Vote as if Your Life Depends On It. It Just Might. THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION’S WAR: • More than 1,000 dead • 7,000 maimed and wounded • $120+ billion spent • you do the math! Prolonged war, plus dwindling troops — CAN A MILITARY DRAFT BE FAR BEHIND? JOHN KERRY WILL: • Regain the trust of our allies • Provide smart, fresh solutions in Iraq • Never mislead our country into war • Firmly oppose a draft unless our nation’s survival is at risk DON'T SPEND YOUR JUNIOR YEAR ABROAD IN IRAQ! VOTE KERRY EDWARDS NOV. 2 Vote Today! Join the MOB' Mothers Opposing Bush Paid lor by, Mothers Opposing Bush., P.O.Box 2111, Annapolis, MD 21404-2111. Not authorized or endorsed by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions or gifts to MOBorg, Inc. are not tax-deductible.