Classified ads work! And the Oregon Daily Emerald has the most affordable rates in town. Call 346-4343 to place your ad now! ONE NIGHT ONLY! HALLOWEEfl eOSTUfflE _ COflTEST AflD SPECIAL 1 SURPRISES AWAIT VOU! wiw mm Sfllurday October )0ih • EMU Ballroom Doors Open 9:10 PM • Show 10 PM Tickets on sale at the EMU Ticket Office • UO students $7 • Non-students $8 • Prop Packs $2 Strange Brew by John Deering Horoscope by Joyce Jillson TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (October 29). This will be your most fabulous year to date! You'll start by planning a trip some where you've always wanted to go. You'll wonder why you didn't do this soonerl Love connections grow stronger as you create more experi ences with loved ones. Money in De cember gives you the means to do this. Love signs are Pisces and Taurus. Your lucky numbers are: 10, 24, 39,18 and 36. ARIES (March 21 -April 19).You're ready to change the way you are seen in the eyes of the world. An emotional out burst might occur in the process, but it's nothing to avoid. This show of passion will actually help a relationship in the long run. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You don't have to think much to know what you're doing next. Instinct and desire take over, and before you know it, you're on your way to getting what you want. Im promptu gatherings will introduce you to love prospects. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It's super lucky to let the world know your plans. That may be all you have to do to get things rolling, as it's extremely easy to gather momentum with the stars on your side. Your sense of humor and manners win you fans. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You'll ana lyze your feelings, eager to come to de finitive conclusions - but there are no definite conclusions. Think of your cur rent situation as a work in process in stead. Educate yourself to keep up pro fessionally. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A child, parent or spouse is feeling needy right now. The problem is, so are you. Instead of trying to outdo one another to see who's got it worse, recognize that by giving your full attention to someone else, you are also helping yourself. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Changes in workplace procedures could compli cate your life. First, accept that this one is out of your hands. Someone much, much higher up is making the decisions here. Make do as best you can, or find a new work situation. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Embrace your unique power, and everyone around you will benefit. Your vision and deter mination really can make the world a happier place. When the scales tip against you, regain balance by focusing on what makes you special. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There's no sense getting angry with someone who didn't keep his or her word. What is anger going to accomplish for you, oth er than to add fuel to an already explo sive situation? Just let it go. Forget that promise was ever made. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The heat is on. It seems like you've been waiting for this moment for months, maybe even years. You can dazzle with the best of 'em, so don't hold back. A higher-up is watching and secretly root ing for you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance anyway. Where would we be now if Copernicus had been too afraid to tell the world that the sun was at the center of the solar system? Don't worry what others think. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Beware of strangers bearing gifts or news that seems too good to be true. There’s more here than meets the eye. Also, be sure to set some boundaries with that overbearing co-worker. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You and loved ones need to reconnect on some common ground. Talk about the tough issues! Whether it's where to go on your next vacation or when to start a family, you need to be flexible and find a compromise. 140 BICYCLES For sale: Mountain bike. $65. Clas sic cruiser Schwinn $120. Antique chair $35. Call 221 -2589. 