Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 2004, Page 4, Image 4

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Alumnus endows
professorship to UO
Former University student Robert
Lee and his wife, Gloria Lee, have fund
ed an endowed professorship and a stu
dent scholarship that, when fully fund
ed, will provide more than $ 1 million
to the University's departments of Eng
lish and art history, according to a Uni
versity press release.
The donation was given in honor of
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Professor Emeritus A. Kingsley Weath
erhead, who taught Robert Lee while he
pursued his doctorate in English from
"Students will say or write silly things
sometimes, and it's easy to mock or crit
icize, but that's discouraging to stu
dents," Robert Lee said, who taught lit
erature, art history and other
humanities courses at California State
University at San Bernardino for 24
years. "Professor Weatherhead was gen
tle with students, and I tried to take the
same approach in my own teaching."
Weatherhead and Robert Lee both
agreed the endowed professorship
should go to the teaching of William
Shakespeare's literature. The first Gloria
Toval Lee Scholarship in art history will
be awarded next school year.
The endowed professorship is
only the second for the Department
of English.
'The endowed professorship will sig
nificantly enhance the ability of our Eng
lish department to attract and retain the
very best professors," said Joe Stone,
dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
About 700 students, both majors
and non-majors, take courses in Shake
speare's literature each year.
"With the UO's fund-raising efforts
concentrating on the impact of dona
tions to support teaching and expand
opportunities for students, the Lees' gift
addresses critical needs to art history
students," School of Architecture and
Allied Arts Dean Robert Melnick said.
"We are most appreciative of their lead
ership and generosity."
— Jared Paben
continued from page 1
distinguished psychologist of the
20th century and the first among liv
ing psychologists.
Slavich will receive an all-expense
paid trip to the APS convention,
where he will accept his award,
which includes a three-year mem
bership to the society and two en
graved plaques, one for Slavich and
one for the Department of Psycholo
gy, according to a press release from
Psi Chi.
In 2003, Slavich was voted Graduate
Teaching Fellow of the Year by more
than 16,000 University undergradu
ates, according to the release.
But he said the most meaningful
award was the one in honor of Ban
dura, who is his "intellectual role
model." Slavich also said he was
completely surprised when he heard
he was the winner of the award.
"I think the real shock is to be
honored and to have my name in
the same sentence as (Bandura's
name)," Slavich said.
Contact the people/
culture/faith reporter
at jaredpaben@dailyemerald.com.
continued from page 1
"The injury has not changed by is
suing more licenses," Koch said.
Multnomah County officials be
gan issuing marriage licenses to gay
couples on March 3. An opinion
from County Attorney Agnes Sowle
concluded that refusing marriage li
censes to same-sex couples violates
Article I, Section 20 of the Oregon
Constitution, which states: "No law
shall be passed granting to any citi
zen or class of citizens privileges or
immunities, which, upon the same
terms, shall not equally belong to
all citizens."
The county has issued more than
1,200 marriage licenses since March 3.
However, Defense of Marriage
Coalition lawyer Kelly Clark said mar
riage statutes clearly state that mar
riage is between a "husband and a
wife," according to the news report.
At press time, the coalition had
not returned phone calls.
Oregon law defines marriage as "a
civil contract entered into in person
by males at least 17 years of age and
females at least 17 years of age, who
are otherwise capable, and solem
nized in accordance with ORS
106.150." However, ORS 106.150
states, "In the solemnization of a
marriage no particular form is re
quired except that... they take each
other to be husband and wife."
University Law Professor Do
minick Vetri, who is a specialist in
gay and lesbian civil rights, said the
decision was "wonderful news."
"It means that the judge believes
that there was no harm to the com
munity," Vetri said. He added that
the judge probably didn't think the
plaintiffs had a substantial chance of
moving their case forward.
Vetri said Koch's decision may be
a preliminary view into the final
outcome of the case. As the case
moves on to the next stages, he said
the most critical points will be the
legalities surrounding whether or
not gay couples can get married in
the state.
"It's all about the legal questions,"
he said.
Contact the news editor
at ayishayahya@dailyemerald.com
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