Oregon drops heart-breaker to Washington | 7 Oregon Daily Emerald An independent newspaper www. daily emerald. com Since 1900 | Volume 106, Issue 99 | Friday, February 11, 2005 Club baseball denied access to UO facility The Athletics Department refuses to let the team use the recently renovated Hayward Fieldhouse BY SHELDON TRAVER NEWS REPORTER With the theft or vandalizing of its equipment and one-third of its budg et being spent on practice facilities, EMU Club Sports Baseball is asking the Athletics Department why it is being denied access to a practice and storage facility it has used for many years, baseball coordinator Tory Caputo said. Caputo said the Athletics Depart ment has refused to allow the team to use the Hayward Fieldhouse, an indoor training facility used by the University Track and Field team. Previously, the baseball team was able to use the fieldhouse to practice batting and pitching. Now it is prac ticing at an indoor facility in Spring field, paying $140 for three hours each week, he said. The team is partially funded by team-member dues but also re ceived $4,258 in student incidental fees for the 2004-05 school year. Ad ditionally, there are no outdoor baseball fields at the University, so the team spends the remainder of its budget on travel expenses. Former Club Sports baseball coor dinator Jonathan Loomis said the team’s equipment was set outside while the fieldhouse was being re modeled during summer 2004 and it is still there now. He said the team was unable to pay for storage. “We had pitching machines. We had nets. We had all this gear that we collected over 20 years,” Loomis said, adding that the weather destroyed equipment and a pitching machine was lost or stolen. “They never cited any reason for kicking us out of the facility,” Loomis said. Associate Athletic Director for Compliance Gary Gray said the Ath letics Department has always made an effort to work with the team, but improvements to the facility neces sitated the change. He said the Ath letics Department spent $50,000 remodeling last year, including $40,000 on new gas heaters. Gray said there was a potential safety hazard if a stray baseball hit a heater and dented it. “Historically, baseball hasn’t done a good job of maintaining the area,” he added. Gray said he was unaware of any damaged or stolen equipment related to the removal of the baseball team’s cages, nets and mounds. Loomis said they have always been able to use the facility without im pacting the track and field team’s ability to train. “They already have a netted area set up,” Loomis said. “They wouldn’t have to change anything. ” Gray said the batting cages cannot be raised high enough to accommodate the hurdlers and pole vaulters. He added that the baseball team signed . a contract that said it could lose us age of the facility. “Every year we have them sign a contract that says if we remodel, you are out of there,” Gray said. Each year copy of this facility-use agreement was signed by Club Sports Director Sandy Vaughn and the base ball coordinator for that season. ASUO Senator Jack Crocifisso has been working with the baseball team to try to resolve the issue. “This is kind of frustrating for me because the facilities exist on our campus, and they’ve been working out for the last how many years,” Crocifisso said. He said he hopes the team can come to BASEBALL, page 6 me ■ i vagina s ^Voice Actresses in this weekend's monologues were chosen by nomination to increase diversity BY AMANDA BOLSINGER NEWS REPORTER a fter considering ending their production of the “The Vagina Monologues” due to JL jL disagreements over the lack of diversity in last year’s show, members of the Women’s Center accepted nominations for women to fill the roles instead of holding auditions this year. In a celebration of female empowerment and sexuality, the Women’s Center is producing a rendition of Eve Ensler’s “The Vagina Mono logues,” with the first showing starting tonight. The monologues are based on interviews with more than 200 women about their vagi nas. The monologues range from “My Angry Vagina” to “The ‘Smell’ List.” The monologues’ themes include the way women feel about their vaginas, what their vaginas would say or wear, menstruation, tampons, gynecologist appoint ments and many other aspects of womanhood Danielle Hickey | Photo editor Dana Gorman, business manager for Kinesiology Publications, part of the Institute for Sport and Human Performance at the University, rehearses her monologue for “The Vagina Monologues.” and sexuality. This year’s cast, made up of University stu dents and faculty as well as community mem bers, features women from numerous racial and economic backgrounds and different sexual orientations, said sophomore Haley Rabago, a participant in the show. After cast members MONOLOGUES, page 5 IN BRIEF History museum resurfaces with flair after renovations The Museum of Natural and Cultural Histo ry re-opens today after more than a year of renovations. The grand opening, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., will feature festivities at noon in cluding a ceremonial ribbon-cutting by Uni versity President Dave Frohnmayer and a speech by Museum Director Mel Aikens. Admission is free. The museum will also be open Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. families with children can take part in special hands-on science ac tivities that explore how archaeologists un earth artifacts. The museum’s highlight is a new $1 million exhibit, “Oregon — Where Past is Present.” The exhibit explores Oregon’s natural and cultural history from its geological beginnings to today, with an emphasis on Oregon’s indigenous cul tures. The exhibit is divided into four parts that represent each of Oregon’s geographic regions and their distinct indigenous groups. Aikens said the museum attempts to pro vide a comprehensive look at Oregon’s natu ral and cultural history, but he admitted it barely scratches the surface. “It’s just a sketch,” he said. — Moriah Balingit Simulations predict chemistry A University instructor has developed a method that anticipates the chemical reactions of untested materials BY EVA SYLWESTER NEWS REPORTER When engineers use chemicals to make fire-resistant clothing for fire fighters, they often have to make numerous unsuccessful prototypes before something usable results. The same goes for scientists making artificial body tissues — they may wind up with substances that are ei ther liquid or rock hard at room tem perature before achieving the perfect level of solidity and flexibility for the human body. However, Marina Guenza, assistant professor of theoretical physical chemistry at the University, has devel oped a solution to these problems: She uses computer simulations to predict how untested chemicals will perform outside the lab. Guenza investigates polymer liquids. According to Guenza’s Web site, examples of natural polymer liq uids are proteins, cellulose, silk, rub ber and DNA. When synthetically pro duced, polymers include fibers, plastics and glasses. Given the physical structure of a polymer molecule, Guenza uses com puter simulations to determine the molecule’s properties. “We can study and understand very complicated properties that happen on a large scale,” Guenza said. Understanding the properties of a molecule before using the molecule in engineering lessens the guesswork of making new materials. “When you want to devise a new polymeric system, you have to go through a trial and error system, unless you have a theory of properties based on input into a simulation,” said chem istry graduate student Edward Sam briski, who collaborated with Guenza on a recent paper. “Having the models of these things can save a lot of time and money,” Guenza said. The simulation software Guenza uses is available over the Internet, Sambriski said. Guenza simplifies the process, calculating data for the equiv alent of one unit of a chemical chain rather than the whole chain. “The calculations are basically very reduced,” Sambriski said. However, he added that the reduction does not interfere with the accuracy of the calculations. Guenza’s research has been pub lished in Fhysical Review Letters and other scientific journals. “When I submitted my publication, it was accepted without any changes,” she said. “That, for me, is really a lot.” CHEMISTRY, page 12 Bret Furtwangler | Graphic artist Assistant professor Marina Guenza uses a few steps to create simple models that can save researchers time and money. Step 1: Computer simulations gather data about a given polymer. Step 2: Calculations simplify the data for the equivalent of one unit of a chemical chain. Step 3: The model allows researchers to create theoretical formulas with multiple molecules. Step 4: The formulas can be used for many purposes.