EPD cautions public to avoid convicted check scammer Allen Reed pleaded guilty to theft after he conned two students into cashing fraudulent checks for him By Lisa Catto News Reporter i The Eugene Police Department is concerned that a convicted check scammer who targets University stu dents will continue to prey on the campus community even though he has been banned from campus property. Allen Tyrone Reed, 32, a 6 foot-tall, 240 pound black male, pleaded guilty Feb. 26 to theft in the sec ond degree in Eugene Munici pal Court for victimizing stu dents, accord ing to EPD. EPD officer Randy Ellis said Reed uses a scam to trick students into giving him money. Reed convinces students to deposit a false check into their accounts and has the students immediately withdraw the majority of the amount from their accounts to give back to him. The student and the bank do not realize the check is a fake until later. Allen Tyrone Reed Banned from campus "He could be victimizing more stu dents in the future, that's the main thing we want to avoid," Ellis said. "Also what we want to avoid is some one else being able to come on to the campus and victimize students with this same type of scam." Ellis said the first incident on cam pus occurred Jan. 30. According to the incident report, Reed, who claimed to be a student, befriended sophomore David Seltzer while playing video games in the EMU and told Seltzer he could help him get a job. Reed went to get a job application for a restaurant in the food court and gave it to Seltzer, falsely claiming he worked there and could put in a good word with the boss, Ellis said. I Reed gave the application to Seltzer and said he needed help depositing his paycheck. Reed claimed he didn't have identification with him, so he couldn't deposit the check, Ellis said. The incident report stated that Reed asked Seltzer to deposit the $400 check, which was already sealed into a deposit envelope, into his account. He then told Seltzer to only withdraw $350 and to keep the remaining $50 for his trouble. "He could be victimizing more students in the future, that's the main thing we want to avoid." Randy Ellis EPD Officer Ellis said the incident occurred at the U S. Bank at 810 E. 13th Ave., which is right across the street from the West University police station. Reed said he would meet Seltzer later in the day at the Lillis Business Complex to help him with the job ap plication, Ellis said. After depositing Reed's check, Seltzer felt Reed's request was strange, so he reported it to the bank, Ellis said. The bank pulled out the deposit ed envelope and found it contained an old bus ticket in place of a check. Ellis said Seltzer immediately went to the police station to report what had happened and to inform the offi cers that he was planning to meet Reed later in the day. A couple of officers escorted Seltzer to Lillis, Ellis said, and Reed eventual ly showed up. He was arrested for theft and later pleaded guilty to theft in the second degree in Eugene Mu nicipal Court on Feb. 26. "We have had similar scams be fore," Ellis said. "But they weren't where somebody was trying to pass themselves off as a student." Reed also allegedly stole many items from University football play ers in the locker room at Autzen Sta dium, including a player's credit card, Ellis said. On Feb. 23, Reed used the credit card at the University Bookstore to buy $285 worth of clothing, Ellis said. The police tracked down Reed to his hotel room and found several items that football players reported stolen, including clothing, textbooks, a cell phone and a backpack, Ellis said. Reed was arrested but released one day later due to jail overcrowding, El lis said. "Even though he (is not supposed to come back on) University proper ty, " Ellis said, "... I think he will con tinue to do this." He added that Reed's police record shows he allegedly victimized students at Portland State Universi ty as well. Ellis emphasized many people prey on students in a similar manner, adding that he hopes students will be more careful about their belongings and who they try to help. So far, EPD believes Reed has com mitted two check scams, stolen from three football players and possibly stolen a University identification card. He added that Reed has also been spotted several times in the residence halls. Director of Residence Life Sandy Schoonover said a couple of thefts in the H.P. Barnhart dining center have been "potentially attributed to him." She added that if staff members see someone who looks suspicious in the residence halls, the staff member should immediately notify the De partment of Public Safety. "Don't let people you don't know in the residence halls," Schoonover said. "You don't know their back grounds." She said every student must be ac tive about their own safety and the safety of those around them. Ellis echoed that concern, adding that students shouldn't leave their doors unlocked when going to the bathroom or to eat. "We're trying to alert you to the problem with Mr. Reed," Ellis said. "Also just in the way students can be victimized in general without realiz ing they even are (victimized)." Contact the crime/health/ safety reporter at lisacatto@dailyemerald.com. 1 018555 VEL GUIDE -* has the INFORMATION you need. This special section will focus on fun stuff to do near and far. On the stands, Wednesday, April 21. Oregon Daily Emerald The campus newspaper for the University of Oregon Community Cheap Fanes? 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