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Do It with Distinction UO Professional Distinctions For full information go to visit the UO Career Center Hail. 541.346.3166 A program by College of Arts and Sciences _!=_ and the Career Center Kn™l gives platform to unsigned music artists Many independent bands have surprisingly found all the benefits of a label from one popular Web site By Natasha Chilingerian Pulse Reporter About a year and a half ago, Los Angeles-based metal/rock band Hya line found a helpful tool in its music career construction: The Internet. Ever since then, the group has been part of an online music community, submitted songs for television and movie soundtracks and snagged nu merous touring and performing op portunities. Like Hyaline, many independent and indie artists have discovered the Unsigned Music Network (, a Web site that provides career-enhancing services previously unavailable for musicians not signed with a label. Among other opportuni ties, UMN .com gives exposure and at tracts a fan base for participating artists. "UMN has created an online com munity or network for all of the bands that participate," Hyaline drummer Dan Fowler said in an e-mail inter view. "Because of UMN, Hyaline has met and interacted with bands all over the United States. As a result we've been able to tour around and perform with UMN bands in different cities and get the chance to perform to brand new audiences in a packed club." Founded in 2001, started as an Internet radio station that played songs from about 100 selected bands, mostly in the rock genre. When current president Steve Sheiner be gan working for the company five months ago, he decided to allow any band to showcase their music on the Web site. Today, about 300 bands are members of, with styles ranging from a cappella to gangsta rap to reggae. Musicians pay a monthly fee to post songs and music videos on the site to stream or download, maintain 1? SH fPS f!P ^ ?9 Kttu VW»V to INI IW MUSIC ECONOMY UB MW* ***** (u*o • u,*tr*M****t *». »«t«i - wrtMw was founded by the Los Angeles based band Hyaline and offers indie artists a place to market their music. Musicians retain all rights to their songs and image, which is a plus for them. Courtesy their own Web sites and manage an e mail fan list The company also markets musicians, helps to license their music for release to television and movies and provides assistance with booking shows. "We are providing support outside of just the Web site," Sheiner said. While signed artists share copyrights and revenue with their labels, musicians own all copy rights to their music and keep their total profits. Total control of image and sound is another advantage bands have as members Sheiner said although he is still get ting the word out about the company, many musicians have seen jumps in their careers as a result from participat ing in "Some labels have contacted bands," he said. "( builds a fan base for musicians, gets interest from the in dustry and creates an opportunity for people to hear their music." Some participating musicians say the sense of community and the opportu nity to meet other bands are the top services provided by "It has allowed us to connect with other musicians around the United States that we have now become very r dose with and help support," Hyaline bass player Aaron Broughton said in an e-mail interview. "That's what it's all about, connecting, making new friends, creating new fans, and getting your mu sic to more people." Drummer Barrett Yeretsian, who plays in Los Angeles-based rock band Beat and Path, said in an e-mail inter view that "created an Inter net buzz" by playing his group's song "Goodbye Beautiful Day" on their ra dio program. "UMN is definitely a great service for unsigned bands," he said. "It gave us the exposure that is taking us to the next level." Sheiner said being signed to a label is not the ultimate goal for artists these days because there are other ways to make money while making music. With the growing use of the Internet, independent artists can easily build their careers through online music serv ices. "The goal of a musidan is to make a living playing music," he said. 'There are now opportunities for independent artists to be successful." Contact the Pulse reporter at 018934 **!f?j£as** sWP Furnished 1, 2, & 4 bedroom apartments with washer/dryer starting at $310. Call today to ask about our $100 off move-in special. For a limited time only* come Me a tow today! 338-4000 umversiTY COMMONS apartments 90 Commons Drive, Eugene, Or 97401 Special Spring SAVINGS Irizza Pipeline 12" Two-Topping Pizza Two 22 oz. Sodas CtillJSMI® & Tricky Stix FREE DELIVERY ™ ® Eugene: 686-5808 valid with any other offer Expires 5/30/04 16" One Topping Pizza Four 22 oz. 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