■ CD review New pop music releases meet, sometimes exceed standards While Ditty Bops deliver a varied musical vision, Brennan lacks creativity BY RYAN NYBURG PULSE EDITOR Ah, the euphonic sounds of un abashed pop music. It often gets a bad name from certain quarters, those that equate pop with mass market corpo-trash not worth the sil icone it and its singers are created from. To these people I say “phshaw.” Just as I believe there should be heavy doses of grinding, aggravating noise available for con sumer purchase, I think the balance should be maintained through the sugar-sweet melodies of cheery pop. That said, there should be standards. And the latest release from Pin back, “Summer in Abaddon,” meets those standards by crafting cool, moody, intelligent pop songs through intricate vocals and instru mental arrangements. Everything about this release is a testament to the power of good arrangements and production values in creating great songs. Everything here is in tricately arranged and has been formed into compositions border ing on small-band architecture. The album is not without its faults. The band seems to have found a specific sound they like and they stick to it throughout the entire album. Hardly anything rises above mid-tempo and many of the songs fail to distinguish themselves in any relevant way. A little more eclecti cism would have lead to an overall better effort, but why look a gived horse in the mouth? Overall, this is f 9IU9A^K «■ T in A&Pft*'- J Courtesy Pmback offers intricate pop music with intelligent lyrics and a dazzling production. another excellent release from Touch and Go Records. The latest from Keven Brennan, “God is a Mighty Gourd,” comes to pop music from a different angle — that of a deconstructionist. (I’m thinking of going for the academic triple crown and mentioning post modernism and Foucault before this article is over.) In an attempt to meld jazz, funk, R&B and hip-hop with an avant-garde compositional structures and surrealist lyrics, Brennan has created a unique musical vision. Of course this doesn’t translate into an interesting album. Brennan suffers from a simple lack of creativity. He obviously knows what he wants to do, it’s just that what he wants to do is boring and trite. His lyrics flip between self-con scious surrealism and rote love lyrics, his vocals sound like Leonard Cohan without the poetry and his arrangements often stretch a minute or two longer than anyone else would consider necessary. Frank Zappa and Captain Beef heart stand out as influences, but Brennan lacks Zappa’s humor, Beefheart’s drive and either one’s musical ability. He works with a couple of good backing bands and occasionally their talent makes up MUSIC, page 8 Flu Uaccine Students • fluailable for "high risk" for complications of the flu • Monday-Friday, 9-4 pm $10 Staff • fluailable for "high risk" faculty, staff i their eligible dependents age 14 or older •Ihurs.11/1Uri.11/H. 8-9 am. Sat. 11/20,10-2 pm Morning IM/Ihurs./Fri. 8-9 am uuhile supply lasts • Bring U0 ID 6 BCBS insurance card. §18.50 if not couered by BCBS. CDC high risk groups include: • People 65 gears of age or older • Adults and children 2 years of age and older with chronic lung or heart disorders including heart disease and asthma • lliomen mho mill be pregnant during the influenza season • Adults and children 2 years of age and older uuith chronic metabolic diseases (including diabetes), kidney diseases, blood disorders, or uueakened immune systems • Children and teenagers. 6 months to 18 years of age, mho take aspirin daily • Household members and out-of-home care giuers of infants under the age of 6 months • Health care morkers mho prouide direct, hands-on care to patients UNIVERSITY OF OREGON http://healthcenter.uoregon.edn * appointments: 346-2770 IN BRIEF Royalty attends premiere LONDON — It was more regal than most movie premieres — two dames and the queen were in atten dance at a showing of “Ladies in Lavender” in Leicester Square. Dame Judi Dench and Dame Maggie Smith, both 69 and co-stars of the film, were given second billing Monday as Queen Elizabeth II was the guest of honor. Proceeds from the event went to the Cinema and Television Benevo lent Fund, of which the queen has been patron for 52 years. Dench and Smith, who have pre viously appeared together in “A Room With a View,” portray two spinsters who take in a mysterious young Polish man they find half drowned on a beach. — The Associated Press MAN’S WORLD For that off-campus quality Find us under Barbers For appointments in the Yellow Pages call 342-7664 966 Oak International Resource Center and Chinese Students & Scholars Association presents: International Education Week November 15th-19th EMU Featuring: Tai-Chi, Astrology, Calligraphy, Tea Ceremony, Free Snacks and more COME JOIN US! 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