Seattle the fittest, Houston the fattest Seattle has been named the fittest city in the United States and Houston the fattest by Men's Fitness magazine. The nonscientific study compares 50 cities by weighing 14 factors, including fast food restaurants per capita, TV watching, air quality, and parks. Fittest cities 2005 RANK LAST YEAR 1. Seattle ^ 6 2. Honolulu P 1 3. Colorado Springs, Colo.llr 5 4. San Francisco P 2 5. Denver PL 4 6. Portland, Ore. fH 8 7. Sacramento, Calif. ifr 10 8. Tucson, Ariz. Ill 9 9. San Diego Hi 14 10. Albuquerque, N.M. 12 11. Boston PL 7 12. Virginia Beach, Va. P 3 13. Minneapolis 18 14. Fresno, Calif. m 15 15. Milwaukee Ht 20 16. Omaha, Neb. P 11 17. San Jose, Calif. 11120 18. Jacksonville, Fla. PL 13 19. Austin, Texas 19 20. Oakland, Calif. PL 17 21. Los Angeles lH 25 22. Arlington, Texas m 8* 23. Washington, D.C. ^25* 24. Cleveland Kt 9* 25. Nashville, Tenn. P 24 * 2004 ranking in fattest cities Fattest HI Rank improved cities PL Rank worsened 2005 RANK LAST YEAR 1. Houston PL 2 2. Philadelphia PL 7 3. Detroit ^ 1 4. Memphis, Tenn. pi 20 5. Chicago 5 6. Dallas ^ 3 7. New Orleans P 22 8. New York P 21 9. Las Vegas P 16 10. San Antonio p 4 11. El Paso, Texas P 24 12. Phoenix p 18 13. Indianapolis P 17 14. Fort Worth, Texas H| 6 15. Mesa, Ariz. H|- 12 16. Columbus, Ohio git 10 17. Wichita, Kan. P 16** 18. Kansas City, Mo. Ht 14 19. Miami m 15 20. Long Beach, Calif. PL 23** 21. Oklahoma City |#t 13 22. Tulsa, Okla. ^ 19 23. Atlanta M 11 24. Charlotte, N.C. P 22** 25. Baltimore Hr 23 ** 2004 ranking in fittest cities SOURCE: Men’s Fitness AP Abs: Cheating on your diet might bring desired results Continued from page 6B The diet also allows cheating for one meal each week, scoring brown ie points with any dieter who has restricted favorite foods in past weight-loss efforts. to adopt a healthier lifestyle. As a person who has dealt with the challenges of weight loss on a per sonal level, Zinczenko says diets like Atkins, the Zone or the South Beach diet fail because Zinczenko writes that the best way to control cravings is to satisfy them every so often. The exercise component begins in week three of the six-week plan and includes a 20-minute full-body workout three days a week. It also includes regular strength training, brisk walking or other aerobic exer cises and, of course, some detailed ab dominal work — 50 core exercises in five regions of the abdomen. The plan in cludes descriptions and pictures of the exercises that can be completed in the gym or at home. Zinczenko Haims it is a nprfprt POWER FOODS These 12 power foods are emphasized by the Abs Diet because they help power natural fat burners, protect dieters from illness and injury and keep them lean and fit. These foods focus on protein, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, fiber and calcium. Almonds and other nuts Beans and legumes Spinach and other green vegetables Dairy (fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese) Instant oatmeal (unsweetened, unflavored) Eggs Turkey and other lean meats Peanut butter Olive oil Whole grain breads and cereal Extra protein (whey) powder Raspberries and other berries EXPECTED DIET RESULTS Weeks 1-2: Significant weight loss (up to 12 pounds in 2 weeks) and an average loss of 5 to 8 pounds. Weeks 3-4: The addition of the program's strength-training component brings an additional weight drop and increase in metabolism. Weeks 5-6: Upper body and abs will ap pear more toned and defined. tney are aoour los ing, and Ameri cans don’t like to lose. He says his diet is capable of widespread suc cess because it is n’t about losing, but about gaining a healthy lifestyle and body. Even though diet trends can be unhealthy, dieters can take with them positive mes sages from the pro grams. The Abs diet promotes healthy fats, pro tein and calcium consumption, all of which are sta ples of a balanced diet. It also pro vides a template for creating a feasi ble strength-train ing routine to help build strong bones. For the 130 million diet for people who think they have a better chance of scaling Mt. Everest in a Speedo than of getting great abs because the diet is adaptable to any lifestyle. The book includes detailed success stories that urge Americans overweight or obese Americans and the many individuals trying to get in better shape this year, the Abs diet is a 2005 diet trend worth a try. ashleygriffin@ daily emerald, com You're always close to campus. -» SHOf-A-HOLIC Buy 1, Get 2 J§ FREE Sale!* On selected shoes at our outlet store 957 Willamette St. 687-0898 LAZAR’S BAZAR Closeout Sale (including store fixtures) *50-66% OFF («•». Prtce) 57 W. Broadway • 687-0139 Downtown 3 ‘select items only Advertise in the ODE classifieds 346-4343 mm 7 CAD BOMM .25 PAMT . 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