| Global update | Today Saturday Sunday M fc*. o High: 57 Low: 39 Precip: 30% High: 60 Low: 38 Precip: 10% High: 65 Low: 40 Precip: 20% IN BRIEF Six policemen killed, 15 wounded in car bombing BAGHDAD, Iraq — Car bombs killed six policemen and wounded 15 in new attacks on Iraq’s security serv ices Thursday as political factions wrangled over putting together a government. The Shiite Muslim-dominated United Iraqi Alliance and a Kurdish coalition, which emerged from the Jan. 30 elections with the two biggest blocks of seats in the National As sembly, made little headway in their talks on combining forces to select the leaders of the new government. Meanwhile, interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, whose party finished third, denied rumors he had given up his effort to stitch together support from other groups, including the Kurds, that would allow him to remain prime minister. Forming Iraq’s first democratically elected government is a key step in the U.S. plan for stabilizing the coun try, and insurgents have been striking at Iraqi police and military forces seeking to undermine the effort. Pilot breaks nonstop circumnavigation record SAUNA, Kan. — First by balloon, now by plane, Steve Fossett is once again a ‘round-the-world record holder. The millionaire adventurer on Thursday became the first person to fly around the world alone without stop ping or refueling, touching down in central Kansas after a 67-hour, 23,000 mile journey that appeared endangered at times by a troubled fuel system. Fossett, who failed five times be fore successfully circumnavigating the globe solo in a balloon, needed just one try to make the trip in a plane. He holds many other records as a balloonist, pilot and sailor. Fossett’s GlobalFlyer, designed by the same engineer who came up with the Voyager aircraft that first completed the trip in 1986 with two pilots aboard, touched down on the center line at the Salina airport at 1:50 p.m. Thursday. Immediately after leaving the cockpit, a jubilant Fossett hugged his wife, Peggy, and was congratulated by Sir Richard Branson, the Virgin At lantic founder who financed the flight. Accuser's sister testifies in Michael Jackson trial SANTA MARIA, Calif. — The teenage sister of Michael Jackson’s accuser told jurors Thursday about a series of unusual events that unfold ed around the time of the alleged abuse, including a sudden trip in which the family was whisked away to Miami on a private jet. The testimony was elicited to sup port allegations that the singer con spired to hold the accuser’s family captive to get them to rebut a Febru ary 2003 documentary in which Jack son said he allowed boys to sleep in his bed. The Miami trip occurred as the program was about to air. The witness also told the jury that on the flight back from Miami, Jack son shared a soda can with her broth er and also gave him a watch and a jacket decorated with sparkles. Prosecutors allege that the boy, a cancer survivor, was molested twice by Jackson after the program aired. They contend Jackson gave the boy wine in the soda can and the gifts as bribes to keep quiet about the alcohol. — The Associated Press Senate rejects attempts to moderate bankruptcy law BY MARCY CORDON THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senate De mocrats were thwarted Wednesday in their attempts to soften the impact on seniors and sick people of a pro posed law making it harder to erase debts in bankruptcy. Mostly along party lines, the GOP controlled Senate voted 59-40 to re ject an amendment that would have allowed older people to get special homestead exemptions to keep their homes when they file for bank ruptcy. Currently, such exemptions are determined by the states. Also rebuffed, 58-39, were two proposals focused on people whose significant medical expenses for illness force them to file for bankruptcy. The first would have allowed peo ple to keep at least $150,000 of the equity in their primary residence. If, in addition, the medical bills exceed 25 percent of the person’s income, the second proposal would have ex empted them from a new test in the legislation measuring income and assets of bankruptcy applicants to determine whether debts can be discharged. Under unlimited homestead ex emptions in a half-dozen states, “fat cats who go into bankruptcy don’t lose their mansions,” said Small change The federal minimum wage rate was last changed to $5.15 per hour in 1997. Historic wage increases (Dollars per hour) 1997 15 1991 $4.25 1981 $3.35 90 SOURCE: Department of Labor AP Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., author of the twin amendments. “Where is fairness in this bill?” By another 59-40 tally, the Senate defeated a Democratic proposal to re quire that credit card statements show how long it would take the con sumer to pay off his or her debt by making only the minimum monthly payment and what the total interest charges would be. It was the second day of defeat for Democratic amendments to the sweeping bill to overhaul the bankruptcy code. On Tliesday, the Senate accepted a more limited GOP provision that would give a break to active-duty military per sonnel and some veterans who file for bankruptcy. As work on the legislation grinds on in the Senate, Kennedy will try to get an increase in the minimum wage — a top priority of the Democrats — attached to the bill, aides said. Kennedy’s proposal would lift the hourly minimum from $5.15 to $7.25 over two years. The bankruptcy overhaul bill would raise the threshold for dissolving credit card and other consumer debts in bankruptcy court. Supporters are predicting a swift victory after nearly eight years of congressional gridlock and fever ish lobbying by banks and other credit-card issuers. The new “means” test in the leg islation is intended to determine whether those seeking bankruptcy protection must repay their debts or are allowed to have them canceled. Under the current system, bank ruptcy judges have the discretion to decide that. The Republican leadership main tained tight discipline, as Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, warned against “killer amendments” that could jeopardize the bill’s acceptance by the House. BASIC MATH. "Pavty Padk" 3 large single topping pizzas + 2 2-liters of soda For under $2“ a person, you can feed 8 people the best pizza in town! jwtf * &EspreSso patisserle^^k^^tb,0^ ^c^Vo^ede,,^ Specializing in the Care of German, Swedish & Japanese Automobiles. 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