULTS Place School Lbs. per resident 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Oregon Miami Bowling Green OSU Ohio Mt. Holyoke Harvard 33.96 33.95 29.78 27.78 26.58 25.35 22.96 MISSION MEXICAN CUISINE 610 East Broadway (Broadway and Patterson) Eugene ■ 686-8226 Fiesta Sports Room with big screen TVs! ■ Afternoon hors d’oeuvres special ■ Many Student Specials ■ Celebrate Your Birthday With Us ■ Private Parties and Social Gatherings Student Special CASH COUPON Only $1150 Burrito Dinner - 9 delicious choices & Free Soda, served with chips, salsa and yummy cheese dip. is Mission Mexican Restaurant 610 East Broadway (Broadway and Patterson).Eugene • 686-8226 To Go orders add 75*. Offer subject to change without notice. Not valid with any other offer. * » ♦ * » • I Tn rtTf •»«««« rrrrrr-.-ri n m m n u u m * n M U I )l I t •vTvrrcT-tT Charge Cards 50c Extra . Erik R. Bishoff I Photographer A trio of technicians works on the new 120-foot cell tower overlooking Hayward Field. The tower, located next to the western grandstand, is being erected in an effort to improve cell phone coverage on campus and in the east Eugene neighborhood. Lauren Wimer | Senior photographer Autumn Ishii, left, and Aiko Ishii study for their Spanish oral exam Tuesday morning outside the Chiles Business Center. Erik R. Bishoff | Photographer Taking advantage of a sunny Sunday afternoon, students study for finals and chat on the lawn outside Chapman Hall. Temperatures are forecast to be in the 60s for the first half of finals week, but showers are expected to return by the weekend. 4 i f ft % * 9 * t * * if 9 % i » f .* y A \ v % y \- r-r i r r -r * » r * M M M M M « I M M M M * M | I I i ti < * m » r i i rrrrrirt t r<