185 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Movie extras, actors, models! Make $100/$300 per day. No expe rience required. FT/PT. All ages and looks needed! Call 800-773-8223. BARTENDING $250/day potential, no experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext. 118 $800 weekly guaranteed stuffing envelopes. Send a self addressed, stamped envelope to Scarab Mar keting, 28 E. Jackson 10th fl. #938, Chicago, IL 60604 205 HELP WANTED QUICK CASH Donate Plasma ^arn up to $180mo. Call 683-9430 for details or stop by IBR Plasma Center 1901 W. 8th Ave, Eugene, OR. Savoure is currently seeking PT/FT wait staff. Please drop off resume to 201 W Broadway. No Phone Calls. Part-time help needed for drywall contractor. 6-8hr/wk. Transportation a must. Needed ASAP. 683-5650. Love teaching? The Lesson Facto ry is looking for guitar, drum, bass, vocal, piano, trumpet, and more in structors. mail or bring in resume to The Lesson Factory, 1011 Greenaa cres Rd. Eugene, OR, 97408. ColdFusion, ASP Developers want ed for contractual based work. Contact PDG. projects @ Espresso bar: full/part-time. Bring resume to: The Supreme Bean, 2872 Willamette, Eugene. 28 Openings F/PT Free training & support EBiz -$1.SASE 4 info aim2c 444 Lincoln St. Eugene 97401 210 HOUSES FOR RENT 4 BDRM House at 3 BDRM PRICE! ONE MONTH FREE! 4 bdrm, 1.5 ba house, nice yard, w/d included, pets negotiable. 2845 Ferry St. ONLY $930/mo. Call 343-6000. 2 bdrm, 1 ba house w/garage. Cam pus area, on UO/LCC bus route. $695/mo. Avail 12/10. 510-6106. 215 APARTMENTS FURNISHED 1 bdrm in 2 bdrm apt. avail. De cember. Can be furnished or unfur nished. 5 min from campus. New apt complex. $437/mo. 19th & Onyx alley. 686-8013. 2 bdrm., 2 blks from campus, prkng, laundry on site, fp, dw, N/P. $640., 1st/last/dep. 484-9922 Two bdrm. 1200 Ferry St. 4 blks UO. $525/mo. Covered parking avail. Laundry, D/W. 912-7470. LARGE 2 bdrm. Very nice. On site laundry, d/w, new appliances. 569 12th & Jefferson $600. 465-9886 Centre Court Village 3667 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 Sorry No Pets 1-2 Bedroom Apt. Homes All w/ dw & disposals Free Expanded TV Cable 741-4726 3 BDRM apt at 2 BDRM PRICE! Free parking, close to downtown. $595/mo. 610 E. 8th. Call 343-6000. 220 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ASK ABOUT RENT BONUS ONE BEDROOMS 1647 Mill $495 1345 Ferry $450 611 E. 11th $425 1085 Patterson $410 233 E. 17th $410 361 E. 14th $410-$450 745 E. 15th $495-$510 1390 Mill $595 TWO BEDROOMS 1550 Mill $450 1893 Garden Ave. $545 1911 Kincaid $525 750 E. 18th $550 1390 Mill $510-$525 361 E. 14th $475 355 E. 19th $550 STUDIO 735 E. 14th $395 Shared kitchen, electric paid Von Klein Property Mgmt., LLC 1301 Ferry St. #2 • 485-7776 Move in Special! Free rent, newly remodeled 2 Bedroom. Near cam pus. 1414 Alder. 541-543-4235. IPM • 503-223-6327 1715 High. Clean, spacious 1 & 2 bdrm $470-$495. Water, hot water, trash pd. Vista 343-4367, 520-7983. 2 bdrm. townhouse style. $625/mo. DAN. Parking. No pets. 1390 Patter son. 344-8689. $150 Move-In Bonus! LARGE one bdrm. apartment available in small complex. Close to UO, quiet neigh borhood, spacious yard. $495/mo. 2266 Alder. Call 343-6000. vyww, 2 WEEKS FREE! STUDIO in great location close to campus. $395/mo. 1378 Ferry. Call 343-6000. fcugene Manor 1040-1050 Ferry St. 484-7441 Studios, 1 & 2 bdrms Ail utilities & cable included • Close to UO • Covered, secured bike storage • Onsite laundry, parking • Courtesy security serv ice • Limited access entry Professionally managed by Bennett Mgmt. Co., LLC. 485-6991 RENT REDUCTION & $500 Move In Bonus! 4 bdrm apt. at only $750/mo. Across the street from UO Music Bldg. 1831 Kincaid St. Call 343-6000. ONE MONTH FREE!! 2 bdrm apt, on-site manager, off-street parking, near campus. Only two left $595 and $625. 