Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 2005, Page 4, Image 4

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    You are invited to an
OpCH HoUSe to review the
Updated Campus Plan
Tuesday, March 1 from 11:30 to 1:30
EMU Concourse
Drop by to learn about proposed changes to the Campus Plan and give us your input.
There also will be a public hearing before the Campus Planning Committee on April 12
from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the EMU Rogue Room.
For more information contact the University Planning Office at 346-5562 or go on-line:
| http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~uplan (“Campus Plan Update” link).
What’s y°ur
February 23rd
Oregon Daily Emerald
Call for Nominations
Faculty Distinguished Teaching Awards
Nominations due: MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2005
Faculty staff, students, and alumni are invited to nominate any current faculty members appointed
at .50 FTE or greater, tenure or non-tenure related, who have taught at the University of Oregon for a
minimum of two (2) years for distinguished teaching awards. The Ersted Award and Thomas F.
Herman Award for distinguished teaching are presented annually to award winners at Spring
Commencement. Each award is accompanied by a recurring monetary reward for the recipients.
CPlease note: Graduate Teaching Fellows have their own competition and are ineligible for these teaching awards.)
Eligibility for Awards
Ersted Award for
Distinguished Teaching
The late Mr. A. J. Ersted established the
Ersted Award for Distinguished Teaching
so the University of Oregon could
annually honor faculty members “who
have taught comparatively short periods
and have demonstrated exceptional
abilities to induce students to reason and
not merely memorize.” The Ersted
Award is presented only to faculty who
are early in their teaching careers (and
who have taught at the UO at least two
years). This teaching may occur at the
undergraduate or graduate level.
Thomas F. Herman Faculty
Achievement Award for
Distinguished Teaching
This award honors senior faculty
members who have achieved outstanding
records as teachers. The Thomas F.
Herman Award is presented only to
faculty members who have had academic
rank at the University of Oregon for at
least seven years, and who have
demonstrated long-standing excellence in
teaching and have contributed
significantly to student learning at the
undergraduate or graduate level.
SUBMIT NOMINATIONS online at http://academicaffairs.uoregon.edu/Awards/
Nomination.html. Names of nominees and the eventual award winners are kept confidential
until announced by President Frohnmayer in mid-May. See http://academicaffairs.uoregon.
edu/Awards/pastwinners.pdf for a list of previous award winners. For questions or more
information, contact Gwen Steigelman, Academic Affairs, at g wens@uoregon.edu.
Money: Administrators form
committee to address issue
Continued from page 1
to improve the program in Portland.
Nelson said students have paid
thousands of dollars “for nothing.”
“This is huge,” she said.
Out of ASUO's hands
ASUO officials said they haven’t
had much to report to PSAC because
the situation has moved beyond the
hands of student government.
“We’ve been in contact with a va
riety of different people,” Ravas
sipour said. “It’s something that’s
moved more toward an administra
tive-type thing being handled by ad
ministrators. We’ve been providing
them with information.”
ASUO Accounting Coordinator
Jennifer Creighton-Neiwert said ad
ministrators are looking at fees after
concerns from students.
“It’s almost a bigger question
that’s being posed that’s not neces
sarily from PSAC in general, but sort
of as an institution’s perspective
looking at who pays the fee and at
what levels students or individuals
pay the fee,” she said. “There’s very
many different groups of students
where they
fall on the
She said
the admin
may need
to provide
services or
lower fees
to out-of
town stu
“I know it’s an issue,” she said.
“We certainly care if students aren’t
receiving a full benefit for what they
pay for. Anytime you have a group
of students that can’t receive full
benefits to the institution or to what
they pay with in fees, that’s definite
ly a red flag and brings up concerns.
What is it we need to provide for
them, because this current system is
not necessarily working 100 percent
in their favor.”
She added that she is seeking a long
term solution to the fee problem.
“Part of the problem, at least on
my end, was that I didn’t have any
thing to update them on,” she said.
“I’m just as frustrated ... as they are,
as it’s a little out of our hands. I
guess we could turn around and ne
gotiate services, in a sense, for them
this year, but I’m looking more for a
long-term solution. I don’t want a
short-term fix-it for a year and then
lose the continuity. And I think
that’s more of the question.”
A committee is formed
The committee of administrators,
which formed at the request of Vice
President for Academic Affairs Lor
raine Davis, may not recommend
changes for next year, committee
member and Vice President for Stu
dent Affairs Anne Leavitt said.
“We have groups saying, ‘You’ve
got to look at this,’ but I don’t know
that we will,” Leavitt said.
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1011 Harlow
Leavitt — who said PSAC repre
sentatives, Oregon Marine Students
Association representatives, sum
mer students, community education
and part-time students have all ex
pressed concerns about fees — said
the committee is working to under
stand fees and understand the
groups that want changes.
Leavitt said students have voiced
their concerns to administrators.
“I think they’ve done what they
can do,” she said.
Although neither PSAC nor OMSA
is officially asking to be exempted
from fees, Leavitt said, excluding
some students from paying certain
fees could be disastrous, ending the
concept of “universal payment” that
keeps fees low by requiring all stu
dents to contribute equally. If stu
dents were to opt out of paying fees
for certain items, the cost of the
items would rise for everyone else
who used them.
“If you approved (exceptions) for
everyone, the whole structure
would collapse,” Leavitt said. “I re
ally like to see them as mandatory.
Mandatory payment keeps services
avanaDie to
everyone for
a low cost.”
Leavitt also
said manda
tory fees are
covered by fi
nancial aid
whereas op
tional fees
would not be.
chair and
Vice Provost
ior Academic Atrairs lern warpins
ki said in an e-mail interview that
the group will make a recommenda
tion to Davis by the end of the year.
She said it is “too early to forecast
what the recommendation might be.”
Warpinski said the key issues be
fore the committee “seem to pertain
to how fees are assessed for non
matriculated students (those taking
eight credits or less and who have
not been formally admitted to the
University) and how fees are as
sessed to students who are in pro
grams that are not on campus.”
She added that the committee
will seek to clarify the fee policy.
“I believe that we need to be sure
that we have consistent policies —
which is not to suggest that we
don’t, but we do not have a clear ar
ticulation of the policy that is readi
ly available,” she said.
She also said the committee will
meet again before the end of the
term at a yet-to-be-determined date.
Leavitt said the group has met
twice and hasn’t made a decision
on exactly how to proceed.
“We’re kind of on a slow path,”
she said. “It’s taken a long time to
sort out fees — why some are pro
rated and others aren’t.”
She said she didn’t expect any
drastic changes.
“I think we’re going to affirm fees as
we’ve always done them,” she said.
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“We certainly care if students
aren’t receiving a full benefit for
what they pay for. Anytime you
have a group of students that
can’t receive full benefits to the
institution or to what they pay
with in fees, that’s definitely a red
flag and brings up concerns. ”
Jennifer Creighton-Neiwert,
ASUO Accounting coordinator