Changes in rules to reduce federal student grants In Oregon, as many as 4,000 low- and middle-inome students could be affected by the new requirements THE ASSOCIATED PRESS EUGENE — Hundreds of Universi ty of Oregon students from low-in come families will get smaller federal grants, or none at all, next year be cause of changes by the government in how it calculates financial need. Similar results are likely at other Oregon public colleges and universities. University officials say more than 1,300 of the 4,000 students who re ceive Pell Grants could be affected by rules that reduce the amount parents can claim for state and local taxes when figuring out their share of col lege costs. They say about 100 could be cut off completely. James Gilmour, associate financial aid director for the University, said most affected students would lose from $100 to $200 a year. “Probably about a hundred of those will lose their grants altogeth er,” he said. Financial aid staff at Oregon State University and Portland State Univer sity don't yet know who will be af fected, but similar results are expect ed there and at community colleges. Gilmour said those most affected will be middle-class parents who just barely qualify for Pell Grants and struggle to get their kids through college because they don’t qualify for as much aid as lower-in come families. “Depending on family size, the kind of people being affected are families whose incomes range anywhere from $35,000 to $50,000 (annually),” he said. “When you think about it, when you have a family like that with three or four people, there's not a lot of dis cretionary income. It's a group that can use all the help they get. ” The change likely won’t force large numbers of students to drop out but will increase the student loan burden. At the University of Oregon the average debt load at graduation among students with loans is close to $17,000. The effect on Oregon’s state-fund ed college aid program, known as the Opportunity Grant, is unclear. Gov. Ted Kulongoski wants to ex pand it, and a drop in Pell Grants could offset that. Pell Grants are awarded based on family income. On average, a qualify ing student receives approximately $2,400 in Pell Grants each year, with a maximum set at $4,050. Need is calculated using a complex formula that takes a variety of house hold expenses into account. The Department of Education is supposed to periodically update the tax tables used to calculate the ex pected family contribution. But law makers who support increasing fi nancial aid for students have blocked changes that would reduce grant awards. Republican lawmakers got the changes through Congress this year. The updated tax tables will be used in calculating grants for the 2005 2006 school year. Nationwide, about 1.3 million stu dents are expected to see reductions in their Pell Grant awards, and some 80,000 who would have qualified for small grants will get nothing. SUSHI made fresh daily in the emu kitchen LJikToik (-c.c't emu lower level COURSE OPPORTUNITY: THE HUMAN CONTEXT OF DESIGN-ARCH 440 The Human Context of Design is about the building and landscapes of our built environment: why we build them, how they enhance our lives, how they don’t, how we can make them better. This winter term 2005, the Department of Architecture is opening up ARCHITECTURE 440 to non-majors on an experimental basis. Made possible by the Tom and Carol Williams Fund for Undergraduate Education, this is a pilot class that explores the potential of cross-fertilization between the general liberal arts and applied professional coursework. Undergraduate liberal arts students from all disciplines are invited to participate. SAVE $« buy used texts Sofa by day/Bed by night Renelle GIBSON $179 Double Frame and Mattress, Cover not included 020482 FREE Delivery Setup M AMERICAN <0& MATTRESS MANUFACTURING Buy Factory Direct & Save 4075 W. 11th *343-2690 Open Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.- 8 p.m., Sal, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sun 11 a.m.-5 p.m. £ $49 > TWIN MATTS $109 QUEEN SET