Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 2004, Page 3, Image 3

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    Today Tuesday Wednesday
High: 55 High: 53 High: 54
Low: 45 Low: 41 Low: 42
Precip: 80% Precip: 50% Precip: 20%
Namibia president steps
down, signaling end of era
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa —
After a 23-year war of independence
and three terms as president, Sam
Nujoma of Namibia is ready to step
down, bringing an end to an era
marked by fiery rhetoric as well as
pragmatism and stability.
The 75-year-old Nujoma is the fa
ther of his southwest African nation
and the only leader its 1.8 million peo
ple have ever known. But after presi
dential elections Monday and Tliesday,
Nujoma will prepare to hand over
power, presumably to Hifikepunye Po
hamba, his hand-picked successor and
former comrade in arms.
Anti-obesity pill might
fight drug abuse
NEW YORK — A pill that helps you
lose weight and quit smoking was
amazing enough to capture headlines
last week. But scientists say the experi
mental drug might be even more ver
satile, providing a new tool to help
people stop abusing drugs and alco
hol, too. It’s called rimonabant, or
Acomplia, and last week researchers
reported it could help people not only
lose weight but keep it off for two
years. That burnished the drug’s repu
tation after two studies in March that
suggested it could fight both obesity
and smoking, two of humanity’s
biggest killers.
— The Associated Press
African leaders
seek Ivory Coast
arms embargo
Thousands of Westerners flee the state after its new
military leader reopened a 2-year-old civil war
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast —
African leaders backed an arms
embargo and other immediate
U.N. sanctions against Ivory Coast
on Sunday, isolating President
Laurent Gbagbo’s hard-line gov
ernment even further in its deadly
confrontation with its former colo
nial ruler, France.
As a French-led evacuation of
Ivory Coast builds to one of Africa’s
largest, French President Jacques
Chirac denounced President Lau
rent Gbagbo’s “questionable
regime” — and said France would
not tolerate much more.
“We do not want to allow a sys
tem to develop that would lead
only to anarchy or a regime of a
fascist nature,” Chirac told an au
dience in the southern French city
of Marseille.
Presidents from Nigeria, Sene
gal, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Togo
and Gabon, meeting in the Niger
ian capital of Abuja, on Sunday
backed a draft U.N. Security Coun
cil resolution calling for an arms
embargo, a travel ban and asset
freezes against anyone blocking
peace in Ivory Coast.
The call gives African approval to
a tough stand in Monday’s expect
ed Security Council vote on the
Gbagbo’s representative at the
talks, parliamentary leader Ma
madou Koulibaly, condemned the
call for sanctions, and complained
African leaders had slighted him —
barring him from most of the talks,
and dinner.
No other African leaders “are ca
pable of resolving our problems
with France,” Koulibaly said.
In Abidjan, French civilians and
other foreigners sprawled Sunday
on camp beds set up in the airport
departure lounge, their cats and
dogs lined up in pet cages on the
tarmac just outside — all waiting
for loading onto an Air France jum
bo jet for the latest in five days of
evacuation flights.
France’s heavy criticism, and
African mediation efforts, come after
a five-day spate of anti-foreigner ram
pages last week that have sent West
erners and Africans fleeing a nation
— the world’s top cocoa producer —
that once was stable and prosperous,
and the pride of France’s former
West African empire.
Ivory Coast’s latest crisis began
when Gbagbo’s military broke a
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