Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 11, 2005, Page 5, Image 5

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    UO tops
its goal
for food
The business college led
the campaign, raising
4,590 of 131,101 pounds
Cookies, chocolates, checks and
cans were all part of a University ef
fort to raise 125,000 pounds of food
for the governor’s 25th-annual food
drive this year.
The University departments partici
pating in the food drive set a goal of
125,000, which is 20,000 pounds high
er than last year’s total. Despite
doubts, the University surpassed its
goal and raised a total of 131,101
pounds of food for FOOD for Lane
County. As of Wednesday, a few bar
rels containing at least 1,000 pounds of
food had not yet been collected.
“We did it. I am really tickled
about it,” food-drive coordinator
Karen Scheeland said.
The total raised includes the mon
ey donated, with every dollar buying
six pounds of food.
Deb Buchanan, the food solicitor
at FOOD for Lane County, said the
average adult eats six pounds of food
a day. That includes three meals,
healthy beverages and a healthy
snack. Three pounds feeds a child for
a day, she said.
The food the University raised
will feed 21,850 adults for a day, or
43,700 children.
“We are very excited,” Buchanan
said. “We don’t know what we
would do without all of you.”
The best foods to donate are high
protein items and items that don’t
need anything added to them, such
as non-condensed soups and pastas.
“A lot of people who come for as
sistance at the end of the month
don’t have the things you add like oil,
eggs and butter,” Buchanan said.
Money raised came through an auc
tion, the sale of snickerdoodles and
chocolates and checks from faculty.
Brian Stanley, the assistant direc
tor of admissions, spent hours in the
kitchen making 153 dozen, or 1,836,
snickerdoodles to sell. Stanley has
sold the cookies in the past, and, af
ter taking a cookie-making hiatus
last year, he returned in full force
this year.
“I only make them on the week
ends,” Stanley said. “The last week
end of the food drive I made
42 dozen cookies, and it took me
eight hours.”
Stanley donates his time and the
FOOD, page 12
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