1877 Emerald. Call 343 6000. West Hills Village 1459 City View Eugene, OR 97402 Sorry No Pets 1-2-3 Bedroom Units Guaranteed Rents w/o Lease 1 yr. Check us out. 344-3311 220 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED Walk to Campus! Nice, large STUDIO $398. On-site laundry, parking, some utilities paid. 765 E. 18th, 485-6991 Bennett Management Co. Duplex: 1156 & 1160 Ferry Alley 4 bdrm. $1050, $1000 dep. 2 bdrm. $550, $500 dep. Both have single car garage. Mallard Properties 465-DUCK Smashing Prices 2-Bedroom Units Available • 625 E. 16th $595 • 1870 Onyx St. $675 • 1390 Alder $895 W/S/G paid, On-Site Laundry, Basic Cable 8< Wireless Internet Provided! •Al STE RUN C» | 684-8141 or 510-7939 FREE NOVEMBER RENT PAIRADICE APTS. 640 E 15th Ave. One bdrm - $665, Two bdrm - $835 Clean, Newer, Combo W/D, G/D 3 blocks to UO Contact Noel @ 302-5770 or e-mail pearlwhitefatboy @ 225 QUADS Quads close to campus. Month-to Month. $275.430 E. 15th Ave. All utilities paid. 343-6000 or 465-8938 www.campiisrental,cQm ONE MONTH FREE Newer Quads across the street from campus. Lease or month-to-month. $275 $335 GWSE pd. 1827 Harris St 343-6000. QUADS 1728 Ferry $275-$310 CALL 342-5882 Von Klein Property Mgmt., LLC 1301 Ferry St. #2 • 485-7776 230 ROOMS FOR RENT Fall housing from $295/mo. at The Spot. Utilities & Internet incl. 485 8008 or 554-7371. Student rooms. $265 & $325 uitls, net, laundry, cable, phone, & park ing incl. Quiet atmosphere. 318 Adams, Eugene. 345-8225. 245 ROOMMATES WANTED 1 Roommate wanted for 3 bedroom house close to campus in quiet neighborhood with large yard. $375/room, 2540 Onyx. Call 343 6000 1st week free! 1 bdrm availlable now in 2 bdrm apt. $440/mo. 1414 Alder St. No deposit. 514-9491. Join 1 woman in 2 bdrm. 2 ba. apt. 3 blocks from UO. Furnished, w/d, parking avail. $417/mo. + util. 503.312.2192 or 503.602.9076 1 bdrm in house avail now. One block UO bus. No pets, smoking, drugs. $300/mo per room. 1st, last $100 dep. 1 yr. lease. Share utils. 683-5618. 260 ANNOUNCEMENTS JbtoroYUt § Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds Online 285 SERVICES UO Crisis Center 24 - hr. Student Help Line 346-4488 *AII calls are confidential. 310 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Openings available. Guitar, piano, bass lessons. All styles/levels. John Sharkev. 342-9543 LSAT TEST PREP Thinking of Law School? Register now! Workshop Dates: Nov. 2,4,9,11, 16, 18 4:00pm-5:30pm Practice Exam: Nov. 23 4:00pm-7:30pm $185 To register, call 346-3226 or stop by the ALS office: at 68 PLC Academic Learning Servicer Edited by Will Shortz No. 0917 Ske^UrilorkShitejBi Crossword | ACROSS 1 Place not much heard from 9 Mr. on “Mission: Impossible" 15 How spokes go 16 “Hey, hey, heyl” 17 2004 political exile 18 “Friends" actress 19 Rejoices (in) 20 Is divisive 21 What England's George VI lacked 22 One pulling strings? 23 Exotic land, in verse 25 Whence Ahab’s story 26 Its first song was “Video Killed the Radio Star" 29 Cargo carrier 30 Pouter's riposte 32 Speaking one's mind? 34 Familiar redhead since 1918 35 “Empedocles on _" (Matthew Arnold poem) 36 Blood letters 37 Lots 38 Snorkelers' wear 39 Carried 40 Hunky-dory 41 Melodic musical passages 44 Brendan Behan's"_ Boy" 47 Rancho_ (fossil site) 48 Main way to a 49-Across, maybe 49 Popular vacation spot 50 Tells 51 High points 52 Neon or helium DOWN 1 Bring unwillingly 2 _of Avon 3 Western “so long” 4 Stripping 5 Luxuriously smooth 6 Layers 7 Futuramic of the late 40's and early 50's 8 Ship rope or chain 9 Mocking, with “at" 10 Be a homebody? 11 Like Esau vis a-vis Jacob 12 _de Triomphe 13 Bit of intrigue 14 They may be pulled in two directions 20 Woes for toes 22 Draw 23 Ad_per aspera (Kansas' motto) 24 Doctor's order 25 Mau Maus, e g. 26 Chiang Ch’ing's mate 27 Big case 28 Sacred Hindu text 30 Byways 31 Takes all the money from 33 Camper’s supply 38 Kaleidoscope pari 39 Natural cleanser 40 Might 41 Amman's Queen _ International Airport 42 File 43 Suffix with discern 44 “Tres_!" 45 The U.N.’s Kofi _ Annan 46 Lacking 48 Actress Meyers ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE □BUB HQHia UUL3U □□DU EJtiUb □□□UU [QUUHBQUDO QUdUQ UULJUULJ UUUUUUUU □□□□ U IB UHL! □□□□□ ULJULiU HUB □□□□ UUULJLJU EBB UULJ HEHUUED □□□ □UU □□□UBD □□QU HUE UUUBB BUUUU □□HU □□□□ □UBBQBUU HUBBUB UUUUU UEBBUBUEU DDDBQ QQQQ □□□□ BBLJU BBBB BQBB For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.20 a minute; or, with a aedit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($34.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers: