African Community Night showcases music, dance The event featured songs and dances from Lucky Moyo, a Zimbabwean musician visiting Eugene By Lennon Bergland Freelance Reporter A packed Gerlinger Annex expe rienced a slice of Zimbabwean cul ture Saturday at the African Com munity Night. Headlining the event were perform ances by Dance Africa, Cedric Weary and the UO Gospel Singers, the Kutsin hira Cultural Arts Center and about 50 third-grade children from the Village School and Irving Elementary. The audience clapped and shouted with the performers, who learned the original dance pieces and traditional songs from Zimbabwean musician Lucky Moyo. "If there is ever to be an understand ing in this world, it must surely come through cultural exchange," Moyo said. "Only in this way can people begin to understand each other a little better." Moyo's stay in Eugene was hosted by the Kutsinhira Cultural Arts Center, a local nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching of Zimbabwean music. Moyo shared Zimbabwean culture with more than 300 children through games, singing and stories. "He told stories, and he made jokes," said Village School student and per former EllianaTessler. "We danced, and we learned a song and played a bunch of games." The majority of seats were reserved for families of the performers. Brothers and sisters squirmed in their chairs as their siblings paraded on stage, singing "Away... away to Zimbabwe." Many of the students' parents ^#J§ I'm. Tim Kupsick Freelance Photographer Lucky Moyo performed dances and songs at the African Community Night celebration Saturday. He also used games to share Zimbabwean culture with the children in attendance. shared their pleasure that Moyo could visit the schools. "I am very happy with the work that Lucky has done with my company," said Rita Honka, director of the Univer sity Dance Department's Dance Africa. "His greatest gift was offered joyously and accepted joyously by my company." Dance Africa jumped and stomped on stage to the beat of hand drums in a dance that demonstrated the different roles of men and women in traditional Zimbabwean culture. The UO Gospel Singers sang two songs in Zimbabwean style with ex pressive voices and powerful solos. "I want you all to be humming these songs in your car on the way home," Moyo said. Kutsinhira Arts Center organizer Erin Ely said she was excited about the African Community Night and thank ful to have Moyo's talents in Eugene "It is a showcase of Lucky's visit" she said. "It's a cool culmination of all that he has done here." Lennon Bergiand is a freelance reporter for the Emerald. NEWS BRIEF APASU Spring Fling draws nearly 170 people Asian Pacific American Student Union members and a few others strutted their stuff Sunday at the APA SU Spring Fling '04 fashion show, which also included a talent show and date auction. APASU put on the event, which drew nearly 170 people, primarily to publicize the organization. "It's just something ... to get expo sure for our union," junior and APA SU Programs Coordinator Clarissa Chan said. The fashion show featured sports wear, formal wear, sleepwear, dub wear, beachwear and business attire. Partidpants also modeled traditional dothing from India and China. Fresh man Nicole De Lancie modeled her University cyding uniform. "I wanted to show APASU that I was involved and that I cared about APASU," she said. ASUO Student Senate President Ben Strawn displayed his University Crew Tim Kupsick Freelance Photographer Kit Myers (left) and Diana Aguilar (center) auctioned off Sam Mao for $30 at the Asian Pacific American Student Union’s Spring Fling on Sunday night. warmups by unzipping his jacket and throwing his hat into the crowd. Sophomore and APASU Office Manager Becky Leung said the organi zation actively recruited non-Asian students to participate in the event. "I wanted to see more diversity in this event because APASU isn't just for Asian people," she said. The show commenced with a Spanish rap and Tagolog. Students also wowed the crowd with their performance of a Korean and Eng lish rap song. The event concluded with a date auction to raise money for the organization. Sophomore Erin Fanshier said the event is important "to increase aware ness that there's an international com munity on campus." — Moriah Balingit Your place for N EWSreader classifieds ARCHIVES nd more Today's crossword solution FREE TRAINING OFFERED DURING SPRING BREAK March 22nd to March 25th - Limited space available $$ Earn money during summer break $$ DON’T PLAY WITH FIRE! Phone: (541)688-1900 29772 Clear Lake Rd. WORK FOR THE BEST...SKOOKUM ...THE SAFEST, MOST PROFESSIONAL, PRIVATE WILDLAND FIRE FIGHTING COMPANY IN THE WEST.. Positions available immediately and during the 2 summerfor men and women. Training available l| for inexperienced workers. P.O. 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UNIVERSITY OF OREGON GRADUATION FAIR Sunday, April 4 through Wednesday, April 7 ■ Main ceremony information ■ Diploma frames ■ Order your announcements - Regalia (caps gowns tassel) & class rings ■ UO Alumni Information No tickets are needed to attend the ceremonies. Informational brochures will be sent out March 22 and April 26 and can be found on the commencement website. For more information now, visit the UO commencement website at: UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE