U.N. Chief calls for tighter nudear materials controls ElBaradei urges Iran to suspend uranium enrichment, North Korea to dismantle nuclear weapons program BY EDITH M. LEDERER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS UNITED NATIONS — The chief of the United Nations nuclear agency urged Iran and North Korea on Monday to prove their nuclear programs are peaceful and called for tighter controls to halt the globe’s "illicit market” in nuclear materials. In his annual report to the U.N. General Assembly, Mohamed ElBa radei said Iran should suspend its uranium enrichment program “as a confidence building measure” and North Korea should dismantle its nuclear weapons program or allow inspections to ensure it is peaceful. ElBaradei, who heads the Interna tional Atomic Energy Agency, also stressed the importance of resuming U.N. nuclear inspections in Iraq “as soon as the security situation per mits” to ensure that items with both civilian and military applications are not being misused. He told the General Assembly that “the most disturbing lesson” from the revelation of nuclear pro grams in Iran and Libya was “the existence of an extensive illicit mar ket for the supply of nuclear items.” “The relative ease with which a multinational illicit network could be set up and operated demon strates clearly the inadequacy of the present export system,” he said. ElBaradei noted that current con trols on exports of nuclear materials aren’t binding, don’t include many countries with growing industrial activities and don’t require sharing information with his agency. “It is very serious,” he said after ward. “We’re talking about 25 to 30 companies involved with this in at least 20 to 30 countries — not with the knowledge of their governments — but it shows that there is a lot of cracks in this export control regime which we need to fix quite soon. ” For now, the most pressing issue before the nuclear agency is what to do about Iran’s moves to enrich ura nium. The agency’s board of gover nors will decide on the next steps when it meets Nov. 25 at its head quarters in Vienna, Austria, to con sider a report ElBaradei is writing. Britain, Germany and France have warned that most European countries would back the United States’ call to refer Iran to the U.N. Security Council if the Iranian gov ernment does not abandon all en richment activities by Nov. 25. Call us at 343-8633 Open Mon-Sat 10-6 3131 West Ilth. Ave. “PowerPlayer” AMD Sempron™2500+ $049.99 • Gigabyte 7T600-RZ Motherboard • 64MB GeForce 4 4000 ■ 40 GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive ■ 512 MB DDR Memory ■ Microsoft Windows XP Home ’ 17” .27 NEC Monitor AMD&1 Virtual Office Systems miMifiita “The Scorpion" AMD Sempron™2600+ $989.99 Gigabyte 7VT600-RZ Board 128MB GeForce FX5200 Video 80 GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive PC3200 DDR Memory You select color of case & lights! 17”.27 NEC Monitor Sempron Prices subject to change. Visit us on the web at WWW.VOSCOMPUTERS.COM Go Ducks! VOS Computers of Eugene, LLC Systems are also available at the l () Bookstore. Prices good through 11/12/04. CIP FOOTBALL RAFFLE FOOTBALL AUTOGRAPHED 8V THE 2000 DOCKS TEAM Raffle Tickets $1 All proceeds benefit CIP’s Building Blocks Program, which educates 5th graders on the importance of higher education. Tickets on sale4^^, Nov. 1st, 9-11 am, tomorrow, Nov. 2nd, 11 am-1 pm by the EMU ticket booth Dm Bobosky | Photographer Colin Elliott, a senior history major, has spent every Monday morning for the last four weeks participating as an undecided voter on a segment of MSNBC LIVE. Undecided: University student says farewell to blog Continued from page 1 page as the campaigns cascaded to ward today’s election. Voters in swing states may hold the key to victory in this highly con tentious election, which is a main reason the network asked Elliott to participate. But, Elliott said swing voters — especially college students — were rare to begin with and are quickly dwindling. “I’ve found that being undecided, it’s a pretty hot commodity, I guess,” Elliott said. And the numbers seem to back him up. According to results of a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll re leased Monday, out of likely voters only 3 percent reported they were completely undecided about who to vote for. Elliott also said he was chosen for the shows because he brought a new viewpoint to the table. “That’s not any kind of skill set I have, but it’s more the viewpoint that I brought because I brought a third party viewpoint, and in this election it’s all been Bush, Kerry, Bush, Ker ry, Bush, Kerry, Bush, Kerry, Bush, Kerry,” he said. On Monday, Elliott announced on his blog that he’ll soon be leaving the ranks of unde cided voters, however, by voting for Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik. “1 haven’t drawn the line in yet, but 1 will. I’ve made my decision.” Elliott said. “One of the reasons 1 stayed undecided was because I’d have to sift through the garbage that’s been flung back and forth on both sides, and that’s like trying to find an uneaten sandwich in a Dumpster.” Elliott said he had trouble decid ing who to vote for because this year’s election involved more glori fying and criticizing of candidates than the 2000 election. What he and other college students look for is de bate about the issues, he said, adding that what they got this year was a race based on the candidates’ popularity, something seen in a monarchy or dictatorship, but not in a democracy. “Issues are the blood that runs through democracy,” Elliott said. Today’s election means Monday’s airing of “The Undecided Voter” was the last foreseeable time Elliott will stand in the spotlight in the Knight Library’s basement, broad casting live around the nation. It also means his blog on The Oregon ian Web site will be coming to an end. “I have spent the last nine months of this blog asking ques tions. Some were answered by read ers, others by the ebb and flow of current events, but others were an swered by myself,” Elliott wrote in Monday’s entry. “Ultimately, decid ing how to use one’s vote is a soul searching quest, especially if one believes in voting out of pure selfish interest — as the democratic process is intended ... “Thanks to my readers and the many people that sent in e-mails, from typos to essays, from anger to support. Thanks to the other blog gers for emphasizing a sense of community and friendship between us all. It’s been a wild ride this elec tion, and I’m happy to see it come to an end — I probably won’t be happy with the outcome but at least both you, and I, now know where I stand.” jaredpaben@ daily emerald, com What do I know about me? I'm informed. I'm healthy. I take care of myself. 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