Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 28, 2004, Page 3, Image 3

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    Emerald coverage of Wieden class incomplete
Since 1992, Dan Wieden has of
fered an annual workshop for adver
tising students. Many workshop
graduates view it as a defining mo
ment in their careers.
Wieden is the creative force be
hind Wieden + Kennedy, the Port
land-based advertising agency. Re
cently, the agency was described as
being "consistently brilliant ... may
be the best in the world." More im
portantly, Wieden has high ethical
standards and cares deeply about
young people entering advertising.
The May
24 edition
Emerald re
ported on
the workshop ("Students face fears
in unique workshop") and pub
lished a column by Marissa Jones,
one of the students in the workshop
("Dan Wieden says 'lump,' I say...
The story was fair and I respect
Marissa's opinions; however, the
coverage provided a less than com
plete picture.
Taken out of context, it could ap
pear as if the students are being
asked to engage in potentially illegal
or unethical behaviors — for exam
ple, streaking. That view ignores the
School of Journalism and Commu
nication's clearly stated standards,
the ongoing mentoring by the SOJC
faculty and the purpose of the work
• The SOJC will not encourage or
condone any illegal or unethical be
havior. Professional ethics and prac
tice are integral to all that we teach.
• Faculty are meeting frequently with
students to help them work through
the ethical and creative challenges. The
first meeting was the start, not the end,
of a learning process.
• The workshop is an advertising
creative workshop in which the stu
dents must present their work at
Wieden + Kennedy in early June. The
challenge is to turn the assignments
into creative opportunities. The stu
dents are engaged in a rich and de
manding educational experience.
That is the exciting story of every
Wieden workshop.
Tim Gleason is the dean of the School
of Journalism and Communication.
Active, involved
students give hope
for political future
In the midst of world conflicts and
struggles, students forget how much of
a difference they can make. Often stu
dents don't realize how simply being
involved with a group in or around
campus can have a significant impact
on others, including members of the
Such a
group has
opened its
_ those stu
dents who
are interested in providing an open dia
logue for the assessment and under
standing of the long-standing conflict
in the Middle East. More importantly,
this group is dedicated to preserving the
special relationship that exists between
the United States of America and Israel.
As brothers and sisters in democracy,
American Israel Public Affairs Commit
tee provides a way for youth to become
a part of something that really works to
wards peace and democracy in the free
world. Members from the I lillel house,
including myself, acting as a delegate
from the College Republicans, traveled
to Washington, D.C., the weekend of
May 14-16 in order to discuss how best
to inform and educate others about
policy in the Middle East. Students
from Oregon assembled the largest del
egation ever from the state. This num
ber of students from Oregon, more
specifically the University, truly demon
strates that, contrary to popular belief,
this generation is not as apathetic as
some might think.
It is very encouraging to see such
strong support for a cause from fellow
students. If we are to hope for a better
tomorrow, we need to start planning to
day. Ronald Reagan often spoke about
the idea of peace through strength. In a
similar fashion, I feel that with the
strength of the students of today we can
work towards peace for tomorrow.
AIPAC supports the goal that all who
desire to can live in freedom such as we
are so privileged to do so everyday.
Anthony Warren is a sophomore
majoring in political science and
a member of the College Republicans.
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Advertise in the Emerald.
Call 346-3712 to speak with a rep.
We have great University rates.
Conservatives on campus,
in Eugene suffer in silence
In Chuck Slothower's article
"Gray elephants go marching"
(ODE, May 12), he said that"... It's
an open question as to why people
grow more conservative as they
age." Have you ever been told to
listen to the advice of your elders,
for they have years of experience
and knowledge on you? Perhaps
the conservative surge is due to a
lack of youthful ignorance. Per
haps as people grow older, they
gain experience and solidify their
beliefs, only to come to the obvi
ous conclusion that liberalism is
for the birds.
In your article, you state that
"Progressives better steel them
selves for decades of playing de
fense. " Don't worry, as long as you
stay in the little liberal hub of
Eugene, you'll always be the attack
er rather than the attacked. If liber
als are attacked in the rest of the
United States, I say that they de
serve it 100
percent. As
a conserva
tive in Eu
gene, I find
constantly on the defense, appar
ently even when I pick up the
school newspaper.
Although liberals may be a ma
jority at the University, I warn you
that there are more conservatives
here than you may think. Just be
cause we tend to be silent sufferers
doesn't mean we don't exist. You
might say that we should speak out
and stand up for ourselves, and to
that, I say that I do.
I lowever, if I refuted every liber
al comment made to me, whether
that be in the classroom, in the
newspaper, or on the street, 1
would waste my life away doing
just so and 1 wouldn't have time
for my education.
I'll just say that 1 am here in Eu
gene for an education, not to be
constantly attacked by liberals. For
the time being, until you stop at
tacking conservatives, 1 applaud
the conservatives in non-liberal
dominated societies who attack
liberals and, in doing so, unknow
ingly stand up for me.
Melissa fucker is a sophomore
studying linguistics.
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Session Classes
Begin June 21
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