Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 12, 2004, Page 4A, Image 4

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Guerrilla warfare intensifies
in day four of Fallujah battle
Car and clinic bombings erupt as U.S. troops surround
the Iraqi city; civilian casualties cannot be determined
FALLUJAH, Iraq — Insurgents tried
to break through the U.S. cordon sur
rounding Fallujah on Thursday as
American forces launched an offensive
against concentrations of militants in
the south of the city. Some 600 insur
gents, 18 U.S. troops and five Iraqi sol
diers have been killed in the four-day
assault, the U.S. military said.
U.S. troops, meanwhile, went on the
offensive Thursday in Mosul, Iraq’s
third largest city, after guerrillas
launched attacks against police sta
tions and bridges across the Tigris river
in an apparent bid to relieve pressure
on their trapped allies in Fallujah.
A U.S. official acknowledged it
might take “some time” to secure
the city, 220 miles to the north.
Elsewhere, a series of attacks
throughout central Iraq underscored
the nation’s perilous security. In
Baghdad, a car bomb exploded
Thursday moments after a U.S. pa
trol passed on Saadoun Street,
killing 17 bystanders and wounding
30. There were no U.S. casualties.
Another car bomb exploded in
Kirkuk as the governor’s convoy
was passing by, killing a bystander
and wounding 14 people. Three
Iraqis were killed in a shootout be
tween U.S. troops and insurgents in
Samarra. Two car bombs injured
eight people in Hillah.
Al-Jazeera television aired a
videotape showing what the station
said was an American contractor of
Lebanese origin held hostage in
Iraq. The balding, middle-aged
man, who carried a U.S. passport
and an identification card in the
name of Dean Sadek, was shown
sitting in front of a green wall. Al
Jazeera did not air any audio but
quoted Sadek as saying all business
es should stop cooperating with
U.S. authorities.
The four-day Fallujah offensive
has wounded an additional 178
Americans along with 34 Iraqi sol
diers, the military said.
As night fell, U.S. Army soldiers
and Marines attacked south of
the main east-west highway that
bisects Fallujah, a Sunni Muslim
insurgent stronghold 40 miles west
of Baghdad.
An Iraqi journalist in the city re
ported seeing burned U.S. vehicles
and bodies in the street, with more
buried under the wreckage. He said
two men trying to move a corpse
were shot down by a sniper.
Two of the three small clinics in
the city have been bombed, and in
one case, medical staff and patients
were killed, he said. A U.S. tank
was positioned beside the third clin
ic, and residents were afraid to go
there, he said.
“People are afraid of even looking
out the window because of
snipers,” he said, asking that he not
be named for his own safety. “The
Americans are shooting anything
that moves. ”
Many, if not most, of Fallujah’s
200,000 to 300,000 residents fled
the city before the assault. It
is impossible to determine how
many civilians who were not
actively fighting the Americans or
assisting the insurgents may have
been killed.
Most of the insurgents still fight
ing in Fallujah are believed to have
fallen back to southern districts
ahead of the advancing U.S. and
Iraqi forces, although fierce clashes
were reported in the west of the city
around the public market.
American officers said the majori
ty of the insurgent mortar and ma
chine-gun fire Thursday was direct
ed at U.S. military units forming a
cordon around the city to prevent
guerrillas from slipping away.
Officers said that suggested
the insurgents were trying to break
out of Fallujah rather than defend
it.At a U.S. camp outside Fallujah,
Maj. Gen. Richard Natonski, com
mander of the 1st Marine Division,
said the operation was running
“ahead of schedule” but he would
not predict how many days of fight
ing lay ahead.
Sigma Nu: Members became disheartened
Continued from page 1A
University required the fraternity
to install.
“The membership would have
been willing to shoulder a financial
burden if it was the only problem,”
Newsom said. In the end, the
fraternity’s lost affiliation with the
University compounded the finan
cial problem, and the house was
shut down.
As for re-establishing the house,
Newsom said most members be
came disheartened after the long
effort to become reaffiliated.
“All of the members in my class
that have gone through this ordeal
pretty much washed their hands of
everything,” he said.
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