Tim Bobosky Photographer (Left to right in«background): Vietnam veteran Jim Rassmann, “Lord of the Rings” actor Sean Astin, Everclear frontman Art Alexakis and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean support John Kerry during his rally at Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland on Monday evening. Kerry spoke about his "Service for College” plan and criticized President Bush during the event. KERRY continued from page 1 competition with jobs ... It is jobs." Vietnam War veteran Jim Rassmann, a friend of Kerry's who served with him during the Vietnam War, was also present to voice his support. Rassmann largely silenced the crowd when he told a story about how Kerry, who served on a swift-boat unit, pulled him out of a river by hauling him over the bow while being attacked with rocket-pro pelled grenades and gunfire. Rassmann, who used to be a member of the Republican Party but recently switched to the Democratic Party to join Kerry's campaign, said he wants somebody with Kerry's leadership and character to lead the country. Kerry took the opportunity to crack a joke. "God didn't just give me the privilege of pulling a life out of the water," Kerry said. "I pulled a vote out of the wa ter, too." But Kerry was more serious when it came to criticizing the Bush administration for the war in Iraq, blasting the president for lying to the American public about the reasons for war and for pro ceeding unilaterally. "Working with other coun tries instead of going unilater ally is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strength," Kerry said. "We don't go to war be cause we want to, we go to war because we have to." Actor Sean Astin, who played Samwise "Sam" Gamgee in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and Portland resident and Everclear singer Art Alexakis opened the rally for Kerry. Alexakis played sev eral songs and praised Kerry for braving the Portland rain in the middle of May. In the buildings surround ing the plaza, people crowded at windows and peered down on Kerry with binoculars. During the rally, a woman holding a "Bush Sucks" sign yelled from the 13th story of an adjacent building that Bush sucks. She caught Kerry's attention. "That, ladies and gentle man, is a very special Oregon window dressing," Kerry said, drawing laughter from audience members. University College Democrats members Gabriel Zitrin and Chris Halverson attended the rally to show support for Kerry. Zitrin, a junior majoring in international studies, said it was important to him to see the candidate and hear his message in person. Zitrin said he didn't get a chance to speak with Kerry, but he shook his hand and thanked him. "On every issue that I'm aware of, Kerry has a real solu tion, and Bush is a real prob lem," Zitrin said. "Regardless of what issue you care the most about, John Kerry has a way to make it better." Not everybody present Mon day was supportive of Kerry. Af ter a rally, people crowded along the streets near the plaza to see Kerry leave. A sizable crowd of Bush supporters held signs and exchanged insults with Kerry supporters across the street. Portland State University student Shahriyar Smith, who held a sign that read "9 out of 10 terrorists agree John Kerry for president," said people need to realize that Kerry is a weak leader who is not suit able to protect the welfare of the country. Though Smith said a couple of people "got physical with him" and screamed in his face, he wasn't there to rile people, but to educate and talk some sense into them. Contact the campus/ federal politics reporter at jaredpaben@dailyemerald.com. PULSE BRIEF Pulse calls for student submissions The Pulse desk is cur rently accepting submis sions for creative works to be published in the May 27 issue. All Univer sity students are welcome to submit works in any medium. Work can be submit ted via e-mail at pulse@dailyemerald.co m or dropped off at the Emerald office, located in EMU Suite 300. Label any submissions "Pulse creative space" and in clude detailed contact in formation. The Emerald makes no guarantees regarding publication or return of work samples. Students will retain ownership of any work chosen for pub lication in the paper, and attribution will be given in print. — Aaron Shakra CAMPUS BUZZ Tuesday • Conflict Resolution Brown Bag en titled "Campus and Community Restorative Justice Programs,” EMU Board Room, 12:15-1:30 p.m. • Human Resources Workshop en titled "Participatory Processes and Decision-Making," EMU Alsea/Co quille rooms, 1-4 p.m. Preregis tration required. • Sustainable Business Group Spring Speaker Series featuring a talk by Ian Hill; a founding mem ber of SeQuential Biofuels, LLC; Lillis 232,6-7:30 p.m. 019124 Full-time, entry-level position. ASSISTANT ADVERTISING DIRECTOR The Oregon Daily Emerald, the independent student-run newspaper at the UO, is looking for a person to assist in the operations of the advertising department and the marketing and promotion of the Oregon Daily Emerald. This job requires sales, project management, customer service and good written and verbal communication skills. Candidate must be comfortable in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented office. Bachelor's degree required. Experience and/or education in advertising or related fields a plus. Compensation is a combination of base pay, commission and benefits. Call for a complete job description and instructions on how to apply (541) 346-3712. Deadline to apply is Friday, May 28. Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer committed to cultural diversity. o UNIVERSITY OF OREGON It’s Here Now! 2004 Summer Session Registration Register for Summer Classes Book Your Summer in Oregon Summer Session starts June 21. Pick up your free summer catalog today in the Summer Session office, 333 Oregon Hall, at the UO Bookstore, or read it online. You can speed your way toward graduation by taking required courses during summer. Check Out Our Website! http://uosummer.uoregon.edu