Willse: Community voices conflict to create balance Continued from page 2A to be forthright in its motivations for military action, there is someone to demand transparency. For every per son who thinks there should be no American involvement in Iraq, there is someone to remind him or her of a moral obligation to protect hu man life when reasonable and possi ble to do so, and particularly from the clutches of genocidal dicta tors. For every person who can’t distinguish between protected and unprotected speech and so attacks legal expression, there is someone to stand up and defend basic First Amendment rights. So, thank you to the many rational thinkers in the campus community who have time and again helped make my work worth the effort. Thanks for reading. traviswillse@dailyememld.com Jagernauth: Parties must fight to preserve progress Continued from page 2A to the progressive movement to stop them. Those enemies are, of course, religious fundamentalists. The ultra-conservative right wing’s attempt to legislate a biblical moral system is nothing short of an attempt to transform America into a pseudo theocracy where politicians are mere puppets for an elite religious class. Some might say I am exaggerating, but it is happening, law by law, judi cial nominee by judicial nominee, election by election. Additionally, one of the most impor tant institutions for a well-functioning democracy, a free press, has drastically declined in the last few years. The problem with the press is not whether it is liberally or conservatively biased, but whether it is willing or able to serve as an independent watchdog against all forms of power, whether left or right, corporate or governmental. Unfortunately, time and time again the press has proved unwilling to shine a light on the abuses of the powerful, leaving the American public vastly un prepared to protect its interests from its own elected officials. So what can be done? How can we fight this slow erosion of progressive values? Libertarians and secular Republi cans, who have lost their political control to religious fundamentalists’ bend on building a global military and religious hegemony, need to take their party back. Progressives and secular Democrats, who have lost political control to pow er-hungry elitists who feign populism in order to hide their corporate inter ests, need to take their party back. And people of faith, whose religion gives them the strength to love and ac cept rather than judge, need to take back their churches, synagogues and mosques from those who have twisted the Bible to further an agenda of hate. davidjagemauth@dailyemerald.com P6NEL0PCS iMeDIKPJ^ANeXN CU1SIN€ | Fine Dining & Cocktails Open for Dinner Wed-Sun 5-10 pm Traditional Greek Food (Moussaka and other great Mediterranean dishes) from Chef Stefano 341-3712 soon to the Bijoul "A video diary about staying alive during an ill-defined, unconventionally dangerous tour of duty." - Dess.on Thomson, WASHINGTON POST BIJOU LATENITE Fr-Sat S4 Su S3 BASED ON THE LATE HUNTER S. THOMPSON'S CULT BOOH directed by Terry Gilliam Johnny Depp Benicio Del Toro Tobey Maguire Cameron Diaz 492 E. 13th 686-2458 Enjoy your break! The Emerald resumes publishing on Monday, March 28th ::;' Interested in Health Education? Still Dccepting Applications in Health Ed. Office Learn about college and public health issues • Sen and contraception • Diet and exercise • tobacco and other drugs • Pouertg and other social barriers Build Skills • Organize talks and discussions • Publish neuusletter articles • Create innouatiue projects IDork yuith staff and other students in the Health Center • Internship Program • Be actiue in making change • Resume Builder • 8 upper diuision credits • Offered Spring and Fall Join the Peer Health Ed. Program at the HO Health Center A2 tmiffL'W Call 346-4456 for more information or check out http://healthed.uoreqon.edu university of OREGON http://healthcenter.uoregon.eclu • appointments: 346-2770 Call 346-4456 for more info iM ♦> M U »«>»» 4 *■■+ 4 » » * «