SUNDBERG continued from page 8 they're wrong. They just move further from the common ground toward the extremes of partisanship. And these days, the poles are shifting further and further to one side or the other. The tug of war is getting so strong the rope is going to snap. This is not good. We need a common ground here where beliefs aren't held in front of ideas and emotions aren't imprisoning logic. I say, erase the parties. Of course, the followers who live in this world will torch me They're going to call me crazy. And maybe I am, but I am tired of the violence. I am tired of the rage. And I am ready for change. The anger has been mounting for some time now, but it wasn't until Sept. 11 that things really got out of control. The whole nation has been foaming at the mouth, fevered and ready to kill over what happened to us. And now we're shocked when we see pictures of our soldiers torturing the enemy. Get real folks, this is war. This is reality television. This is what hap pens behind closed doors. This is what it comes down to. This is what you get when anger rules. This is what revenge looks like. This year our choice for president is either a smirking jackal or a sneaky jackal. Neither have expressed any honest feelings about awareness. Nei ther are worthy of leading us. We're in a lose-lose situation. We aren't getting any enlightenment from these people There'll be no consciousness expan sion here. There'll be no peace here. There'll be no unity here. We We've got to look someplace else. We have to find the enlighten ment and higher ground elsewhere, before it's too late. And I'm not talking about looking for a leader. I'm talking about looking inside. That's the only place we're going to find it. If not we're doomed. The motto of Kesey's Pranksters is "Nothing lasts." I find hope in this idea, because without it, it would be hard to justify our violent existence. If nothing lasts, I like to think that vio lence won't either. But the question is, will we end along with it? Contact the Pulse columnist at His opinions do not necessarily represent those of the Emerald. FOLK continued from page 7 $45,000. The UO Cultural Forum has $ 15,000 set aside each year for the fes tival, and this year the remaining half was covered by Zimmer's and Reis chman's fund-raising, the Cultural Fo rum's heritage music program fund, money saved from in-kind donations and discounts and commissions and fees paid to the Cultural Forum by food and craft vendors. Cultural Fo rum office manager Mandy Chong said half of the food in the festival's hospitality tent is donated from local businesses. "In past years coordinators have gone into deficit, but we now are much more careful with how we spend our money," Chong said. After a year of successful planning, Zimmer and Reischman are ready to see their hard work pay off. Zimmer said the show will go on, regardless of the weather. "Rain or shine, we're going to be there," she said. "I encourage festival goers to bring a blanket if it's gor geous, or an umbrella if it's pouring." Contact the Pulse reporter at Karen i n g: Sheri Lea hi waxing by) now open for 1745 W. 18th Ave. appointment 18th & Chambers monday - Saturday 431-1717 Today’s crossword solution with v^uasi and The Grails Tuesday May 25 McDonald Theater All Ages 503.224.TIXX WIN TICKETS (i WWW.MONQUI.COM TICKETS SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE STUDENT GROUP Advertise in the Emerald. Castle Megastore & Vivid are proud to present Adult Superstar... I FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY! Friday, May 21st: 5pm to 9pm Springfield 3270 Gateway St 541-988-9226 SPRINGFIELD STORE HOURS: Sunday thru Wednesday 8am - 2am Thursday thru Saturday Open 24 Hours | SPRINGFIELD - 3270 GATEWAY ST - 541.988.9226 | Friday, May 21st 3:30-5:00pm Gerlinger Alumni Lounge Come hear about Study Abroad Programs Argentina Chile Costa Rica Ecuador France Italy Spain IE3 Global Internships Career Opportunities Overseas Graduate Teaching Opportunities Community Internships for UO Credit (Participatory Learning Experience Internships) Romance Languages Scholarship Opportunities IREfiflN DAILY EMERALD