| National update | WHO DEFINES YOUR VALUES? MUCH BETTER COUNTRY Missisr'. ANN COULTER, Syndicated columnist and bestselling author, 5-17-03 M08T PEOPIE WHO POU T MAKE ANY MONEY «Bf ninfS^T BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T WANT TO GET EDUCATED BILL O'REILLY, Host of The O'Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel, 1-13-05 'STATE UNIVERSITIES ARE RREEDING GROUNDS, QUITE LITERALLY, FOR SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (INCLUDING HIV), HOMOSEXUAL DEHAVIOR, -MjjjMWHITEP_PMBHI*ljlCIESI_ABDRT7oiRIS, ALC0H0LI8M.AND DRuFaDUSE?" - DR. JAMES DOBSON, President, Focus on the Family, Lite On The Edge (2000) This is the face of today’s conservative movement. This is THEIR idea of America. Conservatives in Washington are attacking our personal freedoms. Young Americans fight and die in a war built on their deceptions. They’ve saddled us with an enormous national debt, made it harder to attend college without crushing loans, harder to get a decent job and health care after we graduate. Now they want our generation to pay $2 trillion for their risky plan to phase out Social Security. DON’T JUST SIT AROUND AND WATCH. CONNECT. ENGAGE. SPEAK UP. {campus ^progress} Get started. CampusProgress.org A project of the Center for American Progress IN BRIEF Seattle Archdiocese removed from lawsuit SEATTLE — The Seattle Archdio cese has been removed as a defen dant in a lawsuit filed by an Idaho man who accused now-defrocked priest John Cornelius of molesting him years ago. On Friday, Judge Paris Kallas said the Seattle Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church and the Sulpicians, the Catholic religious order that ran St. Thomas Seminary, should not be part of Timothy McKenna’s suit. The lawsuit filed last year by the Idaho Falls man said Cornelius mo lested him when Cornelius was a stu dent at Mount Angel Seminary near Portland, when he was a priest-in training at St. Thomas seminary in Kenmore, and when he was a priest with the Seattle Archdiocese. McKenna accused Cornelius of abusing him from about 1969 to 1975, when McKenna was about 10 to 16. Cornelius, who was permanently dismissed from the priesthood in Sep tember 2004, also diverted thousands of dollars of church money for per sonal expenses — in some cases showering his alleged victims with cash, gifts and vacations — according to a Seattle Archdiocese investiga tion. The archdiocese said Cornelius paid the money back. Brad Moore, McKenna’s attorney, said the judge decided the archdio cese and the Sulpicians shouldn’t be part of the suit because McKenna was not in the protective custody of the church at the times of the abuse, and, given that Cornelius was a fami ly friend, the abuse would have hap pened whether the church made Cor nelius a priest or not. The abuse of McKenna would have stopped “if the Seattle Archdio cese said this guy is no longer eligible to be a priest and doesn’t have the power of the church behind him,” said Moore, who contends the church overlooked a number of red flags throughout the years. Moore said he planned to appeal Friday’s decision. He and McKenna are still deciding whether to proceed with the suit, with Cornelius as the sole defendant. — The Associated Press Research: Coffee's effects need farther investigation Continued from page 7 studies have suggested that caffeine aggravates symptoms of menopause or intensifies the side effects of some antibiotics. Heavy caffeine use has been linked to miscarriage. But stud ies have also shown that a skin cream spiked with caffeine lowers the risk of skin cancer in mice. “It’s an excellent, interesting and provocative study, and their conclu sions seem justified,” said Dr. R. Palmer Beasley of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. “It will provoke a lot of new work here,” said Beasley, who was not part of the research group. While the study found a statisti cally significant relationship between drinking coffee and having less liver cancer, the authors note it needs to be repeated in other groups. And the reason for the reduction remains unclear. However, Inoue’s team noted that coffee contains large amounts of an tioxidants, and several animal stud ies have indicated those compounds have the potential to inhibit cancer in the liver. In their study, the team also looked at green tea, which contains different antioxidants, and they found no association between drink ing the tea and liver cancer rates. “Other unidentified substances may also be responsible” for the re duction in cancers, they said. A separate study reported in the same issue of the journal reported no relationship between drinking caffeinated coffee or tea and the rates of colon or rectal cancer. However, that analysis did find a 52 percent decline in rectal cancer among people who regularly drank two or more cups of decaffeinated coffee. In that study, a team led by Karin A cup a day A 10-year health study in Japan of more than 90,000 people suggests that people who drink coffee daily have half the risk of getting liver cancer as those who who never drank coffee. Liver cancer cases per 100,000 people 214.6 Daily or almost daily coffee drinkers People who never drink coffee 2004 U.S. liver cancer cases 14,270 deaths 18,920 SOURCES: National Cancer Institute; AP American Cancer Society B. Michels of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston analyzed data from two large studies — the Nurses’ Health Study of women and the Health Professionals’ Follow-Up Study involving men. The analysis of nearly 2 million person years found 1,438 cases of colorectal cancer. While they did not find any asso ciation between cancer rates and consumption of caffeinated coffee or tea, people who regularly drank two or more cups per day of decaffeinat ed coffee had about half the inci dence of rectal cancer as those who never drank decaf. Graduate on Time! This free workshop will help you plan and calula+e your graduation time. When: Wednesday, February 16, 3:30 p.m. Where: 360 Oregon Hall •Office of Academic Advising*