[Advance Tickets NOW at Adam's Place] L_NO SERVICE CHARGE?_J THURS ^ | !_8 PM SHOW VALENTINE’S DAY! LIESEL ^ KELLY A [Advance Tickets NOW at Adam L_NO SERVICE CHARGE! w/ Special Guest LUNA open Tuesday through Saturday at 4 pm 30th East Broadway (541) 434-LUNA WWW.LUNAJAZZ.COM o luiki FEMALE DIVA SINGER/SONGWRITERS ■3jT»Xl AMELIA WHITE EiilU LAURA KEMP MYSHKIN SUN BOSSA Romantic BossaNoi/a MON A X\ FEB IH 8 PM SHOW LUNA Late Night Menu Open Tuesday Through Saturday Live Music Thursday Through Saturday! Wjwjj® Next to Adam’s Place Restaurant Dinning Room open 5 pm to 9 pm weeknights 10 pm weekends Come mm up with us! J A k j Our famous tomato cheese soup is perfect on a cold day! 2588 Willamette St. 541-687-8201 1340 Alder St. 541-687-0355 1)21449 Chinese Student Association Presents China Night 2005 EMU Ballroom February 13th, 2005 5:30 p.m. Door Opens 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Show Tickets sold @ EMU Ticket Office Ta ^Streets Filmmaker Sage Bannick will present his newest detective film at the Bijou BY NATASHA CHILINGERIAN SENIOR PULSE REPORTER In Paris in the 1960s, filmmakers who had little money tooktheir hand held cameras to the streets to pro duce works based on the craft of act ing and filming, nota high budget. Filmmaker Sage Bannick drew his in spiration from this motion-picture era, the French New Wave, for his detec tive movie "Just Hustle," which he will present at Bijou Art Cinemas from Feb. 16through Feb. 20. Instead of the streets of Paris, Bannick used the streets of down town Los Angeles asthe scenery for his movie about a young private detective who gets caught in a messy situation involving a college gambling ring and a football champi onship. Filming began in 2003 when Bannick and his filmmaking friend Ari Bernstein discovered they had saved enough leftover film from their projects in graduate school to make a feature-length film. All they needed was the money to make it happen. Luckily, they were friends of football player Benji Olson, who had just signed a contract with the Tennessee Titans and invested $15,000 for the duo's project. ~ - --- iar» - f’fjwaw »:■ m * »»< i: i '»V> i "Just Hustle," e detective film set in Los Angeles, will be shown at the Bijou starting Feb. 16. Courtesy They wrote the script in six weeks and filmed the picture in 40 days. "When you getthe money for an indie film, you have to get up and going," Bannick said. Bannick said the filming process was a challenge because they filmed on test strips, which required them to reload their cameras after filming three minutes. Shooting also took place without sound, which filmmakers and actors added later. Bannickand Bernstein HUSTLE, page 8 FRIDAY • MARCH 25 • HULT CENTER Tickets availpble at the Hult Center box office or online at Hult Center box office or online at hultcenter org or hob.com or charge by phone (541) 682-5000 Get Tickets at... SIRIUS^/ Bank of America hOft.COfU