RENTALS! Downhill (new shaped skis).?10 Crosscountry...:.?10 Snowboard <$ Boots.$20 Back Country & Tele Pkgs.$10 Snow Shoes.*7 13th & Lawrence' 683-1300 • www.bergsskishop.coin GIVE ME 5! Run your "for sale" ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days in the ODE Classified Section. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run it again for another 5 days free! Smith: Former MLB pro takes stabs at players' credibility Continued from page 9A helping save baseball or maybe Mac or Sammy (Sosa) for the great home run chase of 1998. Well, you already know about the steroids I gave Mac ... but also, I helped keep Cal’s streak alive.” According to Canseco, Ripken gave him a call and asked if he would beat up Kevin Costner because the actor was hitting on Ripken’s wife and Rip ken didn’t want to break his hand. “Since Cal is such a great guy,” Canseco writes, “I did just that. It’s pretty easy to rough somebody up when you’re in the middle of a ‘roid rage, so I just injected myself before my little meeting with Mr. Costner.” That legacy? Wow. How is he not in the Hall of Fame already? Isn’t there a Kevin Costner clause in there some where, allowing for automatic entry into Cooperstown? I do admit that I have not read the entire book. I did not play with Canseco. The closest I got to the Major Leagues was some high school baseball memories and ticket stubs to Seattle Mariners games. So can I personally relate? Do I have insider knowledge? No. But more importantly, why should I believe a word that comes out of Canseco’s mouth when he admitted to steroid use, has been arrested and has sold tickets to spend a day with him under house arrest? Maybe I shouldn’t, and maybe we are supposed to take this with a tongue-in-cheek attitude. But the thing is, there are steroids in baseball, so his statements come from some base of truth, and because Canseco was one of the first players to officially admit to using steroids, he doesn’t want to be alone. If Canseco is going to go down in the flames of steroids and cheating, then he is going to grab onto as many ankles as he can and take them with him — and not only just for steroid-re lated issues. It’s the whole “blaze of glory” thing. And it just keeps making that lega cy look even better. So if he wants his statements to be taken seriously, fine, I can do that, but just know that I have wiped out the Jose Canseco entry from the baseball almanac in my head. The only thing I will remember is probably the best play of Canseco’s ca reer, when a certain Texas Ranger right fielder used his head as a glove and took a fly ball off a steroid-filled dome. Way to go, Canseco, way to go. It’s just funny that Canseco’s factu al/fictional repentance comes roughly around the time of Lent. All I can hope for is that this thing gets put in the fiction section of the local bookstore. briansmith@ dailyemerald, com Club: Fencing team successful at Grand Open tournament Continued from page 9A division two epee competition by defeating Taylor Moore of the Northwest Fencing Club, 15-8. The bout with Moore was the closest match of the weekend for Leary, who dominated throughout the competition, according to head coach Adam Lake. “Joe did an excellent job of stick ing to the basics,” Lake said. “He fenced at a level I have never seen him accomplish before.” Teammate Evan Cooley finished the weekend in eighth place. Abram Goodstein and Tiffany LeBrun finished 11th and 13 th respectively. In the division two foil competition, Robbie Teel placed 12th. “Our conditioning was not as it should be, but as a whole, everyone was moving well,” Lake said. “It was great to see all of the hard work pay off.” Sailing makes it to finals The Oregon Club sailing team ad vanced to the championship round of a team racing regatta hosted by Port land State University this weekend, but a lack of wind forced a cancellation of the final round. The Ducks, facing Portland State, Lewis and Clark, Western Washington and other sailors from the Portland area, finished in the top four to claim a spot in the championship before the weekend was prematurely ended. According to head coach Rob Dubuc III, the experience of team racing will be invaluable in the future. “I was pretty pleased,” Dubuc said. “We made a lot of mistakes, but we were all pretty positive. “This is going to help us in the spring when we do more team racing. ” Oregon travels to Bellingham to face Western Washington next weekend for an individual-style race. To place an ad, call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Room 300 EMU E-mail: Online Edition: Room 300, Erb Memorial Union, RO. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 ;#rloua simmering titillating BimiUng exciting patient Bdventurous aensu ioua loud lovely tiVTt genlleJ^mj,t»c beautiful exDUclt »oft devot ■T lively 8teamy bold comfort^n%%orouB erot h lily energetic feeing 10tsn8B epeclaj „et seductive fast intriguir usiastic fierce lustful alovr a,p9rlmentjJ Per8onaa 89n8itive heav 181 liberating irresistible W d^es,JVe BWeet boJsterou9 burnln(J * *tlc uninhibited delicate “°nate °iUr wUd vulnerable lovlnsJ unbrJ